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DD4hep Tracker DDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo Migration && test
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vargasa committed Jul 30, 2019
1 parent 72e9ddf commit 45d6b32
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Showing 4 changed files with 268 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<ConstantsSection label="" eval="true">
<Constant name="world_x" value="5*m"/>
<Constant name="world_y" value="5*m"/>
<Constant name="fm" value="1e-12*m"/>
<Constant name="world_z" value="5*m"/>
<Constant name="Air" value="materials:Air" type="string"/>
<Constant name="Vacuum" value="materials:Vacuum" type="string"/>

<Include ref="DetectorDescription/DDCMS/data/testDDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo.xml"/>
<Include ref="Geometry/TrackerCommonData/data/PhaseI/PixelForward/pixfwdDisks.xml"/>
<Include ref="DetectorDescription/DDCMS/data/materials.xml"/>

66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions DetectorDescription/DDCMS/data/testDDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<Box name="MotherOfAllBoxes" dx="10*m" dy="10*m" dz="10*m"/>
<Box name="ChildVolume" dx="10*m" dy="10*m" dz="10*m"/>

<LogicalPart name="MotherOfAllBoxes">
<rMaterial name="materials:Air"/>
<rSolid name="MotherOfAllBoxes"/>
<LogicalPart name="ChildVolume">
<rMaterial name="materials:Air"/>
<rSolid name="ChildVolume"/>

<ConstantsSection label="pixfwdInnerDisk1.xml" eval="true">
<Constant name="InnerRingRMin" value="37.5*mm"/>
<Constant name="InnerRingRMax" value="[InnerRingRMin]+2.0*mm"/>
<Constant name="InnerRingCFRMin" value="[InnerRingRMax]"/>
<Constant name="InnerRingCFRMax" value="[InnerRingCFRMin]+0.5*mm"/>
<Constant name="InnerRingHalfWidth" value="15.0*mm"/>
<Constant name="InnerRingZ" value="[pixfwdDisks:DiskHalfWidth]-[InnerRingHalfWidth]"/>
<Constant name="OuterRingRMax" value="116.6*mm"/>
<Constant name="OuterRingRMin" value="[OuterRingRMax]-2.00*mm"/>
<Constant name="OuterRingCFRMax" value="[OuterRingRMin]"/>
<Constant name="OuterRingCFRMin" value="[OuterRingCFRMax]-0.5*mm"/>
<Constant name="OuterRingHalfWidth" value="14*mm"/>
<Constant name="OuterRingZ" value="[pixfwdDisks:DiskHalfWidth]-[OuterRingHalfWidth]"/>

<Algorithm name="track:DDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo">
<rParent name="testDDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo:MotherOfAllBoxes"/>
<String name="ChildName" value="testDDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo:ChildVolume"/>
<Numeric name="StartCopyNo" value="0"/>
<Numeric name="NumberOfBlades" value="22"/>
<Numeric name="BladeAngle" value="20*deg"/>
<Numeric name="BladeTilt" value="12*deg"/>
<Numeric name="BladeCommonZ" value="-18.7*mm"/>
<Vector name="BladeZShift" type="numeric" nEntries="22">
7.12*mm, 2.62*mm, -1.88*mm, -6.38*mm, -10.88*mm,
11.62*mm, 7.12*mm, 2.62*mm, -1.88*mm, -6.38*mm, -10.88*mm,
7.12*mm, 2.62*mm, -1.88*mm, -6.38*mm, -10.88*mm,
11.62*mm, 7.12*mm, 2.62*mm, -1.88*mm, -6.38*mm, -10.88*mm

<Numeric name="AnchorRadius" value="78.7*mm"/>
<String name="RotationName" value="pixfwdInnerDisk1:PixInner"/>
<String name="FlagString" value="YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"/>

<PosPartSection label="">
<PosPart copyNumber="2">
<rParent name=":world_volume"/>
<rChild name="MotherOfAllBoxes"/>
<PosPart copyNumber="100">
<rParent name="MotherOfAllBoxes"/>
<rChild name="testDDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo:ChildVolume"/>

121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
// File:
// Description: Position n copies at given z-values
#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
#include "DetectorDescription/DDCMS/interface/DDPlugins.h"
#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"

#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/GeantUnits.h"

#include <sstream>

using namespace geant_units::operators; // _deg and convertRadToDeg

static long algorithm(dd4hep::Detector& /* description */,
cms::DDParsingContext& ctxt,
xml_h e,
dd4hep::SensitiveDetector& /* sens */) {
cms::DDNamespace ns(ctxt, e, true);
cms::DDAlgoArguments args(ctxt, e);

int nBlades; //Number of blades
int startCopyNo; //Start Copy number
double bladeAngle; //Angle of blade rotation aroung y-axis
double bladeTilt; //Tilt of the blade around x-axis
double zPlane; //Common shift in z for all blades
std::vector<double> bladeZShift; //Shift in Z of individual blades
double anchorR; //Distance of beam line to anchor point

std::string childName; //Child name
std::string rotName; //Name of the base rotation matrix
std::string flagString; //Flag if a blade is present

dd4hep::Volume mother = ns.volume(args.parentName());
dd4hep::PlacedVolume pv;

startCopyNo = args.find("startCopyNo") ? args.value<int>("StartCopyNo") : 1;
nBlades = args.value<int>("NumberOfBlades");
bladeAngle = args.value<double>("BladeAngle");
bladeTilt = args.value<double>("BladeTilt");
zPlane = args.value<double>("BladeCommonZ");
anchorR = args.value<double>("AnchorRadius");

bladeZShift = args.value<std::vector<double> >("BladeZShift");

childName = args.value<std::string>("ChildName");
rotName = args.value<std::string>("RotationName");
flagString = args.value<std::string>("FlagString");

dd4hep::Volume child = ns.volume(childName);

edm::LogVerbatim("TrackerGeom") << "DDPixFwdDiskAlgo debug: Parent " << << "\tChild " <<
<< " NameSpace " << << "\tRot Name " << rotName << "\tCopyNo (Start/Total) "
<< startCopyNo << ", " << nBlades << "\tAngles " << convertRadToDeg(bladeAngle)
<< ", " << convertRadToDeg(bladeTilt) << "\tZshifts " << zPlane << "\tAnchor Radius "
<< anchorR;

for (int iBlade = 0; iBlade < nBlades; ++iBlade) {
edm::LogVerbatim("TrackerGeom") << "DDPixFwdDiskAlgo: Blade " << iBlade << " flag " << flagString[iBlade]
<< " zshift " << bladeZShift[iBlade];

double deltaPhi = 360.0_deg / (double)nBlades;
int copyNo = startCopyNo;
std::string flagSelector = "Y";

for (int iBlade = 0; iBlade < nBlades; ++iBlade) {
if (flagString[iBlade] == flagSelector[0]) {
std::string rotstr = rotName[0] + std::to_string(double(copyNo));
double phi = (iBlade + 0.5) * deltaPhi;
double phiy = atan2(cos(phi), -sin(phi));
double thety = acos(sin(bladeTilt));
double phix = atan2(cos(bladeAngle) * sin(phi) + cos(phi) * sin(bladeTilt) * sin(bladeAngle),
cos(phi) * cos(bladeAngle) - sin(phi) * sin(bladeTilt) * sin(bladeAngle));
double thetx = acos(-cos(bladeTilt) * sin(bladeAngle));
double phiz = atan2(sin(phi) * sin(bladeAngle) - cos(phi) * cos(bladeAngle) * sin(bladeTilt),
cos(phi) * sin(bladeAngle) + cos(bladeAngle) * sin(phi) * sin(bladeTilt));
double thetz = acos(cos(bladeTilt) * cos(bladeAngle));

auto rot = dd4hep::Rotation3D();

auto irot = ctxt.rotations.find(ns.prepend(rotstr));

if (irot != ctxt.rotations.end()) {
edm::LogVerbatim("TrackerGeom") << "DDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo test: Creating a new "
<< "rotation: " << rotstr << "\t" << convertRadToDeg(thetx) << ", "
<< convertRadToDeg(phix) << ", " << convertRadToDeg(thety) << ", "
<< convertRadToDeg(phiy) << ", " << convertRadToDeg(thetz) << ", "
<< convertRadToDeg(phiz);

edm::LogVerbatim("TrackerGeom") << "Rotation Matrix (" << convertRadToDeg(phi) << ", "
<< convertRadToDeg(bladeAngle) << ", " << convertRadToDeg(bladeTilt) << ") "
<< cos(phi) * cos(bladeAngle) << ", "
<< (-sin(phi) * cos(bladeTilt) + cos(phi) * sin(bladeAngle) * sin(bladeTilt))
<< ", "
<< (sin(phi) * sin(bladeTilt) + cos(phi) * sin(bladeAngle) * cos(bladeTilt))
<< ", " << sin(phi) * cos(bladeAngle) << ", "
<< (cos(phi) * cos(bladeTilt) + sin(phi) * sin(bladeAngle) * sin(bladeTilt))
<< ", "
<< (-cos(phi) * sin(bladeTilt) + sin(phi) * sin(bladeAngle) * cos(bladeTilt))
<< ", " << -sin(bladeAngle) << ", " << cos(bladeAngle) * sin(bladeTilt) << ", "
<< cos(bladeAngle) * cos(bladeTilt);
rot = cms::makeRotation3D(thetx, phix, thety, phiy, thetz, phiz);
double xpos = -anchorR * sin(phi);
double ypos = anchorR * cos(phi);
double zpos = zPlane + bladeZShift[iBlade % nBlades];

dd4hep::Position tran(xpos, ypos, zpos);
pv = mother.placeVolume(child, copyNo, dd4hep::Transform3D(rot, tran));
edm::LogVerbatim("TrackerGeom") << "DDPixFwdDiskAlgo test: " << << ": " << childName << " number "
<< copyNo << " positioned in " << << " at " << tran << " with "
<< rot;
return cms::s_executed;

DECLARE_DDCMS_DETELEMENT(DDCMS_track_DDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo, algorithm)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

process = cms.Process("DDCMSDetectorTest")

process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource")
process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( input = cms.untracked.int32(1) )

process.MessageLogger = cms.Service(
statistics = cms.untracked.vstring('cout', 'testDDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo'),
categories = cms.untracked.vstring('TrackerGeom'),
cout = cms.untracked.PSet(
threshold = cms.untracked.string('WARNING'),
noLineBreaks = cms.untracked.bool(True)
testDDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo = cms.untracked.PSet(
INFO = cms.untracked.PSet(
limit = cms.untracked.int32(0)
noLineBreaks = cms.untracked.bool(True),
DEBUG = cms.untracked.PSet(
limit = cms.untracked.int32(0)
WARNING = cms.untracked.PSet(
limit = cms.untracked.int32(0)
ERROR = cms.untracked.PSet(
limit = cms.untracked.int32(0)
threshold = cms.untracked.string('INFO'),
TrackerGeom = cms.untracked.PSet(
limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1)
destinations = cms.untracked.vstring('cout',

process.DDDetectorESProducer = cms.ESSource("DDDetectorESProducer",
confGeomXMLFiles = cms.FileInPath('DetectorDescription/DDCMS/data/cms-test-ddpixphase1fwddisk-algo.xml'),
appendToDataLabel = cms.string('testDDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo')

process.testDump = cms.EDAnalyzer("DDTestDumpFile",
DDDetector = cms.ESInputTag('','testDDPixPhase1FwdDiskAlgo')

process.p = cms.Path(process.testDump)

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