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Supplier Quotations

MinaDoncheva edited this page Jan 11, 2024 · 2 revisions

Supplier Quotation for the offer to the request we have sent

Supplier Quotation

Entity Definition

  • Entity Type: Primary Entity
  • Layout Type: Manage Master Entities
Field Type Length Null? Calc? Ref? Description
Id INTEGER no - -
Number VARCHAR 20 no - -
Date DATE no - -
Supplier INTEGER no - yes Reference to Supplier
Amount DOUBLE - yes - SUM(SupplierQuotationItem.Amount)
Currency INTEGER - - yes Reference to Currency
VAT DOUBLE - yes - SUM(SupplierQuotationItem.Amount + %VAT)
Discount DOUBLE - - - % Discount
Taxes DOUBLE - - - % Taxes (other than VAT)
Total DOUBLE - yes - Amount - %Discount + VAT + %Taxes
Request INTEGER no - yes Reference to Request for Quotation

Supplier Quotation Item

Entity Definition

  • Entity Type: Dependent Entity
  • Layout Type: Manage Details Entities
Field Type Length Null? Calc? Ref? Description
Id INTEGER no - -
Request INTEGER no - yes Reference to Supplier Quotation
Name VARCHAR 2000 no - - Free text representing Product/Service
Quantity DOUBLE no - -
Price DOUBLE no - -
VAT INTEGER - - yes Reference to VAT
Amount DOUBLE - yes - Quantity * Price
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