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Python NAT Punch-Thru File Transfer


This was developed with Python 3.8.2; any OS running this version of Python should work.

For Windows users, the .exe is intended to be standalone and should have no pre-requisites.


("lan" OR "net") AND ("upload" OR "download") ...

  • if upload:
    • path_of_file_to_upload
  • if download:
    • unique_id_here [-p path_of_optional_download_folder]

Note: Windows users can probably just use "python", while Linux users will likely need to use "python3" when typing the following commands in a terminal.

python3 lan upload ./picture.jpg (NAPUFIT will generate a unique ID which needs to be shared with the person downloading)

python3 lan download abcd1234 -p /home/user/Downloads

python3 net upload ./picture.jpg (NAPUFIT will generate a unique ID which needs to be shared with the person downloading)

python3 net download abcd1234 (wihout -p, the file is downloaded to the current folder)


  • (All users) In the "app" folder there is a "config.json" file where you can set the URL of the facilitator server and the port number used for LAN discovery
  • (Docker users only): In the "docker_app" folder, there is another "config.json" file where you can set what port number the local webserver will run on

Note: Docker users should ensure these files are correct when building their container

Server-side setup

  • Find a hosting provider that offers a web server and a MySQL database.
  • Edit the "facilitator.php" file and set the global "$db_" variables
  • Upload the "facilitator.php" file to the web server
  • Using a database management tool, run the SQL command found in "create_table.sql" to create a compatible table for napufit
  • (Optional) Using a database management tool, run the SQL command found in "delete_old_connections.sql". This will ensure the database routinely cleans up old connections that were not removed correctly.

Client-side setup

Python standard

  • Open up a terminal and clone the repo
  • Change to the repo's folder
  • Type "pip install -r requirements.txt"
  • Change to the "app" folder
  • Run using the information in the Usage section

Python virtual environment

  • Open up a terminal and clone the repo
  • Change to the repo's folder
  • Type "pip install pipenv" (Some users may need to use "pip3" instead of "pip")
  • Type "pipenv install --ignore-pipfile"
  • After successful installation, type "pipenv shell" (NAPUFIT will only work inside a pipenv shell)
  • Change to the "app" folder
  • Run using the information in the Usage section


Note: Linux Only. This docker setup uses the "host" network driver which is not supported on Windows at this time. Windows users can use VirtualBox or VMWare with a Linux guest using bridged mode if they wish to run NAPUFIT in a virtual environment.

  • Install Docker and Docker Compose. Go to the official Docker website for instructions.
  • Open up a terminal and clone the repo
  • Change to the repo's folder
  • Type: "docker-compose up --build -d"
  • This will automatically create two folders in the repo folder: "docker_mount_downloads" and "docker_mount_uploads". Files you wish to share should be put in uploads, and files you receive will go to downloads
  • Go to your browser and type "" in the URL bar
  • Use the Web GUI to interact with NAPUFIT

.exe (Windows Only)

Note: This .exe was created by using "nuitka" which compiles python scripts into .exes

  • Go to the releases tab on this website and download
  • Open up a file explorer and navigate to the downloaded file
  • Unzip the file
  • View the unzipped files
  • Hold down shift and right click anywhere in the window
  • In the pop-up menu, an item saying "Open Powershell/Command Prompt window here" should be available. Click it.
  • Type ".\napufit.exe" followed by the parameters described in the Usage section