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Merge pull request #11437 from cms-l1t-offline/l1t-lutupdates-75X-nodata
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Backport of PR #11253 to 75X - Updates to Tau and Jet calibration LUT, Alg fixes
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cmsbuild committed Oct 21, 2015
2 parents bf8417c + 19964e5 commit 5a16934
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Showing 6 changed files with 58 additions and 18 deletions.
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/python/
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# EG
caloStage1Params.egLsb = cms.double(1.)
caloStage1Params.egSeedThreshold = cms.double(1.)
caloStage1Params.egSeedThreshold = cms.double(0.)

caloStage1Params.egMinPtJetIsolation = cms.int32(25)
caloStage1Params.egMaxPtJetIsolation = cms.int32(63)
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caloStage1Params.tauMaxJetIsolationB = cms.double(100.)
caloStage1Params.tauMaxJetIsolationA = cms.double(0.1)
caloStage1Params.tauIsoLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/tauIsoLUT_stage1_isolA0.10_isolB100.00_ch_switchToIsoBPt192.00_j8t8.txt")
caloStage1Params.tauCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/tauCalibrationLUT_stage1.txt")
## caloStage1Params.tauCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/tauCalibrationLUT_stage1.txt")
caloStage1Params.tauCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/tauL1Calib_LUT.txt")
caloStage1Params.tauEtToHFRingEtLUTFile= cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/tauHwEtToHFRingScale_LUT.txt")
caloStage1Params.isoTauEtaMin = cms.int32(5)
caloStage1Params.isoTauEtaMax = cms.int32(16)
# jets
caloStage1Params.jetLsb = cms.double(0.5)
caloStage1Params.jetSeedThreshold = cms.double(10.)
caloStage1Params.jetSeedThreshold = cms.double(5.)
caloStage1Params.jetNeighbourThreshold = cms.double(0.)
caloStage1Params.jetCalibrationType = cms.string("Stage1JEC")
caloStage1Params.jetCalibrationParams = jetSF_8TeV_data
caloStage1Params.jetCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/jetCalibrationLUT_stage1_prelim.txt")
## caloStage1Params.jetCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/jetCalibrationLUT_stage1_prelim.txt")
caloStage1Params.jetCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/jetCalibrationLUT_symmetric_0is0.txt")

# sums
caloStage1Params.etSumLsb = cms.double(0.5)
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Expand Up @@ -147,6 +147,8 @@ unsigned l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::isoLutIndex(unsigned int egPt,un
const unsigned int nbitsEG=6; // number of bits used for EG bins in LUT file (needed for left shift operation)
// const unsigned int nbitsJet=9; // not used but here for info number of bits used for Jet bins in LUT file

//jetPt &= 511; // Take only the LSB 9 bits to match firmware.
if(jetPt > 511) jetPt = 511;
unsigned int address= (jetPt << nbitsEG) + egPt;
// std::cout << address << "\t## " << egPt << " " << jetPt << std::endl;
return address;
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Expand Up @@ -98,11 +98,6 @@ void l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(const std::vector<l1t::C
int sumHT, MHT, iPhiHT;
std::tie(sumHT, MHT, iPhiHT) = doSumAndMET(regionHtVect, ETSumType::kHadronicSum);

//MHT is replaced with MHT/HT
uint16_t MHToHT=MHToverHT(MHT,sumHT);
//iPhiHt is replaced by the dPhi between two most energetic jets
iPhiHT = DiJetPhi(jets);

// Set quality (i.e. overflow) bits appropriately
int METqual = 0;
int MHTqual = 0;
Expand All @@ -117,6 +112,14 @@ void l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(const std::vector<l1t::C
if(sumHT >= 0xfff)
HTTqual = 1;

MHT &= 127; // limit MHT to 7 bits as the firmware does, but only after checking for overflow.
//MHT is replaced with MHT/HT
uint16_t MHToHT=MHToverHT(MHT,sumHT);
// std::cout << "MHT HT MHT/HT" << std::endl;
// std::cout << MHT << " " << sumHT << " " << MHToHT << std::endl;
//iPhiHt is replaced by the dPhi between two most energetic jets
iPhiHT = DiJetPhi(jets);

const ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > etLorentz(0,0,0,0);
l1t::EtSum etMiss(*&etLorentz,EtSum::EtSumType::kMissingEt,MET&0xfff,0,iPhiET,METqual);
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Expand Up @@ -131,12 +131,13 @@ void l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(const std::vector<l1t::Cal
if ((highestNeighborTauVeto == 0 && regionTauVeto == 0) || tauEt > tauMaxPtTauVeto) {
int jetEt=AssociatedJetPt(region->hwEta(), region->hwPhi(),unCorrJets);
if (jetEt>0){
// unsigned int MAX_LUT_ADDRESS = params_->tauIsolationLUT()->maxSize()-1;
unsigned int MAX_LUT_ADDRESS = params_->tauIsolationLUT()->maxSize()-1;
// unsigned int lutAddress = isoLutIndex(tauEt,jetEt);
unsigned lutAddress = isoTauLut->lutAddress(tauEt,jetEt);
if (tauEt >0){
// if (lutAddress > MAX_LUT_ADDRESS) lutAddress = MAX_LUT_ADDRESS;
isoFlag= isoTauLut->lutPayload(lutAddress);
if (lutAddress > MAX_LUT_ADDRESS) lutAddress = MAX_LUT_ADDRESS;
isoFlag = params_->tauIsolationLUT()->data(lutAddress);
// isoFlag= isoTauLut->lutPayload(lutAddress);
// if (isoFlag != params_->tauIsolationLUT()->data(lutAddress)) std::cout << "XXX -- isoFlag: " << isoFlag << "\tisoFlag2: " << params_->tauIsolationLUT()->data(lutAddress) << std::endl;

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/src/
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ namespace l1t {
if(pt > ((1<<10) -1) )
pt = ((1<<10) -1);
unsigned int eta = itJet->hwEta();
if (eta>10){ // LUT is symmetric in eta. For eta>10 map to corresponding eta<10 bin
int offset=2*(eta-10)-1;
unsigned int lutAddress = (eta<<10)+pt;

unsigned int rank = params->jetCalibrationLUT()->data(lutAddress);
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40 changes: 34 additions & 6 deletions L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/test/
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## process.load('Configuration/StandardSequences/FrontierConditions_GlobalTag_cff')

# Select the Message Logger output you would like to see:

process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
input = cms.untracked.int32(100)
input = cms.untracked.int32(-200)

# Input source
process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
secondaryFileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(),
fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring("root://")
fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring("/store/relval/CMSSW_7_5_0_pre4/RelValTTbar_13/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-HLTDEBUG/PU25ns_MCRUN2_75_V1-v1/00000/0CD12657-DAF7-E411-91F2-002618943910.root")

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process.options = cms.untracked.PSet()

# Other statements
from Configuration.AlCa.GlobalTag import GlobalTag
process.GlobalTag.connect = cms.string('frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_COND_31X_GLOBALTAG')
process.GlobalTag.globaltag = cms.string('POSTLS162_V2::All')
## from Configuration.AlCa.GlobalTag import GlobalTag
## process.GlobalTag.connect = cms.string('frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_COND_31X_GLOBALTAG')
from Configuration.AlCa.GlobalTag_condDBv2 import GlobalTag
process.GlobalTag.globaltag = cms.string('MCRUN2_75_V1')


Expand All @@ -56,6 +58,32 @@
process.simGtDigis.TechnicalTriggersInputTags = cms.VInputTag( )

### Get new RCT calibrations from CondDB until new GlobalTag is ready
### Goes with tauL1Calib_LUT.txt
### Need new GCT jet calibrations to go with it
#from CondCore.DBCommon.CondDBSetup_cfi import CondDBSetup
#process.rctSFDB = cms.ESSource("PoolDBESSource",
# CondDBSetup,
# connect = cms.string('frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_CONDITIONS'),
# DumpStat=cms.untracked.bool(True),
# toGet = cms.VPSet(
# cms.PSet(
# record = cms.string('L1RCTParametersRcd'),
# tag = cms.string('L1RCTParametersRcd_L1TDevelCollisions_ExtendedScaleFactorsV4')
# )
# )
## process.prefer("caloParmsDB")
#process.es_prefer_rctSFDB = cms.ESPrefer( "PoolDBESSource", "rctSFDB" )

## load the CaloStage1 params
## process.GlobalTag.toGet = cms.VPSet(
## cms.PSet(record = cms.string("L1TCaloParamsRcd"),
## tag = cms.string("L1TCaloParams_CRAFT09_hlt"),
## connect = cms.string("sqlite:l1config.db")
## )
## )

process.p1 = cms.Path(
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