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Concat() function in UPDATE statement throws unknown signature error while using enum types. #125025

mohan-crdb opened this issue Jun 4, 2024 · 1 comment
A-sql-pgcompat Semantic compatibility with PostgreSQL A-sql-typing SQLtype inference, typing rules, type compatibility. branch-release-24.1 Used to mark GA and release blockers and technical advisories for 24.1 C-enhancement Solution expected to add code/behavior + preserve backward-compat (pg compat issues are exception) E-quick-win Likely to be a quick win for someone experienced. O-support Would prevent or help troubleshoot a customer escalation - bugs, missing observability/tooling, docs P-3 Issues/test failures with no fix SLA T-sql-queries SQL Queries Team


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mohan-crdb commented Jun 4, 2024

Describe the problem

Concat() function in UPDATE statement throws unknown signature while using enum types for column.

To Reproduce

  • Create types such as tax_type as enum:> create type tax_type as enum ('VAT', 'UseTax', 'RegionalVAT', 'SalesTax', 'Other');                                                                                                           
  • And another type iso_3166_2_type:> create type iso_3166_2_type as enum ('AF', 'AX', 'AL', 'DZ', 'AS', 'AD', 'AO', 'AI', 'AQ', 'AG', 'AR', 'AM', 'AW', 'AU', 'AT', 'AZ', 'BS', 'BH', 'BD', 'BB', 'BY', 'BE', 'BZ', 'BJ', 'BM',    
                                                                           -> 'BT', 'BV', 'BO', 'BQ', 'BA', 'BW', 'BR', 'IO', 'BN', 'BG', 'BF', 'BI', 'CV', 'KH', 'CM', 'CA', 'KY', 'CF', 'TD', 'CL', 'CN', 'CX', 'CC', 'CO', 'KM', 'CG', 'CD', 'CK', 'CR', 'CI', 'HR',     
                                                                           -> 'CU', 'CW', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DK', 'DG', 'DJ', 'DM', 'DO', 'EC', 'EG', 'SV', 'GQ', 'ER', 'EE', 'ET', 'FK', 'FO', 'FJ', 'FI', 'FR', 'GF', 'PF', 'TF', 'GA', 'GM', 'GE', 'DE', 'GH', 'GI', 'GR',     
                                                                           -> 'GL', 'GD', 'GP', 'GU', 'GT', 'GG', 'GN', 'GW', 'GY', 'HT', 'HM', 'VA', 'HN', 'HK', 'HU', 'IS', 'IN', 'ID', 'IR', 'IQ', 'IE', 'IM', 'IL', 'IT', 'JM', 'JP', 'JE', 'JO', 'KZ', 'KE', 'KI',     
                                                                           -> 'KP', 'KR', 'KW', 'KG', 'LA', 'LV', 'LB', 'LS', 'LR', 'LY', 'LI', 'LT', 'LU', 'MO', 'MK', 'MG', 'MW', 'MY', 'MV', 'ML', 'MT', 'MH', 'MQ', 'MR', 'MU', 'YT', 'MX', 'FM', 'MD', 'MC', 'MN',     
                                                                           -> 'ME', 'MS', 'MA', 'MZ', 'MM', 'NA', 'NR', 'NP', 'NL', 'NC', 'NZ', 'NI', 'NE', 'NG', 'NU', 'NF', 'MP', 'NO', 'OM', 'PK', 'PW', 'PS', 'PA', 'PG', 'PY', 'PE', 'PH', 'PN', 'PL', 'PT', 'PR',     
                                                                           -> 'QA', 'RE', 'RO', 'RU', 'RW', 'BL', 'SH', 'KN', 'LC', 'MF', 'PM', 'VC', 'WS', 'SM', 'ST', 'SA', 'SN', 'RS', 'SC', 'SL', 'SG', 'SX', 'SK', 'SI', 'SB', 'SO', 'ZA', 'GS', 'SS', 'ES', 'LK',     
                                                                           -> 'SD', 'SR', 'SJ', 'SZ', 'SE', 'CH', 'SY', 'TW', 'TJ', 'TZ', 'TH', 'TL', 'TG', 'TK', 'TO', 'TT', 'TN', 'TR', 'TM', 'TC', 'TV', 'UG', 'UA', 'AE', 'GB', 'US', 'UM', 'UY', 'UZ', 'VU', 'VE',     
                                                                           -> 'VN', 'VG', 'VI', 'WF', 'EH', 'YE', 'ZM', 'ZW', 'ZZ');                                                                                                                                        

Time: 1.222s total (execution 1.130s / network 0.092s)
  • And then create table with tax_type as tax_type and country_code as iso_3166_2_type :> CREATE TABLE tax_definition (                                                                                                                                                                 
                                                                           ->     tax_definition_uid UUID NOT NULL,                                                                                                                                                         
                                                                           ->         tax_definition_name VARCHAR NULL, country_code iso_3166_2_type NOT NULL, local_name VARCHAR NOT NULL, abbreviation VARCHAR NOT NULL, prefix VARCHAR NULL, formats VARCHAR[] NOT NULL, 
                                                                           -> tax_type tax_type NOT NULL, created_on TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT now():::TIMESTAMPTZ, updated_on TIMESTAMPTZ NULL, CONSTRAINT tax_definition_pk PRIMARY KEY (tax_definition_uid ASC),      
                                                                           -> CONSTRAINT tax_definition_country_code FOREIGN KEY (country_code) REFERENCES ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, UNIQUE INDEX                                   
                                                                           -> tax_definition_local_name_country_code_uniq (local_name ASC, country_code ASC), INDEX tax_definition_country_code (country_code ASC) ) LOCALITY REGIONAL BY TABLE IN PRIMARY REGION;                  
  • The UPDATE Statement breaks stating unknown signature: > select * from tax_definition;                                                                                                                                                                 
           tax_definition_uid          | tax_definition_name | country_code |   local_name    | abbreviation | prefix |       formats       | tax_type |          created_on           | updated_on
  d042691c-5044-4e72-944c-d8bf0970503c | VAT IE              | IE           | Value-Added Tax | VAT          | IE     | {var-01:1,var-02:2} | VAT      | 2024-04-03 06:24:08.643818+00 | NULL
(1 row)

Time: 95ms total (execution 3ms / network 93ms)> UPDATE tax_definition SET tax_definition_name = CONCAT(tax_type, ' ', country_code) WHERE tax_type = 'VAT';                                                                                   
ERROR: unknown signature: concat(tax_type, string, iso_3166_2_type) (returning <varchar>)
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

Expected behavior
There should be no error while using CONCAT() with enum types.

Additional data / screenshots
If the problem is SQL-related, include a copy of the SQL query and the schema
of the supporting tables.

If a node in your cluster encountered a fatal error, supply the contents of the
log directories (at minimum of the affected node(s), but preferably all nodes).

Note that log files can contain confidential information. Please continue
creating this issue, but contact to submit the log
files in private.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


  • CockroachDB version: 24.1.0
  • Server OS: n/a
  • Client app: cockroach sql

Additional context
Unable to use CONCAT() effectively

Tracking issue for the root cause: #75101

Jira issue: CRDB-39198

@mohan-crdb mohan-crdb added the C-bug Code not up to spec/doc, specs & docs deemed correct. Solution expected to change code/behavior. label Jun 4, 2024
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blathers-crl bot commented Jun 4, 2024

Hi @mohan-crdb, please add branch-* labels to identify which branch(es) this C-bug affects.

🦉 Hoot! I am a Blathers, a bot for CockroachDB. My owner is dev-inf.

@rafiss rafiss added O-support Would prevent or help troubleshoot a customer escalation - bugs, missing observability/tooling, docs T-sql-queries SQL Queries Team labels Jun 4, 2024
@michae2 michae2 added C-enhancement Solution expected to add code/behavior + preserve backward-compat (pg compat issues are exception) A-sql-pgcompat Semantic compatibility with PostgreSQL A-sql-typing SQLtype inference, typing rules, type compatibility. branch-release-24.1 Used to mark GA and release blockers and technical advisories for 24.1 E-quick-win Likely to be a quick win for someone experienced. P-3 Issues/test failures with no fix SLA and removed C-bug Code not up to spec/doc, specs & docs deemed correct. Solution expected to change code/behavior. labels Jun 11, 2024
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A-sql-pgcompat Semantic compatibility with PostgreSQL A-sql-typing SQLtype inference, typing rules, type compatibility. branch-release-24.1 Used to mark GA and release blockers and technical advisories for 24.1 C-enhancement Solution expected to add code/behavior + preserve backward-compat (pg compat issues are exception) E-quick-win Likely to be a quick win for someone experienced. O-support Would prevent or help troubleshoot a customer escalation - bugs, missing observability/tooling, docs P-3 Issues/test failures with no fix SLA T-sql-queries SQL Queries Team
Status: Backlog

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3 participants