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Tripathi data for issue #144
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code423n4 committed May 22, 2023
1 parent 7a23045 commit 106d3e4
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 0 deletions.
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions data/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# Gas Optimizations

### [G‑01] Declared variables for `mintedAmount` and `reservedRate` state variables can be avoided and mutex reset could be done after sucessful `_swap()` and `_mint()` methods- SAVE 85 gas per didPay() call

Both these state variables are accessed once, gas can be saved by using them directly.
#### In Current Logic
`mintedAmount` will be used once in case of (`preferClaimedTokens == true` and `_amountReceived == 0`) or
(`preferClaimedTokens == false`)

`reservedRate` will be used once if (`preferClaimedTokens == true`) while in the case of (`preferClaimedTokens == false`) it is not used once too.
Further without confirmation of successful `_swap()` and `_mint()` resetting the state variable from storage to 1 is itself a big factor regarding high gas, here gas can be saved by resetting them to 1 after the `_swap()` and -`_mint()` as they are not making affect to these internal methods
didPay() consumption of gas
min- 51675, avg - 161126, median- 148266 and max 242106
#### Suggested Logic
So using these variables directly and reseting the `mutex` after `_swap()` and `_mint()` will make more sense.
In this case `first` we will be saving gas by not declaring variable for both state variables and `second` if `preferClaimedTokens= false` there won't be any read of `reservedRate` state variables
function didPay(JBDidPayData calldata _data) external payable override {
// Access control as minting is authorized to this delegate
if (msg.sender != address(jbxTerminal)) revert JuiceBuyback_Unauthorized();
// Retrieve the number of token created if minting and reset the mutex (not exposed in JBDidPayData)
// uint256 _tokenCount = mintedAmount;
// mintedAmount = 1;
// Retrieve the fc reserved rate and reset the mutex
// uint256 _reservedRate = reservedRate;
// reservedRate = 1;
// The minimum amount of token received if swapping
(, , uint256 _quote, uint256 _slippage) = abi.decode(
(bytes32, bytes32, uint256, uint256)
uint256 _minimumReceivedFromSwap = _quote - ((_quote * _slippage) / SLIPPAGE_DENOMINATOR);
// Pick the appropriate pathway (swap vs mint), use mint if non-claimed prefered
if (_data.preferClaimedTokens) {
// Try swapping
uint256 _amountReceived = _swap(_data, _minimumReceivedFromSwap, reservedRate);
// If swap failed, mint instead, with the original weight + add to balance the token in
if (_amountReceived == 0) _mint(_data, mintedAmount);
} else {
_mint(_data, mintedAmount);
mintedAmount = 1;
didPay() consumption of gas after making these changes
min- 51580, avg - 161039, median- 148177 and max 242011

by this we can save avg 85 gas per didPay() call

*There is two instance of this issue:*

File: juice-buyback/contracts/JBXBuybackDelegate.sol
188: uint256 _tokenCount = mintedAmount;
192: uint256 _reservedRate = reservedRate;

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