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AsnelChristian committed May 23, 2017
1 parent 57cfe06 commit 3c5ec97
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336 changes: 336 additions & 0 deletions
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# Convert bears to use aspects

| Metadata | |
| ------------ |------------------------------------------------|
| cEP | 10 |
| Version | 1.0 |
| Title | Convert bears to use aspects |
| Authors | Asnel Christian Ngoulla <> |
| Status | Implementation Due |
| Type | Feature |

## Abstract

This document describes how `aspects` will be defined for and connected with
bears and how their results will be annotated with them.

This cEP also provides a list of the `aspects` to be implemented with their
correspponding `tastes` where taste are customization `settings` for `aspects`.

## Introduction

An `aspect` is an analysis we want to run over a piece of code. As stated in
[cEP-0005](, one of the
main problems coala faces is its configuration due to the huge number of bears
it offers, which are capable of analyzing several aspects of code and are
sometimes highly configurable with numerous settings; whereby the user has to
be aware of which bear does what and which setting has be to set to analyze
the aspect he wants analyzed; resulting in a coala difficult to learn and use.

To make things easier for user the concept of `aspects` was created as proposed
in [cEP-0005]( Our goal
here is to list all the aspects for covering all the code anlysis features the
coala bears are capable of, annotating bears' results with them.

## The aspests

The bears offered by coala are usually capable of handling several aspects.
`aspects` will be implemented in a tree-like form starting with the
[Root aspect](
Here is the list of aspects to be implemented along with their corresponding
`subaspects` and tastes(which are the leaves of the tree written
in snake_case).

|--- Formatting
|--- |--- UseSpaces
|--- |--- TrailingSpace
|--- |--- EmtpyLines
|--- |--- |--- num_newlines_after_class_def
|--- |--- |--- num_newlines_after_func_def
|--- |--- Quotation
|--- |--- |--- prefered_quotation
|--- |--- Length
|--- |--- |--- LineLength
|--- |--- |--- |--- max_line_length
|--- |--- |--- Ignore
|--- |--- |--- |--- ignore_links
|--- |--- |--- |--- ignore_line
|--- |--- |--- FileLength
|--- |--- |--- |--- max_file_length
|--- |--- Indentation
|--- |--- |--- size
|--- |--- ParenthesesFormatting
|--- |--- BracesFormatting
|--- |--- SpaceAroundOperators
|--- Smell
|--- |--- Complexity
|--- |--- |--- cyclomatic_complexity
|--- |--- ClassSmell
|--- |--- |--- ClassLength
|--- |--- |--- |--- max_class_length
|--- |--- |--- |--- min_class_length
|--- |--- |--- FeatureEnvy
|--- |--- MethodSmell
|--- |--- |--- max_method_length
|--- |--- |--- max_parameter
|--- |--- Naming
|--- |--- |--- variable_naming_convention
|--- |--- |--- function_naming_convention
|--- |--- |--- class_naming_convention
|--- |--- |--- max_indentifier_name_length
|--- |--- |--- min_indentifier_name_length
|--- Security
|--- |--- buffer_overflow
|--- |--- unallocated_memory
|--- Redundancy
|--- |--- Clone
|--- |--- |--- min_clone_tokens
|--- |--- |--- ignore_using
|--- |--- UnusedImport
|--- |--- UnreachableCode
|--- |--- UnusedFunction
|--- |--- UnreachableStatement
|--- |--- UnusedParameter
|--- |--- UnusedLocalVariable
|--- |--- UnusedGlobalVariablee
|--- Spelling
|--- |--- aspectsYEAH
|--- |--- coala
|--- UndefinedElement
|--- |--- UndefinedVariable
|--- |--- UndefinedParameter
|--- |--- UndefinedFunction
|--- Documentation
|--- Grammar
|--- |--- Language
|--- Metadata
|--- |--- CommitMessage
|--- |--- | --- Shortlog
|--- |--- | --- |--- Emptiness
|--- |--- | --- |--- ColonExistence
|--- |--- | --- |--- TrailingPeriod
|--- |--- | --- |--- Tense
|--- |--- | --- |--- Length
|--- |--- | --- |--- |--- max_shortlog_length
|--- |--- | --- |--- FirstCharacter
|--- |--- | --- |--- |--- shortlog_starts_upper_case
|--- |--- | --- Body
|--- |--- | --- |--- Existence
|--- |--- | --- |--- Length
|--- |--- | --- |--- |--- max_body_length
* `Root.Formatting`: This aspect checks on the format (the structure) of your
* `Root.Formatting.UseSpaces`: This aspect enforces the use of spaces over
* `Root.Formatting.TrailingSpace`: This aspect detects trailing spaces in the
* `Root.Formatting.EmptyLines`: This aspect checks on empty lines.
* `Root.Formatting.EmptyLines.num_newlines_after_class_def`:
This taste represents the number of newlines that should be added after a class
* `Root.Formatting.EmptyLines.num_newlines_after_func_def`:
This taste represents the number of newlines that should be added after a
function definition.
* `Root.Formatting.Quotation`: This aspect checks on the quotations being used
in your files given `Root.Formatting.Quotation.prefered_quotation`.
* `Root.Formatting.Quotation.prefered_quotation`: This taste represents the
user's preferred quotation.
* `Root.Formatting.LineLength`: This aspect checks on lines' length in your
* `Root.Formatting.LineLength.max_line_length`: This taste represents that
maximum length for line.
* `Root.Formatting.LineLength.Ignore`: This aspect represents all the
elements to be ignored.
* `Root.Formatting.LineLength.Ignore.ignore_links`: this taste is to determine
whether links should be ignored while checking on lines' length.
* `Root.Formatting.LineLength.Ignore.ignore_line`: this taste is to which line
should be ignored while checking on lines' length.
* `Root.Formatting.FileLength`: This aspect checks on files' length given
* `Root.Formatting.FileLength.max_file_length`: this taste represents the
maximum length for a file.
* `Root.Formatting.Indentation`: This taste checks on the number of space
used for indentation given `Root.Formatting.Indentation.size`.
* `Root.Smell`: This aspect describes `code smells` (smells refer to
structures that violate design principles) in your codebase.
* `Root.Smell.Complexity`: describes the complexity of your code given the
value `cyclomatic_complexity`.
* `Root.Smell.Complexity.cyclomatic_complexity`: Variable reprensing the
maximum number of embedded branches or embedded loops.
* `Root.Smell.ClassSmell`: This aslpect describes `code smells` related to
classes' definition in your codebase.
* `Root.Smell.ClassSmell.ClassLength`: This aspect deals with the length of
classes' definition.
* `Root.Smell.ClassSmell.ClassLength.max_class_length`: This taste represents
the maximum length for a class's definition.
* `Root.Smell.ClassSmell.ClassLength.min_class_length`: This taste represents
the minimum length for a class's definition.
* `Root.Smell.ClassSmell.FeatureEnvy`: This aspect describes classes that use
other classes' methods excessively.
* `Root.Smell.ClassSmell.DataClump`: This aspect describes variables
are passed around together in various parts of the program, suggesting
that they should pass as a single object.
* `Root.Smell.MethodSmell`: This aspect describes code smells
related to functions' (and or methods') definition.
* `Root.Smell.MethodSmell.max_method_length`: variable representing the
maximum length for a method or a function definition.
* `Root.Smell.MethodSmell.max_parameter`: This taste represents maximum number
of paramters for a function.
* `Root.Smell.Naming`: This aspect deals with identifiers' names(their
length, the naming convention in use ...)
* `Root.Smell.Naming.variable_naming_convention`: This taste represents the
naming convention used for variables' and functions' parameters' identifiers.
* `Root.Smell.Naming.function_naming_convention`: This taste
represents the naming convention used for functions' or methods'.
* `Root.Smell.Naming.class_naming_convention`: This taste represents the
naming convention being used for classes.
* `Root.Smell.Naming.max_identifier_length`: This taste represents the max
length for an identifier.
* `Root.Smell.Naming.max_identifier_length`: This taste represents the min
length for an identifier.
* `Root.Redundancy`: This aspect describes redundancy in your source code.
* `Root.Redundancy.Clone`: This aspect detects code
clones or more specifically very similar blocks of code in your codebase.
* `Root.Redundancy.Clone.min_clone_tokens`(a taste of the `Clone` aspect):
Thsi taste represents the minimun number of token that have to be equal to be
considered as a clone.
* `Root.Redundancy.UnusedImport`: This taste describes useless import/include
that is not needed.
* `Root.Redundancy.UnreachableCode`: This taste describes source code that
can never be executed during the program execution.
* `Root.Redundancy.UnusedFunction`: This taste describes functions that
are never called during code execution
* `Root.Redundancy.UnreachableStatement`: This taste describes statement that
are never executed during code execution.
* `Root.Redundancy.UnusedParameter`: This taste describes functions'
parameters which are never used.
* `Root.Redundancy.UnusedLocalVariable`: This taste describes variables which
are defined locally but never used.
* `Root.Redundancy.UnusedGlobalVariable`: this taste describes variables which
have a global scope but are never used.
* `Root.Spelling`: This aspect checks on the spelling of specific words.
* `Root.Spelling.coala`: This aspect checks on the spelling of `coala`.
* `Root.Spelling.aspectsYEAH`: This aspect checks on the spelling of
`aspect[s]` and `aspectsYEAH`.
* `Root.UndefinedElement`: This aspect checks on undefined element in your
* `Root.UndefinedElement.UndefinedVariable`: This aspect detects undefined
variables in your code.
* `Root.UndefinedElement.UndefinedParameter`: This aspect detects undefined
parameters in functions' definitions.
* `Root.UndefinedElement.UndefinedFunction`: This aspect detects undefined
functions in your codebase.
* `Root.Metadata`: This describes any aspect that is related to metadata that
is not inside your source code.
* `Root.Metadata.CommitMessage`.
* `Root.Metadata.CommitMessage.Emptiness`: This aspect is to detect and
prevent from using empty commit message.
* `Root.Metadata.CommitMessage.Shortlog`: This aspect checks on the first line
of your commit message.
* `Root.Metadata.CommitMessage.Shortlog.ColonExistence`: This aspect checks
your commit shortlog to see whether or not there is a colon (given that the
usage of colon is compulsory in your project).
* `Root.Metadata.CommitMessage.Shortlog.TrailingPeriod`: This aspect checks
for trailing period.
* `Root.Metadata.CommitMessage.Shortlog.Tense`: This aspect checks on the
tense used in commit message shortlog.
* `Root.Metadata.CommitMessage.Shortlog.Length`: This aspect checks on the
length of your commit message shortlog given the value of
* `Root.Metadata.CommitMessage.Shortlog.FirstCharacter`: This aspect detects
inconsistent casing for the first character of your commit message shortlog(
and the the first character following the colon if there is one) given the
value of
[taste representing the case to use for the first character of your
commit message shortlog and the first character following the colon].
* `Root.Metadata.CommitMessage.Body`: Parent aspect for all of the aspects
related to your commit message body.
* `Root.Metadata.CommitMessage.Body.Existence`: Checks on the existence of
your commit message body (it enforces its usage).
* `Root.Metadata.CommitMessage.Body.Length`: Checks on the length of your
commit message body given the value of

## Implementation

As stated previously the aspects will be implemented in a tree like form,
with the Root aspect at the root of the tree. Some classes, metaclasses
and some few methods were define so far to make that possible including:

* [the aspectbase class](
* [the Documentation class for documenting aspects](
* [the aspectclass metaclass](
* [the TasteMeta class](
* [the Taste class](

`aspects` will simply be defined this way:
from coalib.bearlib.aspects import Root, Taste

class SomeAspect:

# This will serve as documentation for the aspect
class docs:
example = 'an example of this aspect of code'
example_language = 'the programming language of the example'
importance_reason = 'the reason why this is important'
fix_suggestions = ''

# Here we define the different tastes for this aspect
# aspects are not compelled to have tastes
some_taste = Taste[Taste_type](
'Documentation about this taste',
list('Possible value for this taste',),
default='Default value for this taste')
The documentation of each of the implemented aspects will be added to
the [coala/aspect-docs]( repository.

Concerning bears' results annotation, so far, the `.aspect` attr was added to
the [Result class](
(where a Result object is what is yielded by a bear when through executing).
So annotating a bear's result with aspects simply consists of setting this
variable to the appropriate aspect of code.
Here is how bears' will be defined in as presented in

from coalib.bears.LocalBear import LocalBear
from coalib.results.Result import Result
from coalib.bearlib.aspects import Root

class RedundancyBear(LocalBear, aspects={
# This represents all the aspects this bear can detect.
'detect': [Root.Redundancy.Clone],
# This represents all the aspects this bear can fix.
'fix': [Root.Redundancy.UnusedImport]},
languages=['C', 'Python']):

def run(self, filename, file, aspects):
# No documentation required anymore for the bears.

if unused_imports(file):
# A bear may yield results for any aspect even if it's not selected.
# coala will filter out only selected aspects.
yield Result.from_values(aspect=Root.Redundancy.UnusedImport, ...)

# Bears can save performance by only performing needed checks
aspect = aspects.get(Root.Redundancy.Clone, False)
if aspect:
# Bears can access tastes right from the aspect instance
min_clone_tokens = aspect.min_clone_tokens

# The aspect is tied to the result. coala now knows everything from
# the aspect documentation!
yield Result.from_values(aspect=aspect, ...)

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