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Testbench Tools


Cocotb uses the builtin :mod:`logging` library, with some configuration described in :ref:`logging-reference-section` to provide some sensible defaults. Each DUT, monitor, driver, and scoreboard (as well as any other function using the coroutine decorator) holds a :class:`logging.Logger`, and each can be set to its own logging level. Within a DUT, each hierarchical object can also have individual logging levels set.

When logging HDL objects, beware that _log is the preferred way to use logging. This helps minimize the change of name collisions with an HDL log component with the Python logging functionality.

Log printing levels can also be set on a per-object basis.

class EndianSwapperTB(object):

    def __init__(self, dut, debug=False):
        self.dut = dut
        self.stream_in = AvalonSTDriver(dut, "stream_in", dut.clk)
        self.stream_in_recovered = AvalonSTMonitor(dut, "stream_in", dut.clk,

        # Set verbosity on our various interfaces
        level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.WARNING

And when the logging is actually called

class AvalonSTPkts(BusMonitor):
    def _monitor_recv(self):
        ..."Received a packet of %d bytes" % len(pkt))

class Scoreboard(object):
    def add_interface(self):
        ..."Created with reorder_depth %d" % reorder_depth)

class EndianSwapTB(object):
    def reset():
        self.dut._log.debug("Resetting DUT")

will display as something like

0.00ns INFO                   cocotb.scoreboard.endian_swapper_sv  in add_interface                   Created with reorder_depth 0
0.00ns DEBUG                  cocotb.endian_swapper_sv   in reset                           Resetting DUT
160000000000000.00ns INFO     cocotb.endian_swapper_sv.stream_out   in _monitor_recv                   Received a packet of 125 bytes


Buses are simply defined as collection of signals. The :class:`.Bus` class will automatically bundle any group of signals together that are named similar to dut.<bus_name><separator><signal_name>. For instance,


have a bus name of stream_in, a separator of _, and signal names of valid and data. A list of signal names, or a dictionary mapping attribute names to signal names is also passed into the :class:`.Bus` class. Buses can have values driven onto them, be captured (returning a dictionary), or sampled and stored into a similar object.

stream_in_bus = Bus(dut, "stream_in", ["valid", "data"]) # '_' is the default separator

Driving Buses

Examples and specific bus implementation bus drivers (AMBA, Avalon, XGMII, and others) exist in the :class:`.Driver` class enabling a test to append transactions to perform the serialization of transactions onto a physical interface. Here is an example using the Avalon bus driver in the endian_swapper example:

class EndianSwapperTB(object):

    def __init__(self, dut, debug=False):
        self.dut = dut
        self.stream_in = AvalonSTDriver(dut, "stream_in", dut.clk)

def run_test(dut, data_in=None, config_coroutine=None, idle_inserter=None,

    cocotb.fork(Clock(dut.clk, 5000).start())
    tb = EndianSwapperTB(dut)

    yield tb.reset()
    dut.stream_out_ready <= 1

    if idle_inserter is not None:

    # Send in the packets
    for transaction in data_in():
        yield tb.stream_in.send(transaction)

Monitoring Buses

For our testbenches to actually be useful, we have to monitor some of these buses, and not just drive them. That's where the :class:`.Monitor` class comes in, with pre-built monitors for Avalon and XGMII buses. The Monitor class is a base class which you are expected to derive for your particular purpose. You must create a :any:`_monitor_recv()` function which is responsible for determining 1) at what points in simulation to call the :any:`_recv()` function, and 2) what transaction values to pass to be stored in the monitors receiving queue. Monitors are good for both outputs of the DUT for verification, and for the inputs of the DUT, to drive a test model of the DUT to be compared to the actual DUT. For this purpose, input monitors will often have a callback function passed that is a model. This model will often generate expected transactions, which are then compared using the :class:`.Scoreboard` class.

# ==============================================================================
class BitMonitor(Monitor):
    """Observes single input or output of DUT."""
    def __init__(self, name, signal, clock, callback=None, event=None): = name
        self.signal = signal
        self.clock = clock
        Monitor.__init__(self, callback, event)

    def _monitor_recv(self):
        clkedge = RisingEdge(self.clock)

        while True:
            # Capture signal at rising edge of clock
            yield clkedge
            vec = self.signal.value

# ==============================================================================
def input_gen():
    """Generator for input data applied by BitDriver"""
    while True:
        yield random.randint(1,5), random.randint(1,5)

# ==============================================================================
class DFF_TB(object):
    def __init__(self, dut, init_val):

        self.dut = dut

        # Create input driver and output monitor
        self.input_drv = BitDriver(dut.d, dut.c, input_gen())
        self.output_mon = BitMonitor("output", dut.q, dut.c)

        # Create a scoreboard on the outputs
        self.expected_output = [ init_val ]

        # Reconstruct the input transactions from the pins
        # and send them to our 'model'
        self.input_mon = BitMonitor("input", dut.d, dut.c, callback=self.model)

    def model(self, transaction):
        """Model the DUT based on the input transaction."""
        # Do not append an output transaction for the last clock cycle of the
        # simulation, that is, after stop() has been called.
        if not self.stopped:

Tracking testbench errors

The :class:`.Scoreboard` class is used to compare the actual outputs to expected outputs. Monitors are added to the scoreboard for the actual outputs, and the expected outputs can be either a simple list, or a function that provides a transaction. Here is some code from the dff example, similar to above with the scoreboard added.

class DFF_TB(object):
    def __init__(self, dut, init_val):
        self.dut = dut

        # Create input driver and output monitor
        self.input_drv = BitDriver(dut.d, dut.c, input_gen())
        self.output_mon = BitMonitor("output", dut.q, dut.c)

        # Create a scoreboard on the outputs
        self.expected_output = [ init_val ]
        self.scoreboard = Scoreboard(dut)
        self.scoreboard.add_interface(self.output_mon, self.expected_output)

        # Reconstruct the input transactions from the pins
        # and send them to our 'model'
        self.input_mon = BitMonitor("input", dut.d, dut.c,callback=self.model)