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draft custom CA steps for K8s deployment #6232

merged 9 commits into from Jan 10, 2020
Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ If you're on Hosted GKE, before starting, make sure the email address associated

4. Use our [`prometheus.yaml`]( file to create the various objects necessary to run a Prometheus instance:

If you authenticated with a non-Kubernetes CA, first add `insecureSkipVerify: true` to the `tlsConfig` specification. This disables certificate verification with Kubernetes.

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl apply \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,7 +146,7 @@ Active monitoring helps you spot problems early, but it is also essential to sen

The name of the secret, `alertmanager-cockroachdb`, must match the name used in the `altermanager.yaml` file. If they differ, the Alertmanager instance will start without configuration, and nothing will happen.
The name of the secret, `alertmanager-cockroachdb`, must match the name used in the `alertmanager.yaml` file. If they differ, the Alertmanager instance will start without configuration, and nothing will happen.

4. Use our [`alertmanager.yaml`]( file to create the various objects necessary to run an Alertmanager instance, including a ClusterIP service so that Prometheus can forward alerts:
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions _includes/v19.2/orchestration/
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ To do this, add a new worker node and then edit your StatefulSet configuration t
statefulset.apps/cockroachdb scaled

If you aren't using the Kubernetes CA to sign certificates, you can now skip to step 6.

<section class="filter-content" markdown="1" data-scope="helm">
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269 changes: 236 additions & 33 deletions _includes/v19.2/orchestration/
@@ -1,24 +1,81 @@
1. From your local workstation, use our [`cockroachdb-statefulset-secure.yaml`]( file to create the StatefulSet that automatically creates 3 pods, each with a CockroachDB node running inside it.
Download and modify our StatefulSet configuration, depending on how you want to sign your certificates.

Download [`cockroachdb-statefulset-secure.yaml`](
Some environments, such as Amazon EKS, do not support certificates signed by Kubernetes' built-in CA. In this case, use the second configuration below.

- Using the Kubernetes CA: [`cockroachdb-statefulset-secure.yaml`](

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ curl -O

To avoid running out of memory when CockroachDB is not the only pod on a Kubernetes node, you must set memory limits explicitly. This is because CockroachDB does not detect the amount of memory allocated to its pod when run in Kubernetes. Specify this amount by adjusting `resources.requests.memory` and `resources.limits.memory` in `cockroachdb-statefulset-secure.yaml`. Their values should be identical.

We recommend setting `cache` and `max-sql-memory` each to 1/4 of your memory allocation. For example, if you are allocating 8Gi of memory to each CockroachDB node, substitute the following values in [this line](
- Using a non-Kubernetes CA: [`cockroachdb-statefulset.yaml`](

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ curl -O

#### Set up configuration file

Modify the values in the StatefulSet configuration.

1. To avoid running out of memory when CockroachDB is not the only pod on a Kubernetes node, you *must* set memory limits explicitly. This is because CockroachDB does not detect the amount of memory allocated to its pod when run in Kubernetes. In the `containers` specification, set this amount in both `resources.requests.memory` and `resources.limits.memory`.

memory: "8Gi"
memory: "8Gi"

We recommend setting `cache` and `max-sql-memory` each to 1/4 of the memory allocation. These are defined as placeholder percentages in the StatefulSet command that creates the CockroachDB nodes:

- "exec /cockroach/cockroach start --logtostderr --certs-dir /cockroach/cockroach-certs --advertise-host $(hostname -f) --http-addr --join cockroachdb-0.cockroachdb,cockroachdb-1.cockroachdb,cockroachdb-2.cockroachdb --cache 25% --max-sql-memory 25%"

For example, if you are allocating 8Gi of `memory` to each CockroachDB node, allocate 2Gi to `cache` and 2Gi to `max-sql-memory`.

--cache 2Gi --max-sql-memory 2Gi

Use the file to create the StatefulSet and start the cluster:
2. In the `volumeClaimTemplates` specification, you may want to modify `` for your use case. This configuration defaults to 100Gi of disk space per pod. For more details on customizing disks for performance, see [these instructions](kubernetes-performance.html#disk-type).

storage: "100Gi"

If necessary, you can [expand disk size](orchestrate-cockroachdb-with-kubernetes.html#expand-disk-size) after the cluster is live.

If you change the StatefulSet name from the default `cockroachdb`, be sure to start and end with an alphanumeric character and otherwise use lowercase alphanumeric characters, `-`, or `.` so as to comply with [CSR naming requirements](orchestrate-cockroachdb-with-kubernetes.html#csr-names).

#### Initialize the cluster

Choose the authentication method that corresponds to the StatefulSet configuration you downloaded and modified above.

- [Kubernetes CA](#kubernetes-ca)
- [Non-Kubernetes CA](#non-kubernetes-ca)

The StatefulSet configuration sets all CockroachDB nodes to log to `stderr`, so if you ever need access to a pod/node's logs to troubleshoot, use `kubectl logs <podname>` rather than checking the log on the persistent volume.

##### Kubernetes CA

1. Use the config file you downloaded to create the StatefulSet that automatically creates 3 pods, each running a CockroachDB node:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
Expand All @@ -37,28 +94,6 @@
statefulset.apps/cockroachdb created

Alternatively, if you'd rather start with a configuration file that has been customized for performance:

1. Download our [performance version of `cockroachdb-statefulset-secure.yaml`](

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ curl -O

2. Modify the file wherever there is a `TODO` comment.

3. Use the file to create the StatefulSet and start the cluster:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl create -f cockroachdb-statefulset-secure.yaml

If you change the StatefulSet name from the default `cockroachdb`, be sure to start and end with an alphanumeric character and otherwise use lowercase alphanumeric characters, `-`, or `.` so as to comply with [CSR naming requirements](orchestrate-cockroachdb-with-kubernetes.html#csr-names).

2. As each pod is created, it issues a Certificate Signing Request, or CSR, to have the node's certificate signed by the Kubernetes CA. You must manually check and approve each node's certificates, at which point the CockroachDB node is started in the pod.

1. Get the names of the `Pending` CSRs:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,7 +175,7 @@

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl get persistentvolumes
$ kubectl get pv

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,6 +233,174 @@
cockroachdb-2 1/1 Running 0 3m

The StatefulSet configuration sets all CockroachDB nodes to log to `stderr`, so if you ever need access to a pod/node's logs to troubleshoot, use `kubectl logs <podname>` rather than checking the log on the persistent volume.
##### Non-Kubernetes CA

The below steps use [`cockroach cert` commands](cockroach-cert.html) to quickly generate and sign the CockroachDB node and client certificates. Read our [Authentication](authentication.html#using-digital-certificates-with-cockroachdb) docs to learn about other methods of signing certificates.

1. Create two directories:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ mkdir certs

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ mkdir my-safe-directory

Directory | Description
`certs` | You'll generate your CA certificate and all node and client certificates and keys in this directory.
`my-safe-directory` | You'll generate your CA key in this directory and then reference the key when generating node and client certificates.

2. Create the CA certificate and key pair:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ cockroach cert create-ca \
--certs-dir=certs \

3. Create a client certificate and key pair for the root user:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ cockroach cert create-client \
root \
--certs-dir=certs \

4. Upload the client certificate and key to the Kubernetes cluster as a secret:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl create secret \
generic cockroachdb.client.root \

secret/cockroachdb.client.root created

5. Create the certificate and key pair for your CockroachDB nodes:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ cockroach cert create-node \
localhost \
cockroachdb-public \
cockroachdb-public.default \
cockroachdb-public.default.svc.cluster.local \
*.cockroachdb \
*.cockroachdb.default \
*.cockroachdb.default.svc.cluster.local \
--certs-dir=certs \

6. Upload the node certificate and key to the Kubernetes cluster as a secret:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl create secret \
generic cockroachdb.node \

secret/cockroachdb.node created

7. Check that the secrets were created on the cluster:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl get secrets

cockroachdb.client.root Opaque 3 41m
cockroachdb.node Opaque 5 14s
default-token-6qjdb 3 4m

8. Use the config file you downloaded to create the StatefulSet that automatically creates 3 pods, each running a CockroachDB node:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl create -f cockroachdb-statefulset.yaml

serviceaccount/cockroachdb created created created
service/cockroachdb-public created
service/cockroachdb created
poddisruptionbudget.policy/cockroachdb-budget created
statefulset.apps/cockroachdb created

9. Initialize the CockroachDB cluster:

1. Confirm that three pods are `Running` successfully. Note that they will not be considered `Ready` until after the cluster has been initialized:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl get pods

cockroachdb-0 0/1 Running 0 2m
cockroachdb-1 0/1 Running 0 2m
cockroachdb-2 0/1 Running 0 2m

2. Confirm that the persistent volumes and corresponding claims were created successfully for all three pods:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl get pv

pvc-9e435563-fb2e-11e9-a65c-42010a8e0fca 100Gi RWO Delete Bound default/datadir-cockroachdb-0 standard 51m
pvc-9e47d820-fb2e-11e9-a65c-42010a8e0fca 100Gi RWO Delete Bound default/datadir-cockroachdb-1 standard 51m
pvc-9e4f57f0-fb2e-11e9-a65c-42010a8e0fca 100Gi RWO Delete Bound default/datadir-cockroachdb-2 standard 51m

3. Run `cockroach init` on one of the pods to complete the node startup process and have them join together as a cluster:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl exec -it cockroachdb-0 \
-- /cockroach/cockroach init \

Cluster successfully initialized

4. Confirm that cluster initialization has completed successfully. The job should be considered successful and the Kubernetes pods should soon be considered `Ready`:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl get pods

cockroachdb-0 1/1 Running 0 3m
cockroachdb-1 1/1 Running 0 3m
cockroachdb-2 1/1 Running 0 3m
22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions _includes/v19.2/orchestration/
@@ -1,23 +1,31 @@
To use the built-in SQL client, you need to launch a pod that runs indefinitely with the `cockroach` binary inside it, get a shell into the pod, and then start the built-in SQL client.

<section class="filter-content" markdown="1" data-scope="manual">
1. From your local workstation, use our [`client-secure.yaml`]( file to launch a pod and keep it running indefinitely:
- Using the Kubernetes CA: [`client-secure.yaml`](

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl create \

pod/cockroachdb-client-secure created
- Using a non-Kubernetes CA: [`client.yaml`](

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ kubectl create \

The pod uses the `root` client certificate created earlier to initialize the cluster, so there's no CSR approval required. If you issue client certificates for other users, however, be sure your SQL usernames contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, `-`, or `.` so as to comply with [CSR naming requirements](orchestrate-cockroachdb-with-kubernetes.html#csr-names).

2. Get a shell into the pod and start the CockroachDB [built-in SQL client](cockroach-sql.html):
pod/cockroachdb-client-secure created

1. Get a shell into the pod and start the CockroachDB [built-in SQL client](cockroach-sql.html):

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
Expand All @@ -42,7 +50,7 @@ To use the built-in SQL client, you need to launch a pod that runs indefinitely

3. Run some basic [CockroachDB SQL statements](learn-cockroachdb-sql.html):
2. Run some basic [CockroachDB SQL statements](learn-cockroachdb-sql.html):

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ sql
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +79,7 @@ To use the built-in SQL client, you need to launch a pod that runs indefinitely
(1 row)

4. [Create a user with a password](create-user.html#create-a-user-with-a-password):
3. [Create a user with a password](create-user.html#create-a-user-with-a-password):

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ sql
Expand All @@ -80,7 +88,7 @@ To use the built-in SQL client, you need to launch a pod that runs indefinitely

You will need this username and password to access the Admin UI later.

5. Exit the SQL shell and pod:
4. Exit the SQL shell and pod:

{% include copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ sql
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