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Frontend Proxy

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During this demo we are going to deploy a front Envoy and a couple of services coloated with a running service Envoy.

The three containers will be deployed inside a virtual network called enovymesh using docker-compose.

Port 8080, 8443, and 8001 are exposed by docker-compose and can handle HTTP, HTTPS calls to services and requests to /admin.

In this demo, all requests are handled by the service Envoy, and efficiently routed to your services.

Start Containers

docker-compose build --pull
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose ps

Testing Routes

Route 1, Service1:

curl -v http://localhost:8080/service/1

Route 2, Service2:

curl -v http://localhost:8080/service/2

Using HTTPS to call services behind the front Envoy:

curl -k -v https://localhost:8443/service/1

Load Balancing

Scale up service1 nodes to demonstrate load balancing capabilities of Envoy:

docker-compose scale service1=3

Send 3 requests and watch as Envoy load balanes doing a round robin of the three services:

for x in $(seq 5); do curl -v localhost:8080/service/1; done

Envoy Admin

When Envoy runs, it also attaches an admin to your desired port. We have admin bound to port 8001.

  • /server_info - info about the Envoy version running
  • /stats - stats about the envoy server, number of requests fulfilled by them, info about http ingress

Server Info

docker-compose exec front-envoy /bin/bash

curl localhost:8001/server_info
curl localhost:8001/stats


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