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A modified COLMAP to take as input multi-channel images. It can be used to evaluate the proposed multi-channel feature/descriptor.


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This is a modified version of COLMAP 3.5 to take in multi-channel input data.

It is for the paper Learning Efficient Photometric Feature Transform for Multi-view Stereo


The combination below is demonstrated. Other versions may cause compiling problems.

libs version
cuda 10.0.130 / 11.0.2
cudnn /
gcc/g++ 5
cgal 4.7
boost 1.58
ceres 1.14.0


  • For Ubuntu 20+, no entry of gcc/g++ lower than 7 is provided. One should add xenial repository as described here.
  • Source codes of demonstrated version of ceres and CGAL are provided in the folder named 3rd_packages. If you use these codes, the recommended order of installing is: gcc/g++ -> cuda/cudnn -> boost -> ceres -> cgal
  • If your gpu is 3090, add this flag to cmake to specify GPU architecture: -DCUDA_ARCHS=Ampere



  1. Install required libs by:
    sudo apt-get install \
        git \
        cmake \
        build-essential \
        libboost-program-options-dev \
        libboost-filesystem-dev \
        libboost-graph-dev \
        libboost-regex-dev \
        libboost-system-dev \
        libboost-test-dev \
        libeigen3-dev \
        libsuitesparse-dev \
        libfreeimage-dev \
        libgoogle-glog-dev \
        libgflags-dev \
        libglew-dev \
        qtbase5-dev \
        libqt5opengl5-dev \
    sudo apt-get install libcgal-qt5-dev
    sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev libsuitesparse-dev
    Note: By automatic installation, the version of boost may not meet the version required.
  2. Install Ceres Solver
    First unpack the source code of Ceres in 3rd_packages, then:
    cd ceres-solver
    git checkout $(git describe --tags) # Checkout the latest release
    mkdir build
    cd build
    make -j
    sudo make install
  3. Compile COLMAP
    mkdir build
    cd build
    CC=/usr/bin/gcc-5 CXX=/usr/bin/g++-5 cmake ..
    make -j16
    sudo make install
    Note: If you have Anaconda installed, the compiler may complain the missing library of That is because Anaconda changes the system PATH and hides the required You need to find this library file and manually link that file to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/


Since we only modified the channel of images for patch match, only the Undistort Image & Patch Match Stereo parts are different. The other parts are same with original COLMAP.

Channel of input images

The channel of input images is specified in line 50 of src/mvs/ If you want to use a different channel number, recompilation is required.


colmap image_undistorter --image_path $IMAGE_PATH --input_path $INPUT_PATH 

$IMAGE_PATH contains the multi-channel images. The name of multi-channel images should be same as the images used in SFM and an extra .bin is appended. For example, if the image names used in SFM are 0.png, 1.png,... 10.png. Then there should be 0.png.bin, 1.png.bin,... 10.png.bin in $IMAGE_PATH. The format of each bin file is:
3 integers: image_width, image_height, image_channel
(iamge_width * image_height * image_channel) floats (row major)

$INPUT_PATH contains the dense folder exported after SFM, by using the order in COLMAP GUI: file -> export as txt. The folder should contains 3 txt files: cameras.txt, images.txt and points.txt

Patch Match Stereo

colmap image_undistorter --workspace_Path $INPUT_PATH --PatchMatchStereo.multi_channel 1

$INPUT_PATH is same as above.


A modified COLMAP to take as input multi-channel images. It can be used to evaluate the proposed multi-channel feature/descriptor.








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