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Installing the Development Version

We are assuming here that you have :ref:`installed the prerequisites<install-prerequisites>`.

The instructions for installing the development version of cocotb vary depending on your operating system:

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: Windows

      The development version of cocotb can be installed globally by running

      .. code-block:: bash

          pip install --global-option build_ext --global-option --compiler=mingw32

      See also the `pip User Guide <>`_.

   .. group-tab:: Linux and macOS

      The development version of cocotb can be installed globally by running

      .. code-block:: bash

          pip install

      This requires administrator permissions.

      In order to install only for your current user, run

      .. code-block:: bash

          pip install --user

      See also the `pip User Guide <>`_.


pip may belong to a different Python installation to what you expect. Use pip -V to check. If this prints "(python 2.7)", use pip3 or python3 -m pip in place of pip in the command shown.

After installation, you should be able to execute cocotb-config. If it is not found, you need to append its location to the PATH environment variable. This may happen when you use the --user option to pip, in which case the location is documented :ref:`here <python:inst-alt-install-user>`.