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This repository describes how to extract Tracker RecHit information from CMS full simulation events.


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This repository describes how to extract Tracker RecHit information from CMS full simulation events.


cmsrel CMSSW_5_3_32
cd CMSSW_5_3_32/src/
git clone
scram b -j 4
# if using CMS resources (like CRAB, you can set it up after:)
# voms-proxy-init -rfc -voms cms --valid 168:00

Data flow

For QCD MC: Step0 (GEN-SIM) --> Step 1 (GEN-SIM-RAW) --> Step 2 (AOD) --> Step3 (Ntuples)

For ttbar MC: LHE --> Step0 (GEN-SIM) --> Step 1 (GEN-SIM-RAW) --> Step 2 (AOD) --> Step3 (Ntuples)

Data sets

Data set name Description Number of events Number of files
QCD300to600 QCD, flat pT hat spectrum, 300 < pT hat < 600 GeV 1497600 2496
QCD400to600 QCD, flat pT hat spectrum, 400 < pT hat < 600 GeV 1989000 3315
QCD600to3000 QCD, flat pT hat spectrum, 600 < pT hat < 3000 GeV 2974800 4959
ttbar ttbar, fully hadronic decays, pT of the top/antitop greater than 400 GeV 2969109 4055

Create GEN-SIM root files

Follow the instructions to setup the Global Tag database for 2012 Montecarlo data here:

To generate QCD600to3000 events:

  1. set the number of events to be generated:
  2. set the output file name:
  3. run CMSSW: cmsRun configs/

QCD300to600 and QCD400to600 samples can be produced using a similar procedure, usign the corresponding config files:

To generate ttbar events one needs to produce the LHE files first, using Madgraph. The Madgraph data cards are given here: Once this is done the LHE input file can be set here: Output file and number of events to process can be set in a similar way to the QCD files.

Create RAW root files

  1. set the input/output files and the number of events to process (-1 means all the events):
  2. run CMSSW:

cmsRun configs/

Create AODSIM root files

  1. set the input/output files and the number of events to process in a similar way to step1
  2. run CMSSW:

cmsRun configs/

Create root ntuple files

  1. set the input files and the number of events to process in a similar way to step2. The name of the output file can be set in: (must recompile if changed)
  2. run CMSSW:

cmsRun configs/

Data set content

Data variable Type Description
hit_global_x std::vector<float> global x position of the RecHit
hit_global_y std::vector<float> global y position of the RecHit
hit_global_z std::vector<float> global z position of the RecHit
hit_local_x std::vector<float> x pos. of the hit in the local sensor coordinate
hit_local_y std::vector<float> y pos. of the hit in the local sensor coordinate
hit_local_x_error std::vector<float> x error in the local sensor coordinate
hit_local_y_error std::vector<float> y error in the local sensor coordinate
hit_sub_det std::vector<unsigned int> subdetector generating the hit [1]
hit_layer std::vector<unsigned int> layer/disk of the subdetector generating the hit
hit_type std::vector<unsigned int> type of sistrip hit [2]
hit_simtrack_id std::vector<int> ID number of the sim track matched to the hit
hit_simtrack_index std::vector<unsigned int> index of the sim track matched to the hit
hit_simtrack_match std::vector<bool> is the hit matched to a sim track?
hit_genparticle_id std::vector<unsigned int> index of the gen particle matched to the hit
hit_pdgid std::vector<int> PDG ID of the gen particle matched to the hit
hit_recotrack_id std::vector<unsigned int> index of the reco track matched to the hit
hit_recotrack_match std::vector<bool> is the hit matched to a reco track?
hit_genparticle_match std::vector<bool> is the hit matched to a gen particle?
hit_genjet_id std::vector<unsigned int> index of the gen jet matched to the hit
hit_genjet_match std::vector<bool> is the hit matched to a gen jet?
simtrack_id std::vector<unsigned int> ID number of the sim track
simtrack_pdgid std::vector<int> PDG ID of the sim track
simtrack_charge std::vector<int> charge of the sim track
simtrack_px std::vector<float> momentum x component of the sim track
simtrack_py std::vector<float> momentum y component of the sim track
simtrack_pz std::vector<float> momentum z component of the sim track
simtrack_energy std::vector<float> energy of the sim track
simtrack_vtxid std::vector<unsigned int> ID number of the sim vertex of the sim track
simtrack_genid std::vector<unsigned int> index of the gen particle associated to the track
simtrack_evtid std::vector<uint32_t> event ID of the sim track
genpart_collid std::vector<int> collision ID of the gen particle
genpart_pdgid std::vector<int> PDG ID of the gen particle
genpart_charge std::vector<int> charge of the gen particle
genpart_px std::vector<float> momentum x component of the gen particle
genpart_py std::vector<float> momentum y component of the gen particle
genpart_px std::vector<float> momentum z component of the gen particle
genpart_energy std::vector<float> energy of the gen particle
genpart_status std::vector<int> PDG status of the gen particle
genjet_px std::vector<float> momentum x component of the gen jet
genjet_py std::vector<float> momentum y component of the gen jet
genjet_pz std::vector<float> momentum z component of the gen jet
genjet_energy std::vector<float> energy of the gen jet
genjet_emEnergy std::vector<float> electromagnetic energy of the gen jet
genjet_hadEnergy std::vector<float> hadronic energy of the gen jet
genjet_invisibleEnergy std::vector<float> invisible energy of the gen jet
genjet_auxiliaryEnergy std::vector<float> auxiliary energy of the gen jet
genjet_const_collid std::vector<std::vector<int> > collision ID of the constituent of the gen jet
genjet_const_pdgid std::vector<std::vector<int> > PDG ID of the constituent of the gen jet
genjet_const_charge std::vector<std::vector<int> > charge of the constituent of the gen jet
genjet_const_px std::vector<std::vector<float> > momentum x component of the constituent of the gen jet
genjet_const_py std::vector<std::vector<float> > momentum y component of the constituent of the gen jet
genjet_const_pz std::vector<std::vector<float> > momentum z component of the constituent of the gen jet
genjet_const_energy std::vector<std::vector<float> > energy of the constituent of the gen jet
track_chi2 std::vector<float> chi2 of the reco track fit
track_ndof std::vector<float> ndof of the reco track fit
track_chi2ndof std::vector<float> reduced chi2 of the reco track fit
track_charge std::vector<float> charge of the reco track
track_momentum std::vector<float> momentum of the reco track
track_pt std::vector<float> transverse momentum of the reco track
track_pterr std::vector<float> error on the transverse momentum of the reco track
track_hitsvalid std::vector<unsigned int> number of valid hits in the reco track
track_hitslost std::vector<unsigned int> number of lost hits in the reco track
track_theta std::vector<float> theta angle of the reco track
track_thetaerr std::vector<float> error on theta of the reco track
track_phi std::vector<float> phi angle of the reco track
track_phierr std::vector<float> error on phi of the reco track
track_eta std::vector<float> pseudorapidity of the reco track
track_etaerr std::vector<float> error on pseudorapidity of the reco track
track_dxy std::vector<float> transverse impact parameter of the reco track
track_dxyerr std::vector<float> error on the transverse impact parameter of the reco track
track_dsz std::vector<float> longitudinal impact parameter of the reco track
track_dszerr std::vector<float> error on the longitudinal impact parameter of the reco track
track_qoverp std::vector<float> charge over momentum of the reco track
track_qoverperr std::vector<float> error on charge over momentum of the track
track_vx std::vector<float> x position of the vertex of the reco track
track_vy std::vector<float> y position of the vertex of the reco track
track_vz std::vector<float> z position of the vertex of the reco track
track_algo std::vector<Int_t> algorithm type of the reco track
track_hit_global_x std::vector<std::vector<float> > global x position of the RecHit associated to the reco track
track_hit_global_y std::vector<std::vector<float> > global y position of the RecHit associated to the reco track
track_hit_global_z std::vector<std::vector<float> > global z position of the RecHit associated to the reco track
track_hit_local_x std::vector<std::vector<float> > local x position of the RecHit associated to the reco track
track_hit_local_y std::vector<std::vector<float> > local y position of the RecHit associated to the reco track
track_hit_local_x_error std::vector<std::vector<float> > error on local x position of the RecHit associated to the reco track
track_hit_local_y_error std::vector<std::vector<float> > error on local y position of the RecHit associated to the reco track
track_hit_sub_det std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > subdetector generating the hit [1] associated to the reco track
track_hit_layer std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > layer/disk of the subdetector generating the hit associated to the reco track

[1] 1 PixelBarrel, 2 PixelEndcap, 3 TIB, 4 TID, 5 TOB, 6 TEC

[2] 0 Pixel hit, 1 rphiRecHit, 2 stereoRecHit, 3 rphiRecHitUnmatched, 4 stereoRecHitUnmatched


This repository describes how to extract Tracker RecHit information from CMS full simulation events.







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