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PyTorch implementation of our paper "Automatic Tuning of Loss Trade-offs without Hyper-parameter Search in End-to-End Zero-Shot Speech Synthesis", accepted at INTERSPEECH 2023.
Demo page

Abstract: Recently, zero-shot TTS and VC methods have gained attention due to their practicality of being able to generate voices even unseen during training. Among these methods, zero-shot modifications of the VITS model have shown superior performance, while having useful properties inherited from VITS. However, the performance of VITS and VITS-based zero-shot models vary dramatically depending on how the losses are balanced. This can be problematic, as it requires a burdensome procedure of tuning loss balance hyper-parameters to find the optimal balance. In this work, we propose a novel framework that finds this optimum without search, by inducing the decoder of VITS-based models to its full reconstruction ability. With our framework, we show superior performance compared to baselines in zero-shot TTS and VC, achieving state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, we show the robustness of our framework in various settings. We provide an explanation for the results in the discussion.

The code is based on the VITS repository.


We tested our code in Ubuntu 20.04, CUDA 11.7 and Python 3.7.11 enviroment with A6000 GPUs.

conda create -n auto python=3.7.11
conda activate auto
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd monotonic_align; mkdir monotonic_align; python build_ext --inplace
sudo apt-get install espeak-ng
pip install phonemizer


For details about the dataset, please refer to the paper.
You may use custom datasets also.
Using the VCTK dataset will work fine.


You need paired audio, text pairs.
Preprocess all audios to a sampling rate of 16000Hz.


Follow the given filelist format for each line of the file.

  • {Audio file path}|{Text}
    Once the filelist is made in this format, it has to be phonemized (i.e. converted to IPA phonemes).

Phonemizing the filelist

python -i {original txt filelist path} -o {output txt filelist path} -l {language code}

For the language code option, refer to the phonemizer repository.

For monolingual training, each line of the filelist should have this format:
{audiopath}|{phonemized text}
(e.g PATH_TO_VCTK/p277/p277_203.wav|twˈɑːdəl ɪz ɐ kˈeɪs ɪn pˈɔɪnt.)

For multilingual training, each line of the filelist should have this format:
{audiopath}|{phonemized text}|{language}
(e.g PATH_TO_VCTK/p277/p277_203.wav|twˈɑːdəl ɪz ɐ kˈeɪs ɪn pˈɔɪnt.|english)
(You can also this filelist format for monolingual training also, but the language will be ignored.)


Use one of the json config files under ./configs.
Write your filelist paths at data.training_files / data.validation_files.

Here are explanations for some options in the conifg file.

  • train.use_damped_lagrangian: whether to use our proposed MDMM based optimization
  • train.epsilon_mel_loss: the user chosen value for $\varepsilon$, the target value of reconstruction loss. As a result of our paper, 0.25 should work fine. If you want to obtain $\varepsilon^*$ yourself, use the HiFi-GAN repository. Note that you will have to change their mel spectraogram code to the one in this repository.
  • data.training_files / validation_files: path to the phonemized filelist (each for training and validation)
  • data.language_list: The list of all languages used in training. The ordering within this list should be same during training and inference. This list is ignored if model.append_lang_emb is false.
  • model.append_lang_emb: Whether to enable multilingual training or not. If the dataset is monolingual, set to false. Otherwise set to true.

Then run:

python -o {Output folder to save checkpoints and logs} -c {Path to config file}


For inference, you need a test filelist formatted as following:

  • For TTS inference: each line should contain phonemized text only.
  • For VC inference: each line should contain the source audiopath only.

The target voice should be converted to have a sampling rate of 16khz. (Important)

python -ckpt {saved checkpoint path} -cfg {config file used for training} -f {test filelist} -t {target voice audiopath} -o {directory to store results} -l {language of the text in the filelist}
(the -l option does not matter when model.append_lang_emb is false.)
python -ckpt {saved checkpoint path} -cfg {config file used for training} -f {test filelist} -t {target voice audiopath} -o {directory to store results}

Pre-trained Checkpoints

We provide the following checkpoints:
Discriminator, generator and the Lagrangian coefficient checkpoint, trained for 500k steps with the VCTK dataset, using $\varepsilon=0.25$. ('Zero-shot VITS with our framework' in Table1.)
The generator can be used for inference, with the given config file (./configs/english.json).


Official implementation of "Automatic Tuning of Loss Trade-offs without Hyper-parameter Search in End-to-End Zero-Shot Speech Synthesis", Interspeech 2023







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