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Progress Report 2019 01 29

alex4200 edited this page Feb 1, 2019 · 4 revisions
  • Issue 85 (Model Validation KG migration) has been split into 380 and 381 (to focus on integrating the Model Catalog with the KnowledgeGraph)
  • Issues 91 (Optimization of CA3 cells (mouse)) and 381 (Integrate the KnowledgeGraph to Validation use cases) have been moved to MS18
  • Issue 333 (Service Account) should be ready for testing this week
  • Issue 341 (SimUI 2.0 for MOOC) was expected to be test-ready today, but there is an issue with so that no jobs run on Bug report has been opened already last week, but no reply so far.

New issues:

  • 376: Info icon HH builder
  • 382: Implement a way to insert a common header when cloning a notebook
  • 380: see above
  • 379: A request for synapse reading from RTNeuron from Sonata

Closed issues:

  • 92
  • 120
  • 362
  • 372
  • 383

Open issue distribution