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PoolTogether audit details

  • Total Prize Pool: $121,650 USDC
    • HM awards: $61,875 USDC
    • Analysis awards: $3,750 USDC
    • QA awards: $1,875 USDC
    • Bot Race awards: $5,625 USDC
    • Gas awards: $1,875 USDC
    • Judge awards: $13,000 USDC
    • Lookout awards: $6,000 USDC
    • Scout awards: $500 USDC
    • Mitigation Review: $27,150 USDC (Opportunity goes to top 3 certified wardens based on placement in this audit.)
  • Join C4 Discord to register
  • Submit findings using the C4 form
  • Read our guidelines for more details
  • Starts July 7, 2023 20:00 UTC
  • Ends July 14, 2023 20:00 UTC

Automated Findings / Publicly Known Issues

Automated findings output for the audit can be found here.

Note for C4 wardens: Anything included in the automated findings output is considered a publicly known issue and is ineligible for awards.


PoolTogether is a prize savings protocol. Yield on deposits is awarded periodically as random prizes. PoolTogether is a gamification layer that can be added to any yield-bearing asset. We like to call them prize-wrapped assets.

PoolTogether V5 is a major leap forward for the protocol. The system is:

  • Fully autonomous. There are no admin controls; prize sizes and counts adapt automatically.
  • Automated. All external functions are incentivized so that the protocol continues to run in perpetuity.
  • Permissionless. Anyone can add new assets or yield sources to the protocol by adding new vaults.

You can read more about the protocol design in our official documentation

Here is a Loom video highlighting the major concepts in the code:


Contract SLOC Purpose Libraries used
claimer/src/libraries/LinearVRGDALib.sol 51 Variable-Rate Gradual Dutch Auction Math prb-math, solmate
claimer/src/Claimer.sol 86 Incentivizes prize claims for a Prize Pool prb-math, openzeppelin
prize-pool/src/abstract/TieredLiquidityDistributor.sol 753 Distributes liquidity as tiered prizes prb-math
prize-pool/src/libraries/DrawAccumulatorLib.sol 286 Distributes liquidity over future draws using exponential smoothing prb-math, ring-buffer-lib
prize-pool/src/libraries/TierCalculationLib.sol 81 Computes tier odds, prize counts, and winners prb-math
prize-pool/src/libraries/UD34x4.sol 35 Provides an unsigned 34x4 precision fixed point decimal prb-math
prize-pool/src/PrizePool.sol 528 Distributes liquidity as tiered prizes prb-math, openzeppelin
twab-controller/src/libraries/ObservationLib.sol 45 Tracks a ring buffer of balance observations and provides a fast binary search algorithm to access them ring-buffer-lib
twab-controller/src/libraries/OverflowSafeComparatorLib.sol 21 Provides an overflow-safe means of comparing two 32-bit timestamps
twab-controller/src/libraries/TwabLib.sol 442 Provides an accounts struct and logic to mint, burn and transfer balance and measure twabs. ring-buffer-lib
twab-controller/src/TwabController.sol 393 Allows contracts to track balances and look up the time-weighted average balance of an account
vault/src/interfaces/IVaultHooks.sol 20 Provides a standard interface with which to attach hooks to vaults
vault/src/Vault.sol 540 An ERC-4626 compatible vault that uses a Twab Controller to track balances. The contract is bound to an ERC-4626 yield source and exposes yield to a liquidator. openzeppelin, owner-manager-contracts
vault/src/VaultFactory.sol 43 Provides a mean to easily create new Vaults and find them openzeppelin

Out of Scope

  1. The yield from each Vault is converted to POOL by the Liquidator. The Liquidator has not been fully finalized, so that contract is out of scope. You can assume that the Liquidator will also be a singleton contract per-chain.
  2. The Draw Auction is the mechanism that pushes new draws to the Prize Pool. It leverages the same RNG source as previous versions of PoolTogether, and incentivizes anyone to trigger the transactions using a reverse dutch auction. The contracts are not complete, but you can assume the auction will be a singleton contract on each chain, as with the Liquidator. The Draw Auction will have the privileged ability to withdraw reserve from the Prize Pool.

Additional Context

Novel Mechanisms

There are a few important mathematical models used in the codebase that are important to understand:

  • The Claimer uses a Variable-Rate Gradual Dutch Auction to price the claiming fees. We have tuned the algorithm to be a reverse dutch auction, in that the price decay is greater than one. You can read more about the variable rate dutch auction in the original Paradigm article.
  • The Prize Pool receives liquidity from Vaults and distributes the liquidity across future draws with what is essentially a low-pass filter. You can read more about it in our docs
  • The Prize Pool is distributing prizes by generating pseudo-random numbers for each vault / account / prize combination. The user 'wins' if the PRN fits within a numeric range whose bounds are commensurate with the vault's portion of the total prize liquidity for the draw, and the given tier's odds.


Below we highlight protocol invariants or holistic concerns.

Prize Liquidity

We want to make sure the prize pool doesn't award too much prize liquidity. The expectation is that the statistical model is tuned such that the rate of prizes being awarded matches the available prize liquidity for the draw.

Prize Pool Accounting

The prize pool is a complex contract, and one of our biggest concerns is that it is tracking prize liquidity precisely. The balance of prize tokens held by the contract must always be equal to the sum of the available tier liquidity and the reserve. When contributing liquidity the prize pool will temporarily hold a balance greater than the accounted balance, but otherwise the two should match.

Twab Manipulation

The Twab Controller should accurately measure a user's average balance held during a draw. However, we have reduced the granularity of measurements to save gas. Is it possible for a user to manipulate the twab to improve their odds of winning? For example: the user should never be able to alter their average balance in the past.

Vault Security

The Vaults hold user funds, so it's critical that there can be no loss of funds. The liquidator is able to liquidate the accrued yield on the vault, so it's a second possible ingress point for an attacker. We want to make sure that the liquidator can't access more than the yield, and that users can't access each other's principal.

Scoping Details


- How many contracts are in scope?:   14
- Total SLoC for these contracts?:  3335
- How many external imports are there?:  4
- How many separate interfaces and struct definitions are there for the contracts within scope?:  ~20
- Does most of your code generally use composition or inheritance?:  Composition 
- How many external calls?:   12
- What is the overall line coverage percentage provided by your tests?:  ~99.9%
- Is there a need to understand a separate part of the codebase / get context in order to audit this part of the protocol?:   False
- Please describe required context:   N/A
- Does it use an oracle?:  No
- Does the token conform to the ERC20 standard?:  Yes
- Are there any novel or unique curve logic or mathematical models?: True
- Does it use a timelock function?:  No
- Is it an NFT?: No
- Does it have an AMM?:  No
- Is it a fork of a popular project?:  No 
- Does it use rollups?:
- Is it multi-chain?:
- Does it use a side-chain?: No


Clone using the --recurse option or update the repository with git submodule update --init --recursive


Within each git submodule, you can run forge test to run all tests. You can run forge coverage to see the coverage report.

One-Liner for tests: cd claimer && forge test && cd .. && cd prize-pool && forge test && cd .. && cd twab-controller && forge test && cd .. && cd vault && forge test && cd ..

Note: the Prize Pool must be compiled with --optimize --via-ir in order to fit within contract size limits.


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