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Changelog for CoCart Lite

v3.0.0 - 10th May, 2021

See blog post for release notes.

What's New with CoCart v3?

  • 🥇 NEW: API v2 with new routes to help with the flow.
  • 💯 NEW: Better cart response based on the experimental free add-on "Get Cart Enhanced".
  • ⛓️ NEW: Carts can sync for guest customers between app and web once "Load Cart from Session" feature has been used.
  • 🔑 NEW: Basic Authentication now built in with the ability to authenticate via email instead of username. 🥳
  • 🔒 NEW: Each route can be forced to check if the user (meaning only a logged in user) has permission to use the API. This requires the use of a new filter. See article for more information.
  • 🔎 NEW: Browse and Search CoCart add-ons or supported extensions from the plugin install page.
    • Search suggestions are added at the bottom of the plugin search results on the first page only if matching key words match.
    • New plugin install section "CoCart" displays information on available add-ons or supported extensions with compatibility information and links to more details.
  • 🧾 NEW: Support for TaxJar for WooCommerce plugin if you have v3.2.5 or above.
  • 🚢 NEW: Support for WooCommerce Advanced Shipping Packages extension.
  • 🎁 NEW: Support for WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons extension.
  • 🗝️ NEW: Support for JWT Auth plugin by Useful Team.
  • 🌗 NEW: Compatible with WP-GraphQL WooCommerce add-on.
  • Tweaked: Session data now handled by new abstract to gain more control over it.
  • Tweaked: Cart key now returns in the cart response the first time round. 🥳
  • Tweaked: The loading of the session handler for better initialization by filtering it outside the action hook woocommerce_loaded.
  • Tweaked: Loading a cart from session is now prevented if a user is already logged in.
  • Tweaked: Loading a cart from session is now prevented if a user is not logged in and the cart key requested matches any registered user.
  • Tweaked: Cart session now stores when the cart was created, it's source and hash.
  • Tweaked: WooCommerce System Status Tools are made available even if COCART_WHITE_LABEL is set to true.
  • Deprecated: Redirect to cart after using load cart from session.
  • Tested: ✔️ Compatible with WooCommerce v5.3
  • Dev: 🐸 NEW Update database manually for CoCart via WP-CLI.
  • Dev: 🐸 NEW Get the current version of CoCart via WP-CLI.
  • Dev: Forked get_customer_unique_id() from WooCommerce session handler for backwards compatibility. Introduced to help with unit tests in WooCommerce since version 5.3. Not needed for CoCart.

For developers

This major release brings a lot more support for developers including those who create extensions for WooCommerce.

  • Dev: ☄️ New shared functions that can be used to develop your own extension to CoCart or support CoCart.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_cart_source filter for filtering the source of the cart created. Default is cocart if created via CoCart else woocommerce if created via WooCommerce.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_store_index filter for filtering the API store index data.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_store_address filter for filtering the store address.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_routes filter for filtering the CoCart routes returned.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_filter_request_data filter for filtering additional requested data including file uploads when adding an item\s.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_before_get_cart filter for modifying the cart data in any capcity before the cart response is returned.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_cart_item_data filter allows you to filter any additional cart item data returned when getting the cart items.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_shipping_package_details_array filter for filtering package details listed per package.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_shipping_package_name filter for renaming the package name.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_cart filter for modifiying the cart response in any capacity.

The following filters are for returning cross sells in the cart.

  • Dev: Introduced cocart_cross_sells_orderby filter for filtering the orderby in which cross sells return.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_cross_sells_order filter for filtering the order in which cross sells return.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_cross_sells_total filter for filtering the total amount of cross sells to return.

The following affect adding simple or variable products to the cart should a WooCommerce extension validate products by form post only.

By setting this filter cocart_skip_woocommerce_item_validation to true, products will be added to the cart without fault as we have already passed validation within CoCart.


  • Dev: Introduced cocart_skip_woocommerce_item_validation filter allows you to add the item to the cart without validating the item again using WooCommerce internal functions.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_add_cart_item filter matches woocommerce_add_cart_item filter.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_cart_contents_changed filter matches woocommerce_cart_contents_changed filter.

Action Hooks

  • Dev: Introduced cocart_add_to_cart action hook matches woocommerce_add_to_cart action hook.

The following filters affect adding bundled/grouped products to the cart.

  • Dev: Introduced cocart_add_items_to_cart_handler filter allows you to set the product type so the correct add to cart handler for bundled/grouped products is used.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_add_items_to_cart_handler_{product-type} filter allows you to introduce your own add to cart handler for bundled/grouped products.

The following filters match filters used in WooCommerce templates for manipulating what is displayed in the cart. Parameters are equally the same so returning the same results is easy.

  • Dev: Introduced cocart_cart_item_name filter matches woocommerce_cart_item_name.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_cart_item_title filter allows you to change the product title. The title normaly returns the same as the product name but variable products return the title differently.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_cart_item_price filter matches woocommerce_cart_item_price.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_cart_item_quantity filter matches woocommerce_cart_item_quantity.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_cart_item_subtotal filter matches woocommerce_cart_item_subtotal.

The following filters are for checking if a user has permission to use a route assigned to the method.

  • Dev: Introduced cocart_api_permission_check_get filter allows you to block use of any API route that uses the GET method.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_api_permission_check_post filter allows you to block use of any API route that uses the POST method.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_api_permission_check_put filter allows you to block use of any API route that uses the PUT method.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_api_permission_check_delete filter allows you to block use of any API route that uses the DELETE method.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_api_permission_check_options filter allows you to block use of any API route that uses the OPTION method.

The following filters affect how CoCart operates.

  • Dev: Introduced cocart_show_plugin_search filter allows you to disable the plugin search suggestions.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_enable_auto_update_db filter allows you to have the database automatically update when CoCart provides an update.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_disable_load_cart filter allows you to disable "Load Cart from Session" feature.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_rest_api_get_rest_namespaces filter allows you to decide which namespaces load.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_upload_dir filter allows you to change where files are uploaded using CoCart.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_show_admin_notice filter allows you to disable all CoCart admin notices. - Please know that doing so will prevent any manual update actions required if disabled, unless you have cocart_enable_auto_update_db enabled.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_wc_navigation filter to move back CoCart to WordPress admin navigation instead of WooCommerce admin navigation.

The following filters match filters used in WooCommerce add to cart success notice once product is added to cart. Parameters are equally the same so returning the same results is easy.

  • Dev: Introduced cocart_add_to_cart_qty_html filter matches woocommerce_add_to_cart_qty_html allows you to change the quantity html returned.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_add_to_cart_item_name_in_quotes filter matches woocommerce_add_to_cart_item_name_in_quotes allows you to change the formatting of the item name in quotes.
  • Dev: Introduced cocart_add_to_cart_message_html filter matches wc_add_to_cart_message_html allows you to change the add to cart message based on the products and quantity.

v2.9.3 - 14th April, 2021

  • Fixed: Cart not clearing when you specify a cart key. Set the cart empty instead of using WooCommerce internal function WC()->cart->empty() as it was not consistent.
  • Dev: Introduced two new action hooks before and after clearing the cart. cocart_before_cart_emptied and cocart_cart_emptied.
  • Tested: ✔️ Compatible with WooCommerce v5.2

v2.9.2 - 31st March, 2021

🔥 This is a HOTFIX!

  • Fixed: An issue with the woocommerce_cart_hash cookie setting to null.

This was due to the last patch "v2.9.1" introducing the samesite attribute with the default value to "None". It is now set to "Lax" as the default value.

v2.9.1 - 21st March, 2021

  • Fixed: Merge guest customers cart with a registered customers cart once authenticated.
  • Dev: Triggers saved cart after authentication and updates user activity.
  • Dev: When cookie is set, it now adds samesite attribute to None. Introduces new filter cocart_cookie_samesite to override default option. - Requires PHP 7.3 or above.

Thanks to Joel for reporting the merge issue and help test it.

v2.9.0 - 18th March, 2021

  • NEW: Now supports multi-sites. 🥳
  • Dev: NEW Added database version during install in preparation for updating to CoCart v3.
  • Tested: ✔️ Compatible with WooCommerce v5.1
  • Tested: ✔️ Compatible with WordPress v5.7

📢 Important patch in preparation for CoCart v3. If you have large stores and you update CoCart directly to v3 ignoring this patch, then the database upgrade will run automatically in the background without notice. So please update in order.

v2.8.4 - 9th January, 2021

  • Corrected: Action hook cocart_item_quantity_changed not being called after updating a cart item's quantity. Thanks to @pauld8
  • Enhanced: Cart now returns with filterable WP_REST_Response function instead.

v2.8.3 - 20th December, 2020

  • Enhanced: CoCart now welcomes users when the plugin is activated on a multi-site network.
  • Fixed: Headers already sent when filtering rest_pre_serve_request. Appears to only cause issues when you have WP_DEBUG enabled locally.
  • Fixed: A few errors were not returning the status error in the correct format.

Last update for CoCart Lite v2 ❄️

v2.8.2 - 16th December, 2020

  • Enhanced: 📦 Load chosen shipping method when loading cart from session via the web.
  • Enhanced: 📦 Load cart fees when loading cart from session via the web.
  • Dev: NEW filter cocart_load_cart_query_name to allow developers add more white labelling when loading the cart via the web.
  • Improved: uninstall.php to delete WooCommerce Admin notes when uninstalling for those who are using WooCommerce v4.8 or greater.

v2.8.1 - 10th December, 2020

  • Added: Support for so it no longer caches for guest customers on the frontend and prevent the cart from appearing empty.

This release introduces support for third party starting with web host.

v2.8.0 - 9th December, 2020

  • Enhanced: 📦 Load chosen shipping method when loading cart from session.
  • Tested: ✔️ Compatible with WooCommerce v4.8 and WooCommerce Admin v1.7
  • Tested: ✔️ Compatible with WordPress v5.6

Minimum requirement changes

  • WordPress now needs to be v5.3 minimum.
  • WooCommerce now needs to be v4.3 minimum.

Support for CoCart Lite will not be provided for sites running any lower than these minimum requirements.

v2.7.4 - 18th November, 2020

  • Enhanced: 🤯 Access-Control-Expose-Headers to allow X-COCART-API to be exposed allowing frameworks like React to fetch them.
  • Tested: ✔️ Compatible with WooCommerce v4.7

This is a community release by @saulable

v2.7.3 - 8th November, 2020

🔥 This is a HOTFIX!

  • Fixed: Warning of missing domain key from setcookie() options. Thanks to @pauld8
  • Fixed: Carts already in session still updates even if the cart is now empty.

v2.7.2 - 8th November, 2020

  • Changed: Default expiration length for a cart to expire. Previously 30 days, now only 7 days.
  • Enhanced: Use first gallery image for thumbnail if featured image is not set.
  • Enhanced: Added back the use of httponly when setting cocart_setcookie for the frontend. Defaults: true for frontend, false via REST API.
  • Enhanced: Prevents variations that are not purchasable from passing validation when added to the cart should the variation ID not be set.
  • Fixed: Logger was not passing the full log entry just the message.
  • Improved: Variation ID now returns in cart response based on variation attributes if not set.
  • Improved: Saving carts for guest customers in the database no longer creates additional empty carts. Only 1 cart per customer. 😄🎉
  • Improved: WooCommerce System Status to show how many carts are going to expire soon and out of how many in session. ✅
  • Dev: Deprecated filter cocart_empty_cart_expiration. Not needed any more.
  • Dev: Info log for user switch no longer records if a user ID is not set.
  • Dev: New filter cocart_is_cart_data_valid let's you validate the cart data before a cart is saved in session.
  • Dev: New filter cocart_set_cookie_options allows you to filter the cookie flags, which enables setting of samesite. 🏁 - Only for those who use PHP 7.3 or above.
  • Dev: New filter cocart_cookie_httponly on the httponly param on cocart_setcookie() with all the function parameters passed through.

Certain links that take you to "" or "" now contain basic site info. This includes the following: PHP Version, WordPress Version, WooCommerce Version, CoCart Version, Days plugin active, debug mode, memory limit, user language, multisite and environment type.

v2.7.1 - 30th October, 2020

🔥 This is a HOTFIX!

  • Fixed: Incorrect validation for variation and cart_item_data fields when adding a product to the cart.

v2.7.0 - 27th October, 2020

  • NEW - Added the cart key via the headers. Look for X-CoCart-API
  • Enhanced: Variable validation by removing parameters not used.
  • Enhanced: REST API parameters sanitized and validated.
  • Fixed: Undefined class constant E_WC_ADMIN_NOTE_MARKETING for those who are using WooCommerce lower than version 4.3.0. Thanks to @dmchale
  • Fixed: If stock not available when updating item, return error. Thanks to @pauld8
  • Fixed: Product ID validation should the ID not be present. Also returns correct product ID should SKU ID be used instead.
  • Tested: Compatible with WooCommerce v4.6
  • Dev: New filter cocart_is_rest_api_request to allow developers run their own API check-up.
  • Dev: New filter cocart_return_default_response that if set to false will allow you to return a completely new filtered response using cocart_****_response. You replace **** with the API route e.g: cocart_cart_response or cart_add_item_response.

New response has been applied to all API routes excluding the following: logout, count-items, totals. Plugin name has been renamed from "CoCart" to "CoCart Lite".

v2.6.3 - 23rd September, 2020

  • Fixed: WooCommerce admin note for 6 things you can do with CoCart Products not showing.
  • Improved: Checking of admin note requirements before creating any notes.

v2.6.2 - 16th September, 2020

📢 This minor release corrects some of the API error response codes misused. 👍

  • Tweaked: Check for package version of CoCart instead of the version of CoCart Pro so users can install higher versions of the core of CoCart when CoCart Pro is active. This allows users to test pre-releases or newer versions when they become available. 😄
  • Tested: Compatible with WooCommerce v4.5.2

v2.6.1 - 9th September, 2020

  • Enhanced: Plugin upgrade notice on the plugin page.
  • Removed: Unused CSS.

v2.6.0 - 8th September, 2020

  • NEW: Added backwards compatibility for when set_customer_session_cookie() function is called.
  • NEW: Site environment is now checked before plugin activates.
  • NEW: Plugin will not activate if CoCart Pro v1.1.0 or above is installed.
  • Enhanced: Plugin to be better optimized for future releases of WooCommerce and to allow it to be packaged with CoCart Pro so user's will not require CoCart Lite if Pro is installed.
  • Fixed: Return product data if missing once item is added to cart to prevent undefined index.
  • Improved: uninstall.php file and now will only clear plugin data and remove the database table if COCART_REMOVE_ALL_DATA constant is set to true in user's wp-config.php. This is to prevent data loss when deleting the plugin from the backend and to ensure only the site owner can perform this action.
  • Improved: Handling of admin menu by moving to it's own class.
  • Tweaked: Admin notices to not redirect only to the plugins page once notice is dismissed. Will redirect to the current admin page.
  • Dev: Introduced the ability to white label the plugin. Meaning hide CoCart from the backend. (Admin menu, plugin links, plugin notices including WC admin inbox notices and WC system status information). All you have to do is set a constant COCART_WHITE_LABEL to true in user's wp-config.php file.
  • Dev: New filter cocart_authenticate to override the determined user ID when authenticating. NOTE This will only be active if not already authenticated.
  • Tested: Compatible with WooCommerce v4.5

v2.5.1 - 18th August, 2020

  • Fixed: 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header response when it request's credentials with a wildcard (*) value.
  • Dev: Added filter cocart_allow_origin to set the origin header for added layer of security when you go into production.
  • Tested: Compatible with WooCommerce v4.4

This is a community release by @mattdabell

v2.5.0 - 10th August, 2020

This minor release adds support for the recent changes made to the REST API in the coming WordPress 5.5 to allow CoCart to still work as it is a public REST API.

No changes have been made to the API it self. Just made sure that each route has the correct permission call back applied.

If you are still using the legacy API and have updated to WordPress 5.5, then you will no longer be able to use it as it will no longer register.

v2.4.0 - 23rd July, 2020

The code base was improved to prevent errors should WooCommerce not be activated while CoCart still is.

  • NEW: Added another note to remind users that they can activate CoCart Pro if installed but not activated.
  • Fixed: Fatal error for WC_Session class if WooCommerce is disabled but CoCart was not.
  • Improved: Newly added notes for WooCommerce Admin inbox.
  • Tweaked: WooCommerce System Tools to hide options to clear WooCommerce sessions and synchronizes carts if table is empty.
  • Tested: Compatible with WooCommerce v4.3.1
  • Tested: Compatible with WordPress v5.5

v2.3.1 - 18th July, 2020

  • Corrected: Thank you note.
  • Fixed: Installation/Update of CoCart.
  • Fixed: Return of system status data.

v2.3.0 - 14th July, 2020

This release brings an improved code base for the backend and connects with WooCommerce's Admin bar. New notes exclusively for CoCart have been created that are triggered for when the client needs them. This release also makes preparations for CoCart v3.0 and tested with WooCommerce v4.3

  • NEW: Connected with WooCommerce Admin.
  • NEW: Notes are provided for help, feedback and guides.
  • Added: Preparations for CoCart v3.0
  • Added: Plugin requirements to main plugin file header.
  • Bumped: WooCommerce minimum requirement to v4.0
  • De-bumped: PHP minimum requirement to v7.0 to match WooCommerce's current requirement.
  • Tested: Compatible with WooCommerce v4.3
  • Improved: Code base for the backend.

v2.2.1 - 26th June, 2020

  • Tweaked: Optimized load cart from session when checking if cart is in session. PR #125

This is a community release by @yordivd

v2.2.0 - 22nd June, 2020

  • NEW: Support for allowing all cross origin header requests to pass. Requires cocart_disable_all_cors filter set to false to enable.
  • NEW: Returned response after adding an item now returns product name, title and price just like the cart.
  • Tweaked: Improved validation for a variable product to return the product name correctly if variation attributes are missing.
  • Tweaked: Made sure that we check if we are making a request for CoCart API only.
  • Tweaked: CoCart logger will only log if WP_DEBUG is also set true.
  • Dev: New filters added for returning additional item data once added to cart.

v2.1.7 - 16th June, 2020

  • 🔥 Fix: Too few arguments to function init_session_cookie(), 0 passed.

v2.1.6 - 13th June, 2020

  • Fixed: Return of error response for invalid variation data.
  • Disabled: Use of sanitize_variation_data function. Used for wrong purpose.

v2.1.5 - 12th June, 2020

  • 🔥 Fix: Filtered nonce_user_logged_out returned value for frontend that was causing users logged out to fail verification. 🤦‍♂

v2.1.4 - 11th June, 2020

  • 🔥 Fix: Call to undefined method init_session_cookie() in session handler causing checkout on the frontend to fail. 🤦‍♂

v2.1.3 - 6th June, 2020

  • Changed: Renamed has_cart function to has_session to prevent issues with other plugins that call WC()->session->has_session().
  • Tweaked: CoCart logger now checks if WC_Logger class exists, corrected cocart_logging filter and passed $type and $plugin variables.

v2.1.2 (a.k.a the real version 2.1) - 4th June, 2020

  • NEW: Added support for guest customers.
  • NEW: Carts in session are stored in a new database table.
  • NEW: Carts are in sync across the web store and your headless store.
  • NEW: Added plugin details to WooCommerce System Status.
  • NEW: Added uninstall.php file to delete table and options.
  • NEW: Able to transfer a cart from your headless store to the web.
  • NEW: Added handlers to improve product validation and extended support for other product types.
  • NEW: Can now add items to cart using a products SKU ID.
  • NEW: When an item is updated, removed or restored... the cart totals are re-calculated.
  • NEW: Added option to logout customer.
  • NEW: Variable products are now validated and can find variation ID from attributes if not already set.
  • NEW: Prevent password protected products from being added to the cart.
  • NEW: Prevent CoCart from being cached with WP REST API Cache plugin.
  • Changed: Parameter used to set cart key. Previously id now cart_key. The id used as fallback if still used.
  • Removed: Parameter to re-calculate totals once item was updated.
  • Tweaked: Clear carts debug tool now clears saved carts as well.
  • Tweaked: Products that are no longer purchasable and are already in the cart are removed from the cart.
  • Tweaked: Stop redirect to getting started page if plugin was activated and was already installed before.
  • Tweaked: Prevent redirect to getting started page if multiple plugins activated at once.
  • Dev: Clear all carts stored in session via the Tools section of WooCommerce System Status.
  • Dev: Synchronize carts over to CoCart's session table in the database via the Tools section of WooCommerce System Status.
  • Dev: Cart expiration can be filtered if the default 30 days is not to your liking.
  • Dev: Generated customer ID can be filtered before storing cart in the database and creates a cookie on the customer's device.
  • Dev: Added filter cocart_add_to_cart_validation to allow plugin developers to pass their own validation before item is added to the cart.
  • Dev: Added filter cocart_update_cart_validation to allow plugin developers to pass their own validation before item is updated in the cart.
  • Dev: Added filters to override the product name cocart_product_name and product title cocart_product_title when getting the cart contents.
  • Dev: Added filter cocart_item_thumbnail_src to override the source URL of the product thumbnail when getting the cart contents.
  • Dev: Added filter cocart_add_to_cart_quantity to override the quantity when adding an item.
  • Dev: Added filter cocart_add_cart_item_data so other plugins can pass cart item data when adding an item.
  • Dev: Added filters so the returned response messages can be changed.
  • Dev: Added conditional filter for returning a cart item.
  • Dev: Added hook cocart_user_switched to allow something to happen if a user has switched.
  • Dev: Added hook cocart_load_cart to manipulate the merged cart before it set in session.
  • Dev: Added hook cocart_load_cart_override to manipulate the overriding cart before it set in session.
  • Dev: Added hook cocart_item_added_updated_in_cart for when an item was added again but updated in cart.
  • Dev: Added a new class that handles logging errors.
  • Dev: Added filters to admin notices to extend the length of time they hide.
  • Dev: Added filter to override cookie check for authenticated users.
  • Tested: Compatible with WooCommerce v4.2

This update replaces WooCommerce core session handler with CoCart's. 100% backwards compatible.

v2.1.1 - 10th May, 2020

🔥 This is a HOTFIX!

  • Fixed: Critical uncaught error when returning the totals once calculated.
  • Fixed: Critical uncaught error when uninstalling to drop the database table.

v2.1.0 - 8th May, 2020

  • NEW: Added support for guest customers.
  • NEW: Carts in session are stored in a new database table.
  • NEW: Added plugin details to WooCommerce System Status.
  • NEW: Added uninstall.php file to delete table and options.
  • NEW: Able to transfer a cart from your headless store to the web.
  • NEW: Added handlers to improve product validation and extended support for other product types.
  • NEW: Can now add items to cart using a products SKU ID.
  • NEW: When an item is updated, removed or restored... the cart totals are re-calculated.
  • NEW: Added option to logout customer.
  • Removed: Parameter to re-calculate totals once item was updated.
  • Tweaked: Products that are no longer purchasable and are already in the cart are removed from the cart.
  • Tweaked: Stop redirect to getting started page if plugin was activated and was already installed before.
  • Tweaked: Prevent redirect to getting started page if multiple plugins activated at once.
  • Dev: Clear all carts stored in session via the Tools section of WooCommerce System Status.
  • Dev: Cart expiration can be filtered if the default 30 days is not to your liking.
  • Dev: Generated customer ID can be filtered before storing cart in the database and creates a cookie on the customer's device.
  • Dev: Added filter cocart_add_to_cart_validation to allow plugin developers to pass their own validation before item is added to the cart.
  • Dev: Added filters to override the product name cocart_product_name and product title cocart_product_title when getting the cart contents.
  • Dev: Added filter cocart_item_thumbnail_src to override the source URL of the product thumbnail when getting the cart contents.
  • Dev: Added filter cocart_add_to_cart_quantity to override the quantity when adding an item.
  • Dev: Added filter cocart_add_cart_item_data so other plugins can pass cart item data when adding an item.
  • Dev: Added filters so the returned response messages can be changed.
  • Dev: Added conditional filter for returning a cart item.
  • Dev: Added hook cocart_user_switched to allow something to happen if a user has switched.
  • Dev: Added hook cocart_load_cart to manipulate the merged cart before it set in session.
  • Dev: Added hook cocart_load_cart_override to manipulate the overriding cart before it set in session.
  • Dev: Added hook cocart_item_added_updated_in_cart for when an item was added again but updated in cart.
  • Dev: Added a new class that handles logging errors.
  • Dev: Added filters to admin notices to extend the length of time they hide.
  • Dev: Added filter to override cookie check for authenticated users.
  • Tested: Compatible with WooCommerce v4.1

v2.0.13 - 13th April, 2020

  • Filtered: woocommerce_stock_amount to validate as a float value.
  • Changed: Quantity value type from integer to float to allow quantity to be used for weighing fruit for example when adding or updating a product.
  • Dev: Added filter for sold individual products quantity to be overridden. - cocart_add_to_cart_sold_individually_quantity

This is a community release by @metemaddar

v2.0.12 - 27th March, 2020

  • Tested: Compatible with WordPress 5.4
  • Added: Upgrade notice message on plugins upgrade screen.

v2.0.11 - 25th March, 2020

  • Removed: cocart_docs_url filter for changing documentation link.
  • Tested: Compatible with WooCommerce v4.0.x
  • Updated: Getting Started page and removed cocart_getting_started_doc_url filter for the documentation button.
  • Updated: Plugin action link for upgrading to CoCart Pro.
  • Updated: Upgrade notices.

Please temporarily deactivate CoCart and CoCart Pro if you have it before updating WooCommerce to version 4.0+ as there is an activation order issue I am still working on fixing. Once you have upgraded WooCommerce simply reactivate CoCart.

v2.0.10 - 22nd March, 2020

  • Tweaked: Refresh totals parameter is now set to true by default when item is updated.

v2.0.9 - 19th March, 2020

  • Corrected: Passed parameter to get specific customers cart.
  • Tweaked: Validation of returning persistent cart.

v2.0.8 - 6th March, 2020

  • Dev: Added filter cocart_return_empty_cart to empty cart response so developers can use it as they see fit.

v2.0.7 - 5th March, 2020

  • Disabled: Cookie authentication REST check, only if site is secure when authenticating the basic method.
  • Removed: Filter for session class handler as we need it to be untouched.
  • Tested: Compatible with WooCommerce v3.9.x
  • Tweaked: Use get_current_user_id() instead of is_user_logged_in() to check if user is logged in.

The cookie check is only disabled when making a request with CoCart.

v2.0.6 - 1st October, 2019

  • Added: Link to translate CoCart on the plugin row.
  • Tweaked: Upgrade admin notice for next release.
  • Tweaked: URL to latest beta news under the plugin row.

v2.0.5 - 14th September, 2019

  • Added: Support for WooCommerce's authentication method.

v2.0.4 - 26th August, 2019

  • Added: More FAQ's to readme.txt file for the WordPress plugin directory.
  • Changed: Title of the plugin in readme.txt file to improve SEO Results.
  • Changed: Minimum WooCommerce version required and supported is v3.6.
  • Tweaked: Upgrade link now shows always once plugin is installed, not after 1 week.
  • Tweaked: Upgrade link colour changed from green to red to stand out more.

v2.0.3 - 19th August, 2019

  • Added: A notice under the plugin row providing information on future versions coming that require your feedback.
  • Tested: Compatible with WooCommerce v3.7
  • Tweaked: Admin body class for CoCart page.
  • Updated: Documentation URL has changed to

v2.0.2 - 19th July, 2019

  • Tweaked: Updated link to getting started page if CoCart was installed via WP-CLI.

v2.0.1 - 18th July, 2019

  • Tweaked: get_cart_contents_count() is now called static.
  • Tweaked: Added check for cart totals to make sure they are set before falling back to cart totals in session.
  • Dev: Added filter cocart_update_item for the response when updating an item.
  • Dev: Tweaked CoCart page in the WordPress dashboard to support sections.

v2.0.0 - 3rd July, 2019

  • NEW: REST API namespace. CoCart is now an individual API and is no longer nested with WooCommerce's core REST API.
  • NEW: Check to see if the cart is set before falling back to the cart in session if one exists.
  • NEW: Get a specific customers cart via their customer ID number. - See documentation for details.
  • NEW: Product title also returns besides just the product name when getting the cart.
  • NEW: Product price also returns when getting the cart.
  • Changed: Filter and Action Hook names in new API. - See documentation for details.
  • Improved: Complexity of functions for better performance and usage.
  • Tweaked: Added checking for items already in the cart.
  • Tweaked: Check if cart is empty before removing an item.
  • Tweaked: Responses for adding, updating, removing and restoring items to return whole cart if requested.
  • Tweaked: Responses for updating items to return the quantity of item along with message.
  • Tweaked: Totals can now return once calculated if requested.
  • Tweaked: Totals now return from session and can be returned pre-formatted if requested. - See documentation for details.
  • Tweaked: New option to refresh cart totals once item has been added or updated.
  • Dev: Added action hooks for getting cart, cart is cleared, item added, item removed and item restored.
  • Dev: Added filter to allow additional checks before the item is added to the cart.
  • Dev: Added filter to apply additional data to return when cart is returned.
  • Dev: Added filter to change the size of the thumbnail returned.
  • Dev: Added new option to return cart raw if requested.

v1.2.3 - 7th June, 2019

  • Added: Upgrade warning notice in preparation for CoCart v2 release.

v1.2.2 - 30th May, 2019

  • Fix: Plugin would fail to install date and version for future updates.
  • Fix: Plugin would fail to redirect to Getting Started page once activated.

Both of these failed due to reverting a change in the last update to fix the API from crashing.

v1.2.1 - 21st May, 2019

  • HOTFIX: Reverted change for including classes so WC_VERSION constant was defined first.

v1.2.0 - 20th May, 2019

  • NEW: Add Getting Started page to introduce users to view the documentation once installed.
  • NEW: Plugin review notice appears after the first week of use.
  • Tweaked: Improved code base of the plugin, NOT the REST-API.

v1.1.2 - 17th May, 2019

  • Tweaked: Allow removing of items via update logic if quantity is zero. Thanks to @SHoogland

v1.1.1 - 25th April, 2019

  • Checked: Compatibility with WooCommerce v3.6.2
  • Updated: Changelog. Forgot to do it in last update.

v1.1.0 - 23rd April, 2019

  • Compatible: Support for WooCommerce 3.6+

v1.0.9 - 5th April, 2019

  • Compatible: Tested up to WordPress 5.1.1
  • Compatible: Tested up to WooCommerce 3.5.7
  • Tweaked: Support link in plugin row.

v1.0.8 - 18th February, 2019

  • Compatible: Ready for WordPress 5.1 release. 🎊
  • Added: Review link to plugins row.

v1.0.7 - 28th January, 2019

  • Tweaked: Clear cart now clears cart in session if the user is logged in. - Thanks to @elron for the patch.

v1.0.6 - 12th November, 2018

  • Changed: If the cart is empty, the response returns an empty array. - Issue #33 Feedback provided by @joshuaiz
  • Improved: Updating items by adding a check to see if there is enough stock. Thanks to @DennisMatise

v1.0.5 - 11th October, 2018

  • Fixed: Variation and cart item data validation callback. - Issue #40 Thanks to @DennisMatise
  • Fixed: A fatal error that caused errors not to return properly. - Issue #35 Thanks to @skunkbad
  • Changed: Name of the plugin is now CoCart. The plugin slug will remain the same.

v1.0.4 - 5th July, 2018

  • Fixed: Return response for numeric thanks to @campusboy87
  • Fixed: Fatal error for adding and updating items when validating the callback is_numeric. - Issue #30

v1.0.3 - 22nd April, 2018

  • Fixed: Syntax error for including cart controller for sites running versions of PHP lower than 7. Thanks to @Mr-AjayM for another contribution.
  • Fixed: Validation of cart_item_key when removing, restoring or updating an item. Item keys starting with a letter were returning false. Reported by @Janie20.
  • Tested up to WooCommerce v3.3.5 and up to WordPress v4.9.5

v1.0.2 - 31st March, 2018

  • Fixed: Invalid Argument Error should the cart be empty. Now returns "Cart is empty" properly. Thanks to @Mr-AjayM for the contribution.

v1.0.1 - 2nd March, 2018

  • Added: Fetch current cart item data before it is updated.
  • Added: New endpoint to restore, remove and update items in cart due to a conflict that prevented from registering the route.
  • Corrected: Fetching cart item key as integer to a clean string.
  • Corrected: Had response messages for updating quantity backwards. Oops!
  • Improved: Made sure it returns a response if the cart is empty.
  • Enhanced: Added a check to see if the cart has any items before calculating totals.


  • Initial version. Released on on 26th February, 2018