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File metadata and controls

135 lines (107 loc) · 5.69 KB
  • Feature Name: segmented_storage
  • Status: rejected
  • Start Date: 2015-07-29
  • RFC PR: #1866
  • Cockroach Issue: #1644

Rejection notes

This proposal was deemed too complex and expensive for the problem it solves. Instead, we will drop snapshots whose application would create a conflict in the replicasByKey map. This avoids the race conditions in issue #1644, but leaves the range in an uninitialized and unusable state. In the common case, this state will resolve quickly, and in the uncommon case when it persists, we simply rely on the usual repair and recovery process to move the replica to a new node.


Partition the RocksDB keyspace into segments so that replicas created by raft replication do not share physical storage with replicas created by splits.


Currently, keys in the distributed sorted map correspond more or less directly to keys in RocksDB. This makes splits and merges cheap (since the bulk of the data does not need to be moved to a new location), but it introduces ambiguity since the same RocksDB key may be owned by different ranges at different times.

For a concrete example of the problems this can cause (discussed more fully in #1644), consider a node N3 which is temporarily down while a range R1 is split (creating R2). When the range comes back up, the leaders of both R1 and R2 (N1 and N2 respectively) will try to bring it up to date. If R2 acts first, it will see that N3 doesn't have any knowledge of R2 and so it sends a snapshot. The snapshot will replace data in R2's keyspace, which N3's replica of R1 still covers. N3 cannot correctly process any messages relating to R2 until R1 has caught up to the point of the split.

Detailed design

Segment IDs

Each replica is associated with a segment ID. When a replica is created in response to a raft message, it gets a newly-generated segment ID. When a replica is created as a part of splitTrigger, it shares the parent replica's segment ID. Segment IDs are unique per store and are generated from a store-local counter. They are generally not sent over the wire (except perhaps for debugging info); all awareness of segment IDs is contained in the storage package.

Key encoding

We introduce a new level of key encoding at the storage level. For clarity, the existing roachpb.EncodedKey type will be renamed to roachpb.MVCCKey, and the three levels of encoding will be as follows:

  • Key: a raw key in the monolithic sorted map.
  • StorageKey: a Key prefixed with a segment ID.
  • MVCCKey: a StorageKey suffixed with a timestamp.

The functions in storage/engine will take StorageKeys as input and use MVCCKeys internally. All code outside the storage package will continue to use raw Keys, and even inside the storage package conversion to StorageKey will usually be done immediately before a call to an MVCC function.

The actual encoding will use fixed-width big-endian integers, similar to the encoding of the timestamp in MVCCKey. Thus a fully-encoded key is:

|               roachpb.MVCCKey                   |
|   roachpb.StorageKey    |
           | roachpb.Key  |

Segment ID | Raw key    | Wall time | Logical TS |
4 bytes    | (variable) | 8 bytes   | 4 bytes    |

All keys not associated with a replica (including the counter used to generate segment IDs) will use segment ID 0.

Splitting and snapshotting

Ranges can be created in two ways (ignoring the initial bootstrapping of the first range): an existing range splits into a new range on the same store, or a raft leader sends a snapshot to a store that should have a replica of the same range but doesn't.

Each replica-creation path will need to consider whether the replica has already been created via the other path (comparing replica IDs, not just range IDs). In splitTrigger, if the replica already exists under a different segment, then a snapshot occurred before the split. The left-hand range should delete all data that are outside the bounds established by the split. In the ApplySnapshot path, a new segment will need to be created only if the replica has not already been assigned a segment.

TODO(bdarnell): ApplySnapshot happens in the Store's raft goroutine, but raft may call other (read-only) methods on its own goroutine. I think this is safe (raft already has to handle the data changing out from under it in other ways), but we should double-check that raft behaves sanely in this case.


  • Adding a segment ID to every key is a non-trivial storage cost.
  • Merges will require copying the entire data of at least one range to put them into the same segment.


  • An earlier version of this proposal did not reuse segment IDs on splits, so splits required copying the new range's data to a new segment (segments were also identified by a (range ID, replica ID) tuple instead of a separate ID).

Unresolved questions

  • Whenever a split and snapshot race, we are wasting work, since the snapshot will be ignored if the split completes while the snapshot is in flight. It's probably worthwhile to prevent or delay sending snapshots when an in-progress split should be able to accomplish the same thing more cheaply. This is less of an issue currently as new ranges are started in a leaderless state and so no snapshots will be sent until a round of elections, but we intend to kick-start elections in this case to minimize unavailability so we will need to be mindful of the cost of premature snapshots.