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Prolog module for querying wikidata using sparqlprog framework


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Query wikidata using logic predicates

This is a module for sparqlprog that provides convenience predicates for making queries over the wikidata sparql endpoint using logic programming terms. It allows you to define reusable query predicates, and to integrate programming constructs with queries in a declarative way.

It can be used via the command line, via Python, or within prolog programs.

Examples (command line):

All cities over a certain population size together with their continents:

pq-wikidata -l -L enlabel "city(City),part_of_continent(City,Continent),population(City,Pop),Pop>10000000"


City Continent Population City Name Continent Name Pop Name
wd:Q174 wd:Q18 12106920 São Paulo South America $null$
wd:Q649 wd:Q46 12500123 Moscow Europe $null$
wd:Q1355 wd:Q48 10535000 Bangalore Asia $null$
wd:Q1156 wd:Q48 12442373 Mumbai Asia $null$
wd:Q406 wd:Q48 14657434 Istanbul Asia $null$
wd:Q406 wd:Q46 14657434 Istanbul Europe $null$
wd:Q85 wd:Q15 19500000 Cairo Africa $null$
wd:Q15174 wd:Q48 11908400 Shenzhen Asia $null$
wd:Q956 wd:Q48 21710000 Beijing Asia $null$
wd:Q1353 wd:Q48 26495000 Delhi Asia $null$

The -l argument auto-adds labels for every column (this is meaningless for the population column but this is included for consistency)

The unary predicate city/1 is mapped to Q515, and part_of_continent to P30.

We can also define our own predicates. Create a file with a single line:

big_city(City) :- city(City),population(City,Pop),Pop>10000000.

Now the big_city/1 predicate can be reused in queries:

pq-wikidata --consult -l -L enlabel "big_city(City),part_of_continent(City,Continent)"


city continent city label continent label
wd:Q956 wd:Q48 Beijing Asia
wd:Q15174 wd:Q48 Shenzhen Asia
wd:Q1353 wd:Q48 Delhi Asia
wd:Q649 wd:Q46 Moscow Europe
wd:Q406 wd:Q48 Istanbul Asia
wd:Q406 wd:Q46 Istanbul Europe
wd:Q1156 wd:Q48 Mumbai Asia
wd:Q85 wd:Q15 Cairo Africa
wd:Q1355 wd:Q48 Bangalore Asia
wd:Q174 wd:Q18 São Paulo South America

Qualified properties may be represented by n-ary predicates, such as population_at/3:

$ pq-wikidata -f tsv --consult tests/ -l -L enlabel 'big_city(City),population_at(City,Pop,At),in_time_interval("2010-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime,"2013-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime,At)' | tbl2ghwiki 
City Pop Time City Name --- ---
wd:Q1353 16787941 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z Delhi $null$ $null$
wd:Q406 13624240 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z Istanbul $null$ $null$
wd:Q649 11856578 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z Moscow $null$ $null$
wd:Q3630 9607787 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z Jakarta $null$ $null$
wd:Q404763 12010000 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z Nanyang $null$ $null$
wd:Q649 11979529 2013-01-01T00:00:00Z Moscow $null$ $null$
wd:Q649 11503501 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z Moscow $null$ $null$
wd:Q11746 10220000 2013-01-01T00:00:00Z Wuhan $null$ $null$
wd:Q406 14160467 2013-01-01T00:00:00Z Istanbul $null$ $null$
wd:Q649 11776764 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z Moscow $null$ $null$
wd:Q42622 10465994 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z Suzhou $null$ $null$
wd:Q174 11316149 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z São Paulo $null$ $null$
wd:Q406 13255685 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z Istanbul $null$ $null$
wd:Q406 13854740 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z Istanbul $null$ $null$
wd:Q1355 8425970 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z Bangalore $null$ $null$
wd:Q174 11253503 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z São Paulo $null$ $null$
wd:Q1490 13159388 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z Tokyo $null$ $null$
wd:Q15174 10628900 2013-01-01T00:00:00Z Shenzhen $null$ $null$
wd:Q3838 9464000 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z Kinshasa $null$ $null$
wd:Q373346 10820000 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z Linyi $null$ $null$
wd:Q1352 4646732 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z Chennai $null$ $null$
wd:Q11739 7129629 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z Lahore $null$ $null$
wd:Q1156 12442373 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z Mumbai $null$ $null$

Location queries:

Find all forests around San Francisco in a 100 mile radius

$ pq-wikidata -l -L enlabel  -f tsv "coordinate_location(wd:'Q62',Loc),geolocation_around(Loc,100,X),forest(X)"

The entity_search/2 predicate provides access to the Wikibase EntitySearch function. The following example finds all subclasses of a symptom by name:

$ pq-wikidata -l -L enlabel "entity_search(vomiting,Match),subclass_of_transitive(Symptom,Match)"
Match Symptom Match Label Symptom Label
wd:Q127076 wd:Q127076 vomiting vomiting
wd:Q127076 wd:Q2635499 vomiting Projectile vomiting
wd:Q127076 wd:Q21993813 vomiting chronic vomiting
wd:Q127076 wd:Q23012213 vomiting glowing vomit
wd:Q127076 wd:Q5140942 vomiting coffee ground vomiting
wd:Q127076 wd:Q54974197 vomiting anticipatory vomiting
... ... ... ...

Note that affixing _transitive to a predicate will always translate to the reflexive transitive version of that predicate (equivalent to affixing a * in SPARQL). Here we find all known causes of different kinds of vomiting in Wikidata, using the reflexive transitive closure of the wikidata subClassOf predicate.

$ pq-wikidata -l -L enlabel "subclass_of_transitive(S,wd:'Q127076'),has_cause(S,C)" 
S C S Label C Label
wd:Q1570161 wd:Q1495657 hematemesis gastrointestinal bleeding
wd:Q1938763 wd:Q16244733 fecal vomiting intestinal obstruction
wd:Q5140942 wd:Q1883970 coffee ground vomiting upper gastrointestinal bleeding
wd:Q127076 wd:Q133823 vomiting migraine
wd:Q127076 wd:Q121041 vomiting appendicitis
wd:Q127076 wd:Q164778 vomiting rotavirus
wd:Q127076 wd:Q943897 vomiting gastroparesis
wd:Q127076 wd:Q974135 vomiting chemotherapy



To run queries on the command line:

alias pq-wikidata="docker run cmungall/sparqlprog_wikidata pq-wikidata

To run a service:

docker run -p 9083:9083 cmungall/sparqlprog_wikidata

There is currently a Python library for connecting to a sparqlprog service.

You can find examples of Jupyter notebooks such as this one (which uses the dbpedia endpoint, but can easily be adapted)

Within SWI Environment

Install SWI-Prolog from


How it works

For each class in the defined subset, for example City, multiple predicates will be defined:

  • city/1 - any instance of City, or its subclasses
  • city_direct/1 - any instance of City (no inference - ignores subclasses)
  • city_iri/1 - IRI for City in WikiData

For example, the query


will be expanded to:

  ?city (<>/<>*) <>

For each predicate in the defined subset, for example, regulates (molecular biology), the following predicates will be defined:

  • regulates/2 - direct assertion between regulator and regulated
  • regulates_transitive/2 - transitive version of above
  • regulates_iri/1 - IRI for regulates

Further predicates will be defined that utilize the wikidata reification model.

  • $predicate_eiri/1 - Entity IRI for predicate
  • $predicate_e2s - links entity to statement
  • $predicate_s2v - links value from statement
  • $predicate_s2q - links qualifier statement

To illustrate consider the definition of the following 3-ary predicate, based on the positive therapeutic predictor predicate in wikidata. These triples can be qualified by medical condition treated.

positive_therapeutic_predictor_for_condition(V,D,C) :-

The following query:

pq-wikidata -C "positive_therapeutic_predictor_for_condition(Var,Drug,Condition)"

will be translated to:

SELECT ?var ?drug ?condition WHERE {
  ?var <> ?v0 .
  ?v0 <> ?condition .
  ?v0 <> ?drug

(use -C to generate the SPARQL without executing it)

Other Queries

Location of San Francisco:

$ pq-wikidata -l -L enlabel  "geolocation(wd:'Q62',Lat,Long,Precision,Globe)"

Supported subsets of Wikidata

Currently on a small subset of the overall Wikidata schema is exposed, mostly a subset focused around life science and geoscience/geographic use cases. More can be added on request. It is also very to easy for you to do this locally, and pull requests are welcome. Just edit the file

In future we may translate the entire Wikidata model (i.e. all classes and properties) into sparqlprog predicates.

More examples

See bin/


Document API calls, search, etc


See: environments2wikidata