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CockroachDB s3Checker

s3Checker is designed to ensure that nodes have sufficient access to s3 buckets for CockroachDB bulk operations, including backup, restore, import, export and enterprise changefeeds (when s3 storage is used). These requirements are outline in the official documentation.

s3checker uses the AWS SDK for Go library - version1 by default, which is the same library that CockroachDB uses (at least as of the current version 22.1). This makes it easier to troubleshoot s3 access issues instead of attempting to run the various bulk operations in CockroachDB. It can also be run with version 2 of the SDK.

It also outputs environment variables that use the prefix AWS_ or include proxy or PROXY.


s3checker can be executed with implicit or explicit authentication when creating a session. The AWS SDK for Go Documentation details how sessions are created using both approaches. implicit authentication attempts to load credentials from the local environment or via EC2 instance metadata when using IAM roles for EC2. When using explicit authentication, --key-id and --access-key must be included. If temporary credentials have been generated, e.g., via STS, the session-token must also be included.

The --bucket flag is required.

The --region flag is typically required if running from an EC2 instance that is in a different region than the s3 bucket.

By default, s3checker runs with the AWS SDK for Go version 1, which is currently used in CockroachDB. To run with SDK version 2, use the --sdk-version 2 flag.

  s3checker [flags]

      --access-key string      AWS secret access key, when using explicit auth
      --auth string            Auth type: implicit or explicit (default "implicit")
      --bucket string          S3 bucket
      --debug                  Include debug output for request errors
  -h, --help                   help for s3checker
      --key-id string          AWS access key ID, when using explicit auth
      --region string          AWS region, optional
      --sdk-version int        AWS SDK version, 1 or 2 (default 1)
      --session-token string   AWS session token, when using explicit auth and STS temporary credentials
  -t, --toggle                 Help message for toggle


Implicit auth (default):

s3checker --bucket jon-test

Implicit auth w/ region:

s3checker --bucket jon-test --region us-east-1

Explicit auth:

s3checker --bucket jon-test --auth explicit --key-id XX123 --access-key ABC123

Explicit auth w/ session token (for temporary credentials):

s3checker --bucket jon-test --auth explicit --key-id XX123 --access-key ABC123 --session-token MNP1234


When s3checker runs it outputs the caller identity, result of important s3 operations and what bulk operations are supported with the supported operations. If any errors, occur, those will also be output.

For example, the following output indicates that all bulk operations are supported:

Environment variables that contain 'proxy' or 'PROXY':

Environment variables that are prefixed with 'AWS_':

Caller identity:
  Account: "541263489771",
  Arn: "arn:aws:iam::541263421232:user/jon",

S3 Operations:
list objects -- successful
put object -- successful
get object -- successful

Access sufficient for the following CockroachDB capabilities:
Backup -- sufficient
Restore -- sufficient
Import -- sufficient
Export -- sufficient
Enterprise Changefeeds -- sufficient

Run from source code

To run from source code, check out the repository and run:

go run main.go --bucket jon-test

Build for distribution

Build on platform for the same platform (e.g., linux for linux):

go build -o bin/s3checker

On mac, for linux:

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/s3checker

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