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backup of jetcore
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vberta committed Nov 5, 2020
1 parent 51fffb4 commit 9a73f93
Showing 1 changed file with 15 additions and 13 deletions.
28 changes: 15 additions & 13 deletions RecoTracker/TkSeedGenerator/plugins/
Expand Up @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ JetCoreDirectSeedGenerator::~JetCoreDirectSeedGenerator()
void JetCoreDirectSeedGenerator::produce(edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup)
std::cout << "NEW EVENT, event number" << evt_counter <<std::endl;
// std::cout << "NEW EVENT, event number" << evt_counter <<std::endl;
auto result = std::make_unique<TrajectorySeedCollection>();
auto resultTracks = std::make_unique<reco::TrackCollection>();

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ int jet_number = 0;
bool l2off=(splitClustDirSet.size()==0);
if(splitClustDirSet.size()==0) {//if layer 1 is broken find direcitons on layer 2
splitClustDirSet = splittedClusterDirections(jet, tTopo, pp, jetVertex, 2);
std::cout << "split on lay2, in numero=" << splitClustDirSet.size() << "+jetDir" << std::endl;
// std::cout << "split on lay2, in numero=" << splitClustDirSet.size() << "+jetDir" << std::endl;
// std::cout << "splitted cluster number=" << splitClustDirSet.size() << std::endl;;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -364,11 +364,13 @@ int jet_number = 0;
for(int i=0; i<jetDimX; i++){
for(int j=0; j<jetDimY; j++){
for(int o=0; o<Nover; o++){
if(seedParamNN.second[i][j][o]>(0.75-o*0.1-(l2off?0.25:0))){//0.99=probThr (doesn't work the variable, SOLVE THIS ISSUE!!)
// if(seedParamNN.second[i][j][o]>(0.75-o*0.1-(l2off?0.25:0))){//0.99=probThr (doesn't work the variable, SOLVE THIS ISSUE!!)
if(seedParamNN.second[i][j][o]>(0.85-o*0.1-(l2off?0.35:0))){//0.99=probThr (doesn't work the variable, SOLVE THIS ISSUE!!)

// std::cout << "prob success=" << seedParamNN.second[i][j][o]<< ", for (x,y)=" << i <<"," <<j << ", threshold="<< probThr << std::endl;
seedParamNN.first[i][j][o][3]=0; */
//NN pixel parametrization->local parametrization
std::pair<bool, Basic3DVector<float>> interPair = findIntersection(bigClustDir,(reco::Candidate::Point)jetVertex.position(), globDet);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,12 +406,12 @@ int jet_number = 0;
// const GlobalVector globSeedDir2( GlobalVector::Polar(Geom::Theta<double>(track_theta), Geom::Phi<double> (track_phi), normdirR2));
// LocalVector localSeedDir2 = globDet->surface().toLocal(globSeedDir2);
int64_t seedid= (int64_t(xx*200.)<<0)+(int64_t(yy*200.)<<16)+(int64_t(track_eta*400.)<<32)+(int64_t(track_phi*400.)<<48);
if(ids.count(seedid)!=0) {
int64_t seedid= (int64_t(xx*200.)<<0)+(int64_t(yy*200.)<<16)+(int64_t(track_eta*400.)<<32)+(int64_t(track_phi*400.)<<48);
if(ids.count(seedid)!=0) {
// std::cout << "Rejecting seed" << xx << " " << yy << " " << track_eta << " " << track_phi << " " << seedid << std::endl;
//nn std::cout << "Creating seed" << xx << " " << yy << " " << track_eta << " " << track_phi << " " << seedid << std::endl;

//seed creation
Expand All @@ -430,7 +432,7 @@ int jet_number = 0;
// result->push_back(TrajectorySeed( PTrajectoryStateOnDet (localParam2, pt2, em, detId, /*surfaceSide*/ 0), edm::OwnVector< TrackingRecHit >() , PropagationDirection::alongMomentum));

GlobalPoint globalSeedPoint = globDet->surface().toGlobal(localSeedPoint);
reco::Track::CovarianceMatrix mm;
reco::Track::CovarianceMatrix mm;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -696,12 +698,12 @@ std::vector<GlobalVector> JetCoreDirectSeedGenerator::splittedClusterDirections(
float expCharge =
std::sqrt(1.08f + jetZOverRho * jetZOverRho) * centralMIPCharge_;
// std::cout <<"jDir="<< jetDir << ", cDir=" <<clusterDir << ", carica=" << aCluster.charge() << ", expChar*cFracMin_=" << expCharge * chargeFracMin_ <<", X=" << aCluster.sizeX()<< ", expSizeX+1=" << expSizeX + 1<< ", Y="<<aCluster.sizeY() <<", expSizeY+1="<< expSizeY + 1<< std::endl;
if (aCluster.charge() > expCharge * chargeFracMin_ && (aCluster.sizeX() > expSizeX + 1 || aCluster.sizeY() > expSizeY + 1)) {
// shouldBeSplit = true;
std::cout << "trovato cluster con deltaR=" << Geom::deltaR(jetDir, clusterDir)<< ", on layer=" <<lay << std::endl;
// std::cout << "trovato cluster con deltaR=" << Geom::deltaR(jetDir, clusterDir)<< ", on layer=" <<lay << std::endl;
Expand Down

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