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EMTF added 2017 data formats - not yet used
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abrinke1 committed Jul 14, 2017
1 parent 7701c81 commit f8d0dd9
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Showing 9 changed files with 588 additions and 8 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions DataFormats/L1TMuon/BuildFile.xml
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<use name="DataFormats/CSCDigi"/>
<use name="DataFormats/L1DTTrackFinder"/>
<use name="DataFormats/RPCDigi"/>
<use name="DataFormats/GEMDigi"/>
<use name="DataFormats/MuonDetId"/>
<use name="DataFormats/L1CSCTrackFinder"/>
<use name="DataFormats/Common"/>
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245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions DataFormats/L1TMuon/interface/EMTFHit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
// Class for input trigger primitives to EMTF - AWB 04.01.16
// Based on L1Trigger/L1TMuon/interface/deprecate/MuonTriggerPrimitive.h
// In particular, see struct CSCData

#ifndef __l1t_EMTFHit_h__
#define __l1t_EMTFHit_h__

#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

#include "DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/CSCDetId.h"
#include "DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/RPCDetId.h"
#include "DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/GEMDetId.h"
#include "DataFormats/CSCDigi/interface/CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi.h"
#include "DataFormats/RPCDigi/interface/RPCDigi.h"
#include "DataFormats/GEMDigi/interface/GEMPadDigi.h"
#include "DataFormats/L1TMuon/interface/EMTF/ME.h"

namespace l1t {

class EMTFHit {

EMTFHit() :
endcap(-99), station(-99), ring(-99), sector(-99), sector_RPC(-99), sector_idx(-99),
subsector(-99), subsector_RPC(-99), chamber(-99), csc_ID(-99), csc_nID(-99), roll(-99),
neighbor(-99), mpc_link(-99), pc_sector(-99), pc_station(-99), pc_chamber(-99), pc_segment(-99),
wire(-99), strip(-99), strip_hi(-99), strip_low(-99), track_num(-99), quality(-99),
pattern(-99), bend(-99), valid(-99), sync_err(-99), bc0(-99), bx(-99), stub_num(-99),
phi_fp(-99), theta_fp(-99), phzvl(-99), ph_hit(-99), zone_hit(-99), zone_code(-99),
fs_segment(-99), fs_zone_code(-99), bt_station(-99), bt_segment(-99),
phi_loc(-99), phi_glob(-999), theta(-99), eta(-99),
phi_sim(-999), theta_sim(-99), eta_sim(-99),
is_CSC(-99), is_RPC(-99), is_GEM(-99), subsystem(-99)

virtual ~EMTFHit() {};

// void ImportCSCDetId (const CSCDetId& _detId);
CSCDetId CreateCSCDetId() const;
// void ImportRPCDetId (const RPCDetId& _detId);
// void ImportGEMDetId (const GEMDetId& _detId);
// RPCDetId CreateRPCDetId() const;
// GEMDetId CreateGEMDetId() const;
// void ImportCSCCorrelatedLCTDigi (const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi& _digi);
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi CreateCSCCorrelatedLCTDigi() const;
// void ImportRPCDigi (const RPCDigi& _digi);
// RPCDigi CreateRPCDigi() const;
// void ImportGEMPadDigi (const GEMPadDigi& _digi);
// GEMPadDigi CreateGEMPadDigi() const;

// void PrintSimulatorHeader() const;
// void PrintForSimulator() const;

void SetCSCDetId (const CSCDetId& id) { csc_DetId = id; }
void SetRPCDetId (const RPCDetId& id) { rpc_DetId = id; }
void SetGEMDetId (const GEMDetId& id) { gem_DetId = id; }
void SetCSCLCTDigi (const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi& digi) { csc_LCTDigi = digi; }
void SetRPCDigi (const RPCDigi& digi) { rpc_Digi = digi; }
void SetGEMPadDigi (const GEMPadDigi& digi) { gem_PadDigi = digi; }

CSCDetId CSC_DetId () const { return csc_DetId; }
RPCDetId RPC_DetId () const { return rpc_DetId; }
GEMDetId GEM_DetId () const { return gem_DetId; }
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi CSC_LCTDigi () const { return csc_LCTDigi; }
RPCDigi RPC_Digi () const { return rpc_Digi; }
GEMPadDigi GEM_PadDigi () const { return gem_PadDigi; }

void set_endcap (int bits) { endcap = bits; }
void set_station (int bits) { station = bits; }
void set_ring (int bits) { ring = bits; }
void set_sector (int bits) { sector = bits; }
void set_sector_RPC (int bits) { sector_RPC = bits; }
void set_sector_idx (int bits) { sector_idx = bits; }
void set_subsector (int bits) { subsector = bits; }
void set_subsector_RPC(int bits) { subsector_RPC= bits; }
void set_chamber (int bits) { chamber = bits; }
void set_csc_ID (int bits) { csc_ID = bits; }
void set_csc_nID (int bits) { csc_nID = bits; }
void set_roll (int bits) { roll = bits; }
void set_neighbor (int bits) { neighbor = bits; }
void set_mpc_link (int bits) { mpc_link = bits; }
void set_pc_sector (int bits) { pc_sector = bits; }
void set_pc_station (int bits) { pc_station = bits; }
void set_pc_chamber (int bits) { pc_chamber = bits; }
void set_pc_segment (int bits) { pc_segment = bits; }
void set_wire (int bits) { wire = bits; }
void set_strip (int bits) { strip = bits; }
void set_strip_hi (int bits) { strip_hi = bits; }
void set_strip_low (int bits) { strip_low = bits; }
void set_track_num (int bits) { track_num = bits; }
void set_quality (int bits) { quality = bits; }
void set_pattern (int bits) { pattern = bits; }
void set_bend (int bits) { bend = bits; }
void set_valid (int bits) { valid = bits; }
void set_sync_err (int bits) { sync_err = bits; }
void set_bc0 (int bits) { bc0 = bits; }
void set_bx (int bits) { bx = bits; }
void set_stub_num (int bits) { stub_num = bits; }
void set_phi_fp (int bits) { phi_fp = bits; }
void set_theta_fp (int bits) { theta_fp = bits; }
void set_phzvl (int bits) { phzvl = bits; }
void set_ph_hit (int bits) { ph_hit = bits; }
void set_zone_hit (int bits) { zone_hit = bits; }
void set_zone_code (int bits) { zone_code = bits; }
void set_fs_segment (int bits) { fs_segment = bits; }
void set_fs_zone_code (int bits) { fs_zone_code = bits; }
void set_bt_station (int bits) { bt_station = bits; }
void set_bt_segment (int bits) { bt_segment = bits; }
void set_phi_loc (float val) { phi_loc = val; }
void set_phi_glob (float val) { phi_glob = val; }
void set_theta (float val) { theta = val; }
void set_eta (float val) { eta = val; }
void set_phi_sim (float val) { phi_sim = val; }
void set_theta_sim (float val) { theta_sim = val; }
void set_eta_sim (float val) { eta_sim = val; }
void set_is_CSC (int bits) { is_CSC = bits; }
void set_is_RPC (int bits) { is_RPC = bits; }
void set_is_GEM (int bits) { is_GEM = bits; }
void set_subsystem (int bits) { subsystem = bits; }

int Endcap () const { return endcap ; }
int Station () const { return station ; }
int Ring () const { return ring ; }
int Sector () const { return sector ; }
int Sector_RPC () const { return sector_RPC ; }
int Sector_idx () const { return sector_idx ; }
int Subsector () const { return subsector ; }
int Subsector_RPC() const { return subsector_RPC; }
int Chamber () const { return chamber ; }
int CSC_ID () const { return csc_ID ; }
int CSC_nID () const { return csc_nID ; }
int Roll () const { return roll ; }
int Neighbor () const { return neighbor ; }
int MPC_link () const { return mpc_link ; }
int PC_sector () const { return pc_sector ; }
int PC_station () const { return pc_station ; }
int PC_chamber () const { return pc_chamber ; }
int PC_segment () const { return pc_segment ; }
int Wire () const { return wire ; }
int Strip () const { return strip ; }
int Strip_hi () const { return strip_hi ; }
int Strip_low () const { return strip_low ; }
int Track_num () const { return track_num ; }
int Quality () const { return quality ; }
int Pattern () const { return pattern ; }
int Bend () const { return bend ; }
int Valid () const { return valid ; }
int Sync_err () const { return sync_err ; }
int BC0 () const { return bc0 ; }
int BX () const { return bx ; }
int Stub_num () const { return stub_num ; }
int Phi_fp () const { return phi_fp ; }
int Theta_fp () const { return theta_fp ; }
int Phzvl () const { return phzvl ; }
int Ph_hit () const { return ph_hit ; }
int Zone_hit () const { return zone_hit ; }
int Zone_code () const { return zone_code ; }
int FS_segment () const { return fs_segment ; }
int FS_zone_code () const { return fs_zone_code; }
int BT_station () const { return bt_station ; }
int BT_segment () const { return bt_segment ; }
float Phi_loc () const { return phi_loc ; }
float Phi_glob () const { return phi_glob ; }
float Theta () const { return theta ; }
float Eta () const { return eta ; }
float Phi_sim () const { return phi_sim ; }
float Theta_sim () const { return theta_sim ; }
float Eta_sim () const { return eta_sim ; }
int Is_CSC () const { return is_CSC ; }
int Is_RPC () const { return is_RPC ; }
int Is_GEM () const { return is_GEM ; }
int Subsystem () const { return subsystem ; }


CSCDetId csc_DetId;
RPCDetId rpc_DetId;
GEMDetId gem_DetId;
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi csc_LCTDigi;
RPCDigi rpc_Digi;
GEMPadDigi gem_PadDigi;

int endcap ; // +/-1. For ME+ and ME-.
int station ; // 1 - 4.
int ring ; // 1 - 4. ME1/1a is denoted as "Ring 4". Should check dependence on input CSCDetId convention. - AWB 02.03.17
int sector ; // 1 - 6. CSC / EMTF sector convention: sector 1 starts at 15 degrees
int sector_RPC ; // 1 - 6. RPC sector convention (in CMSSW): sector 1 starts at -5 degrees
int sector_idx ; // 0 - 11. 0 - 5 for ME+, 6 - 11 for ME-. For neighbor hits, set by EMTF sector that received it.
int subsector ; // 0 - 6. In CSCs, 1 or 2 for ME1, 0 for ME2/3/4. In RPCs, 1 - 6, where 1 is first chamber in EMTF sector.
int subsector_RPC; // 0 - 6. RPC sector convention (in CMSSW): subsector 3 is the first chamber in the EMTF sector.
int chamber ; // 1 - 36. Chamber 1 starts at -5 degrees.
int csc_ID ; // 1 - 9. For CSCs only.
int csc_nID ; // 1 - 15. For CSCs only. Neighbors 10 - 15, 12 not filled.
int roll ; // 1 - 3. For RPCs only, sub-division of ring. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int neighbor ; // 0 or 1. Filled in
int mpc_link ; // 1 - 3. Filled in from CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi
int pc_sector ; // 1 - 6. EMTF sector that received the LCT, even those sent from neighbor sectors.
int pc_station ; // 0 - 5. 0 for ME1 subsector 1, 5 for neighbor hits.
int pc_chamber ; // 0 - 8.
int pc_segment ; // 0 - 3.
int wire ; // 0 - 111 For CSCs only.
int strip ; // 0 - 158 For CSCs only.
int strip_hi ; // ? - ?. For RPCs only, highest strip in a cluster. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int strip_low ; // ? - ?. For RPCs only, lowest strip in a cluster. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int track_num ; // ? - ?. For CSCs only. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int quality ; // 0 - 15. For CSCs only.
int pattern ; // 0 - 10. For CSCs only.
int bend ; // 0 or 1. For CSCs only.
int valid ; // 0 or 1. For CSCs only (for now; could use to flag failing clusters? - AWB 02.03.17)
int sync_err ; // 0 or 1. For CSCs only.
int bc0 ; // 0 or 1. Only from unpacked data? - AWB 02.03.17
int bx ; // -3 - +3.
int stub_num ; // 0 or 1. Only from unpacked data? - AWB 02.03.17
int phi_fp ; // 0 - 4920
int theta_fp ; // 0 - 127
int phzvl ; // 0 - 6.
int ph_hit ; // 2 - 43. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int zone_hit ; // 4 - 156 (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int zone_code ; // 0 - 12. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int fs_segment ; // 0 - 13. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int fs_zone_code; // 1 - 14. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
int bt_station ; // 0 - 4.
int bt_segment ; // 0 - 25. (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
float phi_loc ; // -20 - 60 (Range? - AWB 02.03.17)
float phi_glob ; // +/-180.
float theta ; // 0 - 90.
float eta ; // +/-2.5.
float phi_sim ; // +/-180.
float theta_sim ; // 0 - 90.
float eta_sim ; // +/-2.5.
int is_CSC ; // 0 or 1.
int is_RPC ; // 0 or 1.
int is_GEM ; // 0 or 1.
int subsystem ; // 1 or ?. 1 for CSC, 2 for RPC, 3 for GEM

}; // End of class EMTFHit

// Define a vector of EMTFHit
typedef std::vector<EMTFHit> EMTFHitCollection;

} // End of namespace l1t

#endif /* define __l1t_EMTFHit_h__ */
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions DataFormats/L1TMuon/interface/EMTFRoad.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#ifndef __l1t_EMTFRoad_h__
#define __l1t_EMTFRoad_h__

#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

namespace l1t {

class EMTFRoad {

EMTFRoad() :
endcap(-99), sector(-99), sector_idx(-99), bx(-99), zone(-99),
key_zhit(-99), pattern(-99), straightness(-99),
layer_code(-99), quality_code(-99), winner(-99)

virtual ~EMTFRoad() {};

void set_endcap (int bits) { endcap = bits; }
void set_sector (int bits) { sector = bits; }
void set_sector_idx (int bits) { sector_idx = bits; }
void set_bx (int bits) { bx = bits; }
void set_zone (int bits) { zone = bits; }
void set_key_zhit (int bits) { key_zhit = bits; }
void set_pattern (int bits) { pattern = bits; }
void set_straightness (int bits) { straightness = bits; }
void set_layer_code (int bits) { layer_code = bits; }
void set_quality_code (int bits) { quality_code = bits; }
void set_winner (int bits) { winner = bits; }

int Endcap () const { return endcap ; }
int Sector () const { return sector ; }
int Sector_idx () const { return sector_idx ; }
int BX () const { return bx ; }
int Zone () const { return zone ; }
int Key_zhit () const { return key_zhit ; }
int Pattern () const { return pattern ; }
int Straightness () const { return straightness; }
int Layer_code () const { return layer_code ; }
int Quality_code () const { return quality_code; }
int Winner () const { return winner ; }


int endcap ;
int sector ;
int sector_idx ;
int bx ;
int zone ; // Pattern detector ID
int key_zhit ; // Also called 'ph_num' or 'ph_pat'
int pattern ; // Pattern detector ID
int straightness;
int layer_code ;
int quality_code; // Used to be 'rank'. Also called 'ph_q'
int winner ; // 0 is first winner, 1 is second, etc.

}; // End of class EMTFRoad

// Define a vector of EMTFRoad
typedef std::vector<EMTFRoad> EMTFRoadCollection;

} // End of namespace l1t

#endif /* define __l1t_EMTFRoad_h__ */

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