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A InfluxDB console client, inspired by mycli.


Only 64-bit available, if your have 32-bit CPU, you can build your own binary


./ifcli -host https://<host>:3242 \ # Use http or https
	--user <user> \
	--pwd <password> \
	--db <db-name> \
	--disable-nil \        # Do not show nil field value, use ENABLE_NIL to enable nil value print
	--prompt "test-env"    # Prompt current connection name



If we have connect some InfluxDB before, ifcli will record them in ~/.ifclirc, seems like this:

["influx::https://host-to-influxdb:8086"] # InfluxDB intance key: <user-name:host>
  last_conn = 2020-02-04T10:28:52Z        # last connection time
  last_exit = 2020-02-04T10:29:22Z        # last exit time
  created = 2020-02-04T10:21:06Z          # connection create date
  host = "https://host-to-influxdb:3242"  # influxdb instance host
  user = "influx"                         # influxdb instance user name
  # password has been encrypted 
  password = "7d0bd5e7ea3500605b32845b41b1"
  default_db = ""

# another instance
  last_conn = 2020-02-04T16:41:42Z
  last_exit = 2020-02-04T16:41:43Z
  created = 2020-02-04T16:41:42Z
  host = "https://host-to-influxdb:3242"
  user = "datafllux_influx"
  password = "b144649f35776818c0ccde0055fa"
  default_db = ""

We can use CONN <influxdb-instance-key> to switch between different InfluxDB instances

Additional Commands

Additional commands/tips to make your happy:

  • DISABLE_NIL/ENABLE_NIL: disalbe/enable nil value in console ouput
  • RESET_SUG: It will add completer on measurement-name/db-name/field-name/tag-name, this may make the completer table too long and cause performance problem, use the command to clean these real-time-added completers, only keep InfluxDB reserved keyworkds
  • Use and to select history. There is no such ~/ifcli-history file, after ifcli exit, all history disappear
  • Use CONN ... to switch between different InfluxDB instances
  • Support Emacs-style line operation, such as ctrl+w to delete the word before the cursor, ctrl+e to move cursor to line end, ctrl+l to clean screen, and so on
  • Windows support(recommand cmd.exe or powershell.exe, other terminal not tested)
  • Use tee output.file to redirect output to file
  • Use TSCNT <db-name> <since-when> to show DB's time series count. If db-name not sepcified, use current DB (if set); if since-when not set, default to 5m (latest 5 minutes)
  • Use MOVE <db1>.<rp1>.<measurement> <db2>.<rp2>.<measurement2> to backup data to another databases, or within same DB, with different RP or measurement name
  • Use BENCH <sql> to benchmark SQL with runing 10 times
  • Use BENCHN <n> <sql> to benchmark SQL with running n times




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