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Benjamin Gilbert edited this page Aug 5, 2013 · 4 revisions

OpenDiamond uses scope cookies to define what objects are going to be searched. The scope cookie contains one or more URLs which diamondd uses to contact a dataretriever which returns a list of objects. Each object in this list is again identified by a URL which is used to retrieve the object before it is passed to a searchlet.

To control access to both diamondd and searched objects a cookie is only accepted when it

  1. has been signed by a trusted certificate
  2. is addressed to the local server
  3. the signature has not expired

diamondd reads trusted certificates from the file specified by the CERTFILE option in the .diamond/diamond_config file, or .diamond/CERTS by default. The server name is derived by reverse DNS resolution on the address of the local interfaces. If this fails to get the correct hostname the value can be overridden by specifying one or more SERVERID options in the .diamond/diamond_config file.

Cookies are generated by the cookiecutter utility which is distributed as part of OpenDiamond, or natively from Python code using the functions in the opendiamond.scope module. By default cookies will be signed using a private keyfile found in ~/.diamond/key.pem. Because we don't use delegation a simple self-signed public/private key pair is sufficient and can be generated as follows with certtool from the gnutls package:

certtool --generate-privkey --outfile key.pem
certtool --generate-self-signed --load-privkey key.pem --outfile crt.pem

Cookies are typically created by the OpenDiamond Scopeserver, but cookiecutter can also be manually used to generate a long lived token that can be saved to the desktop.

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