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3696 lines (2401 loc) · 120 KB

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3696 lines (2401 loc) · 120 KB

Gas Optimizations

Number Issue Instances Total gas saved
[G-01] Use uint256(1)/uint256(2) instead for true and false boolean states 24 240000
[G-02] The creation of an intermediary array can be avoided 14
[G-03] Use Modifiers Instead of Functions To Save Gas 4
[G-04] Repeatedly doing the same operation (addition) involving a state variable should be avoided 1
[G-05] Use the cached value instead of fetching a storage value 3
[G-06] Unused initialization of variable inside they function 2
[G-07] Optimizing the check order for cost efficient function execution 3 6600
[G-08] Do not cache immutable values 2
[G-09] Use != 0 instead of > 0 for unsigned integer comparison 18 54
[G-10] Can Make The Variable Outside The Loop To Save Gas 6
[G-11] Gas saving is achieved by removing the delete keyword (~60k) 2 1490
[G-12] With assembly, .call (bool success) transfer can be done gas-optimized 4
[G-13] Duplicated require()/if() checks should be refactored to a modifier or function 14
[G-14] Use a hardcoded address instead of address(this) 39
[G-15] abi.encode() is less efficient than abi.encodePacked() 15 769755
[G-16] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a local variable cache 36 1512
[G-17] Empty blocks should be removed or emit something 3 17823
[G-18] Uncheck arithmetics operations that can’t underflow/overflow 14 1190
[G-19] Access mappings directly rather than using accessor functions 7
[G-20] Avoid contract existence checks by using low level calls 48 4800
[G-21] Amounts should be checked for 0 before calling a transfer 11
[G-22] Internal functions that are not called by the contract should be removed to save deployment gas 6
[G-23] The result of a function call should be cached rather than re-calling the function 14 1400
[G-24] Using storage instead of memory for structs/arrays saves gas 14 58800
[G-25] x += y costs more gas than x = x + y for state variables 5 15
[G-26] Counting down in for statements is more gas efficient 14 170394
[G-27] Use assembly to write address storage values 6 444
[G-28] Use do while loops instead of for loops 9
[G-29] Use assembly to make more efficient back-to-back calls 4
[G-30] Expensive operation inside a for loop 3
[G-31] Change public function visibility to external 6
[G-32] Create DepositMultipleInput and GasParams variable immutable variable to avoid redundant external calls 5
[G-33] Use assembly in place of abi.decode to extract calldata values more efficiently 29
[G-34] Use assembly to validate msg.sender 25 75
[G-35] Cache external calls outside of loop to avoid re-calling function on each iteration 3
[G-36] A modifier used only once and not being inherited should be inlined to save gas 9
[G-37] Not using the named return variable when a function returns, wastes deployment gas only in view function 3 81
[G-38] Using fixed bytes is cheaper than using string 7
[G-39] Use assembly to check for address(0) 8 48
[G-40] State Variable can be packed into fewer storage slots 1 20000
[G-41] Caching global variables is more expensive than using the actual variable (use msg.sender or block.timestamp instead of caching it) 1
[G-42] Using ERC721A instead of ERC721 for more gas-efficient 2
[G-43] Don't apply the same value to state variables 2

[G‑01] Use uint256(1)/uint256(2) instead for true and false boolean states

If you don’t use boolean for storage you will avoid Gwarmaccess 100 gas. In addition, state changes of boolean from true to false can cost up to ~20000 gas rather than uint256(2) to uint256(1) that would cost significantly less.

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

130   isBridgeAgentFactory[_bridgeAgentFactory] = true;

322   isBridgeAgent[_bridgeAgent] = true;

341   isBridgeAgentFactory[_newBridgeAgentFactory] = true; 80000 

369   isStrategyToken[_token] = true;

390   isPortStrategy[_portStrategy][_token] = true;

420   isBridgeAgent[_coreBranchBridgeAgent] = true;

Recommendation Code

first create mapping us uint256

   -   mapping(address bridgeAgentFactory => bool isActiveBridgeAgentFactory) public isBridgeAgentFactory;

   +   mapping(address bridgeAgentFactory => uint isActiveBridgeAgentFactory) public isBridgeAgentFactory;

       function initialize(address _coreBranchRouter, address _bridgeAgentFactory) external virtual onlyOwner {
        require(coreBranchRouterAddress == address(0), "Contract already initialized");
        require(!isBridgeAgentFactory[_bridgeAgentFactory], "Contract already initialized");

        require(_coreBranchRouter != address(0), "CoreBranchRouter is zero address");
        require(_bridgeAgentFactory != address(0), "BridgeAgentFactory is zero address");

        coreBranchRouterAddress = _coreBranchRouter;
   -    isBridgeAgentFactory[_bridgeAgentFactory] = true;

   +    isBridgeAgentFactory[_bridgeAgentFactory] = 1;


file:  src/RootPort.sol

113    isChainId[_localChainId] = true;

116    _setup = true;

117    _setupCore = true;

135    isBridgeAgentFactory[_bridgeAgentFactory] = true;

249    isGlobalAddress[_globalAddress] = true;

387    isBridgeAgent[_bridgeAgent] = true;

425    isBridgeAgentFactory[_bridgeAgentFactory] = true;

465    isChainId[_chainId] = true;

467    isGlobalAddress[newGlobalToken] = true;

499    isGlobalAddress[_ecoTokenGlobalAddress] = true;

file:  src/CoreRootRouter.sol

76   setup = true;

file:   src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

1172    isBranchBridgeAgentAllowed[_branchChainId] = true;

file:  src/CoreRootRouter.sol

85    _setup = false;

file:  src/RootPort.sol

133   _setup = false;

157   _setupCore = false;

file:  src/CoreRootRouter.sol

44     bool internal _setup;

file: src/RootPort.sol

24   bool internal _setup;

27   bool internal _setupCore;

[G-02] The creation of an intermediary array can be avoided

Sometimes, it’s not necessary to create an intermediate array to store values. In this case, an array of maximum size is created because we don’t yet know what size the final array will be. This is not useful, as it’s more efficient to keep this maximum-size array, fill it and then reduce its size using assembly.

file:    src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

1067    address[] memory hTokens = new address[](_globalAddresses.length);
1068    address[] memory tokens = new address[](_globalAddresses.length);

file:   src/RootBridgeAgentExecutor.sol

276     address[] memory hTokens = new address[](numOfAssets);
277     address[] memory tokens = new address[](numOfAssets);
278     uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](numOfAssets);
279     uint256[] memory deposits = new uint256[](numOfAssets);

file:   src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

507     address[] memory _hTokens = new address[](numOfAssets);
508     address[] memory _tokens = new address[](numOfAssets);
509     uint256[] memory _amounts = new uint256[](numOfAssets);
510     uint256[] memory _deposits = new uint256[](numOfAssets);

827     address[] memory addressArray = new address[](1);
828     uint256[] memory uintArray = new uint256[](1);

file:   src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

1007    address[] memory addressArray = new address[](1);
1008    uint256[] memory uintArray = new uint256[](1);

[G-03] Use Modifiers Instead of Functions To Save Gas

Example of two contracts with modifiers and internal view function:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.9;
contract Inlined {
    function isNotExpired(bool _true) internal view {
        require(_true == true, "Exchange: EXPIRED");
function foo(bool _test) public returns(uint){
            return 1;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.9;
contract Modifier {
modifier isNotExpired(bool _true) {
        require(_true == true, "Exchange: EXPIRED");
function foo(bool _test) public isNotExpired(_test)returns(uint){
        return 1;

file:  src/MulticallRootRouter.sol

518   function _decode(bytes calldata data) internal pure virtual returns (bytes memory) {
        return data;

file:  src/MulticallRootRouter.sol

604   function _requiresExecutor() internal view {
        if (msg.sender != bridgeAgentExecutorAddress) revert UnrecognizedBridgeAgentExecutor();

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgentExecutor.sol

53    function executeNoSettlement(address _router, bytes calldata _payload) external payable onlyOwner {
        // Execute Calldata if there is code in the destination router
        IRouter(_router).executeNoSettlement{value: msg.value}(_payload[PARAMS_TKN_START_SIGNED:]);

file:  src/RootBridgeAgentExecutor.sol

243     function _bridgeIn(address _recipient, DepositParams memory _dParams, uint16 _srcChainId) internal {
        //Request assets for decoded request.
        RootBridgeAgent(payable(msg.sender)).bridgeIn(_recipient, _dParams, _srcChainId);

[G-04] Repeatedly doing the same operation (addition) involving a state variable should be avoided

Gas saved on average: 548

file:    src/RootBridgeAgentExecutor.sol

201       function executeSignedWithDepositMultiple(
        address _account,
        address _router,
        bytes calldata _payload,
        uint16 _srcChainId
    ) external payable onlyOwner {
        //Bridge In Assets
        DepositMultipleParams memory dParams = _bridgeInMultiple(
                        + uint256(uint8(bytes1(_payload[PARAMS_START_SIGNED]))) * PARAMS_TKN_SET_SIZE_MULTIPLE

        // Check if there is additional calldata in the payload
        if (
                > PARAMS_END_SIGNED_OFFSET
                    + uint256(uint8(bytes1(_payload[PARAMS_START_SIGNED]))) * PARAMS_TKN_SET_SIZE_MULTIPLE
        ) {
            //Execute remote request
            IRouter(_router).executeSignedDepositMultiple{value: msg.value}(
                        + uint256(uint8(bytes1(_payload[PARAMS_START_SIGNED]))) * PARAMS_TKN_SET_SIZE_MULTIPLE:

In the function above, the operation PARAMS_START_SIGNED: PARAMS_END_SIGNED_OFFSET + uint256(uint8(bytes1(_payload[PARAMS_START_SIGNED]))) * PARAMS_TKN_SET_SIZE_MULTIPLE is being done repeatedly. the amount of gas becomes too much. We should do the operation and cache the result in a memory variable.

[G-05] Use the cached value instead of fetching a storage value

BranchPort.sol.manage(): getStrategyTokenDebt[_token] has already been cached and thus the cached value should be used. Saves ~200 gas (2 SLOADS)

file:   src/BranchPort.sol

144      function manage(address _token, uint256 _amount) external override requiresPortStrategy(_token) {
        // Cache Strategy Token Global Debt
        uint256 _strategyTokenDebt = getStrategyTokenDebt[_token];

        // Check if request would surpass the tokens minimum reserves
        if (_amount > _excessReserves(_strategyTokenDebt, _token)) revert InsufficientReserves();

        // Check if request would surpass the Port Strategy's daily limit
        _checkTimeLimit(_token, _amount);

        // Update Strategy Token Global Debt
        getStrategyTokenDebt[_token] = _strategyTokenDebt + _amount;
                // Update Port Strategy Token Debt
        getPortStrategyTokenDebt[msg.sender][_token] += _amount;

188        function replenishReserves(address _strategy, address _token) external override lock {
        // Cache Strategy Token Global Debt
        uint256 strategyTokenDebt = getStrategyTokenDebt[_token];

        // Get current balance of _token
        uint256 currBalance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));

        // Get reserves lacking
        uint256 reservesLacking = _reservesLacking(strategyTokenDebt, _token, currBalance);

        // Cache Port Strategy Token Debt
        uint256 portStrategyTokenDebt = getPortStrategyTokenDebt[_strategy][_token];

        // Calculate amount to withdraw. The lesser of reserves lacking or Strategy Token Global Debt.
        uint256 amountToWithdraw = portStrategyTokenDebt < reservesLacking ? portStrategyTokenDebt : reservesLacking;

        // Update Port Strategy Token Debt
        getPortStrategyTokenDebt[_strategy][_token] = portStrategyTokenDebt - amountToWithdraw;
        // Update Strategy Token Global Debt
        getStrategyTokenDebt[_token] = strategyTokenDebt - amountToWithdraw;

BranchPort.sol._checkTimeLimit(): strategyDailyLimitRemaining[msg.sender][_token]; has already been cached and thus the cached value should be used. Saves ~200 gas (2 SLOADS)

file: src/BranchPort.sol

485   function _checkTimeLimit(address _token, uint256 _amount) internal {
        uint256 dailyLimit = strategyDailyLimitRemaining[msg.sender][_token];
        if (block.timestamp - lastManaged[msg.sender][_token] >= 1 days) {
            dailyLimit = strategyDailyLimitAmount[msg.sender][_token];
            unchecked {
                lastManaged[msg.sender][_token] = (block.timestamp / 1 days) * 1 days;
        strategyDailyLimitRemaining[msg.sender][_token] = dailyLimit - _amount;

[G-06] Unused initialization of variable inside they function

they initialization of settlementNonce = _settlementNonce + 1; is not used by they function Remove this initialization to save gas

file:   src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

1045      function _createSettlementMultiple(
        uint32 _settlementNonce,
        address payable _refundee,
        address _recipient,
        uint16 _dstChainId,
        address[] memory _globalAddresses,
        uint256[] memory _amounts,
        uint256[] memory _deposits,
        bytes memory _params,
        bool _hasFallbackToggled
    ) internal returns (bytes memory _payload) {
        // Check if valid length
        if (_globalAddresses.length > MAX_TOKENS_LENGTH) revert InvalidInputParamsLength();

        // Check if valid length
        if (_globalAddresses.length != _amounts.length) revert InvalidInputParamsLength();
        if (_amounts.length != _deposits.length) revert InvalidInputParamsLength();

        //Update Settlement Nonce
        settlementNonce = _settlementNonce + 1;

        // Create Arrays
        address[] memory hTokens = new address[](_globalAddresses.length);
        address[] memory tokens = new address[](_globalAddresses.length);

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < hTokens.length;) {
            // Populate Addresses for Settlement
            hTokens[i] = IPort(localPortAddress).getLocalTokenFromGlobal(_globalAddresses[i], _dstChainId);
            tokens[i] = IPort(localPortAddress).getUnderlyingTokenFromLocal(hTokens[i], _dstChainId);

            // Avoid stack too deep
            uint16 destChainId = _dstChainId;

            // Update State to reflect bridgeOut
                msg.sender, _globalAddresses[i], hTokens[i], tokens[i], _amounts[i], _deposits[i], destChainId

            unchecked {

        // Prepare data for call with settlement of multiple assets
        _payload = abi.encodePacked(
            _hasFallbackToggled ? bytes1(0x02) & 0x0F : bytes1(0x02),

        // Create and Save Settlement
        // Get storage reference
        Settlement storage settlement = getSettlement[_settlementNonce];

        // Update Setttlement
        settlement.owner = _refundee;
        settlement.recipient = _recipient;
        settlement.hTokens = hTokens;
        settlement.tokens = tokens;
        settlement.amounts = _amounts;
        settlement.deposits = _deposits;
        settlement.dstChainId = _dstChainId;
        settlement.status = STATUS_SUCCESS;

966       function _createSettlement(
        uint32 _settlementNonce,
        address payable _refundee,
        address _recipient,
        uint16 _dstChainId,
        bytes memory _params,
        address _globalAddress,
        uint256 _amount,
        uint256 _deposit,
        bool _hasFallbackToggled
    ) internal returns (bytes memory _payload) {
        // Update Settlement Nonce
        settlementNonce = _settlementNonce + 1;

        // Get Local Branch Token Address from Root Port
        address localAddress = IPort(localPortAddress).getLocalTokenFromGlobal(_globalAddress, _dstChainId);

        // Get Underlying Token Address from Root Port
        address underlyingAddress = IPort(localPortAddress).getUnderlyingTokenFromLocal(localAddress, _dstChainId);

        //Update State to reflect bridgeOut
            msg.sender, _globalAddress, localAddress, underlyingAddress, _amount, _deposit, _dstChainId

        // Prepare data for call
        _payload = abi.encodePacked(
            _hasFallbackToggled ? bytes1(0x81) : bytes1(0x01),

        // Avoid stack too deep
        uint32 cachedSettlementNonce = _settlementNonce;

        // Get Auxiliary Dynamic Arrays
        address[] memory addressArray = new address[](1);
        uint256[] memory uintArray = new uint256[](1);

        // Get storage reference for new Settlement
        Settlement storage settlement = getSettlement[cachedSettlementNonce];

        // Update Setttlement
        settlement.owner = _refundee;
        settlement.recipient = _recipient;

        addressArray[0] = localAddress;
        settlement.hTokens = addressArray;

        addressArray[0] = underlyingAddress;
        settlement.tokens = addressArray;

        uintArray[0] = _amount;
        settlement.amounts = uintArray;

        uintArray[0] = _deposit;
        settlement.deposits = uintArray;

        settlement.dstChainId = _dstChainId;
        settlement.status = STATUS_SUCCESS;

[G-07] Optimizing the check order for cost efficient function execution

Checks that involve constants should come before checks that involve state variables, function calls, and calculations. By doing these checks first, the function is able to revert before wasting a Gcoldsload (2100 gas) in a function that may ultimately revert, in the unhappy case.

first check they if (deposit.status == STATUS_SUCCESS) revert DepositRedeemUnavailable() to Validate parameters before doing any sstores (more than 2200 gas could be saved in case of a revert)

file:   src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

434       function redeemDeposit(uint32 _depositNonce) external override lock {
        // Get storage reference
        Deposit storage deposit = getDeposit[_depositNonce];

        // Check Deposit
        if (deposit.status == STATUS_SUCCESS) revert DepositRedeemUnavailable();

first check they if (executionState[nonce] != STATUS_READY) revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction(); to Validate parameters before doing any sstores (more than 2200 gas could be saved in case of a revert)

file:   src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

587         function lzReceiveNonBlocking(address _endpoint, bytes calldata _srcAddress, bytes calldata _payload)
        requiresEndpoint(_endpoint, _srcAddress)
        //Save Action Flag
        bytes1 flag = _payload[0] & 0x7F;

        // Save settlement nonce
        uint32 nonce;

        // DEPOSIT FLAG: 0 (No settlement)
        if (flag == 0x00) {
            // Get Settlement Nonce
            nonce = uint32(bytes4(_payload[PARAMS_START_SIGNED:PARAMS_TKN_START_SIGNED]));

            //Check if tx has already been executed
            if (executionState[nonce] != STATUS_READY) revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

            //Try to execute the remote request
            //Flag 0 - BranchBridgeAgentExecutor(bridgeAgentExecutorAddress).executeNoSettlement(localRouterAddress, _payload)
                    BranchBridgeAgentExecutor.executeNoSettlement.selector, localRouterAddress, _payload

            // DEPOSIT FLAG: 1 (Single Asset Settlement)
        } else if (flag == 0x01) {
            // Parse recipient
            address payable recipient = payable(address(uint160(bytes20(_payload[PARAMS_START:PARAMS_START_SIGNED]))));

            // Parse Settlement Nonce
            nonce = uint32(bytes4(_payload[PARAMS_START_SIGNED:PARAMS_TKN_START_SIGNED]));

            //Check if tx has already been executed
            if (executionState[nonce] != STATUS_READY) revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

            //Try to execute the remote request
            //Flag 1 - BranchBridgeAgentExecutor(bridgeAgentExecutorAddress).executeWithSettlement(recipient, localRouterAddress, _payload)
                _payload[0] == 0x81,
                    BranchBridgeAgentExecutor.executeWithSettlement.selector, recipient, localRouterAddress, _payload

            // DEPOSIT FLAG: 2 (Multiple Settlement)
        } else if (flag == 0x02) {
            // Parse recipient
            address payable recipient = payable(address(uint160(bytes20(_payload[PARAMS_START:PARAMS_START_SIGNED]))));

            // Parse deposit nonce
            nonce = uint32(bytes4(_payload[22:26]));

            //Check if tx has already been executed
            if (executionState[nonce] != STATUS_READY) revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

first check they if (settlement.status == STATUS_SUCCESS) revert SettlementRedeemUnavailable(); to Validate parameters before doing any sstores (more than 2200 gas could be saved in case of a revert)

file:   src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

299       function redeemSettlement(uint32 _settlementNonce) external override lock {
        // Get setttlement storage reference
        Settlement storage settlement = getSettlement[_settlementNonce];

        // Get deposit owner.
        address settlementOwner = settlement.owner;

        // Check if Settlement is redeemable.
        if (settlement.status == STATUS_SUCCESS) revert SettlementRedeemUnavailable();

[G-08] Do not cache immutable values

file:   src/ArbitrumBranchPort.sol

50      function depositToPort(address _depositor, address _recipient, address _underlyingAddress, uint256 _deposit)
        // Save root port address to memory
        address _rootPortAddress = rootPortAddress;

73      function withdrawFromPort(address _depositor, address _recipient, address _globalAddress, uint256 _amount)
        // Save root port address to memory
        address _rootPortAddress = rootPortAddress;

[G-09] Use != 0 instead of > 0 for unsigned integer comparison

It’s generally more gas-efficient to use != 0 instead of > 0 when comparing unsigned integer types.

This is because the Solidity compiler can optimize the != 0 comparison to a simple bitwise operation, while the > 0 comparison requires an additional subtraction operation. As a result, using != 0 can be more gas-efficient and can help to reduce the overall cost of your contract.

File: src/ArbitrumBranchPort.sol

127:         if (_deposit > 0) {

132:         if (_amount - _deposit > 0) {

File: src/BaseBranchRouter.sol

165:         if (_amount - _deposit > 0) {

173:         if (_deposit > 0) {

File: src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

906:         if (_amount - _deposit > 0) {

912:         if (_deposit > 0) {

File: src/BranchPort.sol

259:             if (_amounts[i] - _deposits[i] > 0) {

266:             if (_deposits[i] > 0) {

525:         if (_hTokenAmount > 0) {

531:         if (_deposit > 0) {

File: src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

363:         if (_dParams.amount > 0) {

370:         if (_dParams.deposit > 0) {

1146:        if (_underlyingAddress == address(0)) if (_deposit > 0) revert UnrecognizedUnderlyingAddress();

1149:        if (_amount - _deposit > 0) {

1156:        if (_deposit > 0) {

File: src/RootPort.sol

284:         if (_amount - _deposit > 0) {

290:         if (_deposit > 0) if (!ERC20hTokenRoot(_hToken).mint(_recipient, _deposit, _srcChainId)) revert UnableToMint();

File: src/VirtualAccount.sol

152:         return size > 0;

[G-10] Can Make The Variable Outside The Loop To Save Gas

When you declare a variable inside a loop, Solidity creates a new instance of the variable for each iteration of the loop. This can lead to unnecessary gas costs; especially if the loop is executed frequently or iterates over a large number of elements.

By declaring the variable outside of the loop, you can avoid the creation of multiple instances of the variable and reduce the gas cost of your contract.

Here’s an example:

contract MyContract {
    function sum(uint256[] memory values) public pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 total = 0;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
            total += values[i];
        return total;

file:   src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

318     for (uint256 i = 0; i < settlement.hTokens.length;) {
            // Save to memory
            address _hToken = settlement.hTokens[i];

            // Check if asset
            if (_hToken != address(0)) {
                // Save to memory
                uint24 _dstChainId = settlement.dstChainId;

                // Move hTokens from Branch to Root + Mint Sufficient hTokens to match new port deposit
                    IPort(localPortAddress).getGlobalTokenFromLocal(_hToken, _dstChainId),

            unchecked {

file:  src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

1070    for (uint256 i = 0; i < hTokens.length;) {
            // Populate Addresses for Settlement
            hTokens[i] = IPort(localPortAddress).getLocalTokenFromGlobal(_globalAddresses[i], _dstChainId);
            tokens[i] = IPort(localPortAddress).getUnderlyingTokenFromLocal(hTokens[i], _dstChainId);

            // Avoid stack too deep
            uint16 destChainId = _dstChainId;

            // Update State to reflect bridgeOut
                msg.sender, _globalAddresses[i], hTokens[i], tokens[i], _amounts[i], _deposits[i], destChainId

            unchecked {

file:   src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

513       for (uint256 i = 0; i < numOfAssets;) {
            // Cache common offset
            uint256 currentIterationOffset = PARAMS_START + i;

            // Parse Params
            _hTokens[i] = address(
                                PARAMS_TKN_START + (PARAMS_ENTRY_SIZE * i) + ADDRESS_END_OFFSET:
                                    PARAMS_TKN_START + (PARAMS_ENTRY_SIZE * currentIterationOffset)

file:   src/VirtualAccount.sol

70    for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {
            bool success;
            Call calldata _call = calls[i];

            if (isContract( (success, returnData[i]) =;

            if (!success) revert CallFailed();

            unchecked {

file:   src/VirtualAccount.sol

90    for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {
            _call = calls[i];
            uint256 val = _call.value;
            // Humanity will be a Type V Kardashev Civilization before this overflows - andreas
            // ~ 10^25 Wei in existence << ~ 10^76 size uint fits in a uint256
            unchecked {
                valAccumulator += val;

            bool success;

            if (isContract( (success, returnData[i]) ={value: val}(_call.callData);

            if (!success) revert CallFailed();

            unchecked {

file:  src/RootBridgeAgentExecutor.sol

218          for (uint256 i = 0; i < uint256(uint8(numOfAssets));) {
            // Cache offset
            uint256 currentIterationOffset = PARAMS_START + i;

            // Parse Params
            hTokens[i] = address(
                                PARAMS_TKN_START + (PARAMS_ENTRY_SIZE * i) + ADDRESS_END_OFFSET:
                                    PARAMS_TKN_START + (PARAMS_ENTRY_SIZE * currentIterationOffset)

[G-11] Gas saving is achieved by removing the delete keyword (~60k)

30k gas savings were made by removing the delete keyword. The reason for using the delete keyword here is to reset the struct values (set to default value) in every operation. However, the struct values do not need to be zero each time the function is run. Therefore, the delete keyword is unnecessary. If it is removed, around 30k gas savings will be achieved.

File: src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

456    delete getDeposit[_depositNonce];

File: src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

343    delete getSettlement[_settlementNonce];

[G-12] With assembly, .call (bool success) transfer can be done gas-optimized

Return data (bool success,) has to be stored due to EVM architecture. But in a usage like below, ‘out’ and ‘outsize’ values are given (0,0); this storage disappears and gas optimization is provided.

(bool success,) ={value:amount}(""); bool success; assembly { success := call(gas(), dest, amount, 0, 0) }

file:   src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

717   (bool success,) ={value: address(this).balance}(_calldata);

773   (bool success,) ={value: address(this).balance}(_calldata);

file:   src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

754    (bool success,) ={value: address(this).balance}(_calldata);

779    (bool success,) ={value: address(this).balance}(_calldata);

[G-13] Duplicated require()/if() checks should be refactored to a modifier or function

Sign modifiers or functions can make your code more gas-efficient by reducing the overall number of operations that need to be executed. For example, if you have a complex validation check that involves multiple operations and you refactor it into a function, then the function can be executed with a single opcode, rather than having to execute each operation separately in multiple locations.

Recommendation: You can consider adding a modifier like below:

 modifer check (address checkToAddress) {    
     require(checkToAddress != address(0) && checkToAddress != SENTINEL_MODULES, "BSA101");  

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

354   if (deposit.owner != msg.sender) revert NotDepositOwner();

441   if (deposit.owner != msg.sender) revert NotDepositOwner();

604   if (executionState[nonce] != STATUS_READY) revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

624   if (executionState[nonce] != STATUS_READY) revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

646   if (executionState[nonce] != STATUS_READY) revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

387    if (!isStrategyToken[_token]) revert UnrecognizedStrategyToken();

560    if (!isStrategyToken[_token]) revert UnrecognizedStrategyToken();

file:   src/MulticallRootRouter.sol

142    if (funcId == 0x01) 

234    if (funcId == 0x01)

323    if (funcId == 0x01) 

411    if (funcId == 0x01)

244    if (settlementReference.owner == address(0)) revert SettlementRetryUnavailable();

670    if (settlementReference.owner == address(0)) revert SettlementRetryUnavailable();

282    if (settlementOwner == address(0)) revert SettlementRetrieveUnavailable();

308    if (settlementOwner == address(0)) revert SettlementRedeemUnavailable();

285    if (msg.sender != settlementOwner) {

311    if (msg.sender != settlementOwner) {

file:  src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

449   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

472   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

495   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

518   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

544   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

582   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

622   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

818   if (callee == address(0)) revert UnrecognizedBridgeAgent();

910   if (callee == address(0)) revert UnrecognizedBridgeAgent();

821   if (_dstChainId != localChainId)

913   if (_dstChainId != localChainId)

file:  src/RootPort.sol
246   if (_localAddress == address(0)) revert InvalidLocalAddress();

264   if (_localAddress == address(0)) revert InvalidLocalAddress();

282   if (!isGlobalAddress[_hToken]) revert UnrecognizedToken();

299   if (!isGlobalAddress[_hToken]) revert UnrecognizedToken();

309   if (!isGlobalAddress[_hToken]) revert UnrecognizedToken();

320   if (!isGlobalAddress[_hToken]) revert UnrecognizedToken();

330   if (!isGlobalAddress[_hToken]) revert UnrecognizedToken();

341   if (!isGlobalAddress[_hToken]) revert UnrecognizedToken();

528   if (_coreBranchRouter == address(0)) revert InvalidCoreBranchRouter();

544   if (_coreBranchRouter == address(0)) revert InvalidCoreBranchRouter();

529   if (_coreBranchBridgeAgent == address(0)) revert InvalidCoreBrancBridgeAgent();

545   if (_coreBranchBridgeAgent == address(0)) revert InvalidCoreBrancBridgeAgent();

[G-14] Use a hardcoded address instead of address(this)

It can be more gas-efficient to use a hardcoded address instead of the address(this) expression, especially if you need to use the same address multiple times in your contract.

The reason for this is that using address(this) requires an additional EXTCODESIZE operation to retrieve the contract’s address from its bytecode, which can increase the gas cost of your contract. By pre-calculating and using a hardcoded address, you can avoid this additional operation and reduce the overall gas cost of your contract.

Here’s an example of how you can use a hardcoded address instead of address(this):

contract MyContract {
    address public myAddress = 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890;
    function doSomething() public {
        // Use myAddress instead of address(this)
        require(msg.sender == myAddress, "Caller is not authorized");
        // Do something

In the above example, we have a contract, MyContract, with a public address variable myAddress. Instead of using address(this) to retrieve the contract’s address, we have pre-calculated and hardcoded the address in the variable. This can help to reduce the gas cost of our contract and make our code more efficient.

file: src/ArbitrumBranchBridgeAgent.sol

126   if (msg.sender != address(this)) revert LayerZeroUnauthorizedEndpoint();

file:  src/ArbitrumBranchPort.sol

66   _underlyingAddress.safeTransferFrom(_depositor, address(this), _deposit);

128  _underlyingAddress.safeTransferFrom(_depositor, address(this), _deposit);

file:  src/BaseBranchRouter.sol

167   _hToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount - _deposit);

174   _token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _deposit);

file:   src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

131    require(_localPortAddress != address(0), "Local Port Address cannot be the zero address.");

142    rootBridgeAgentPath = abi.encodePacked(_rootBridgeAgentAddress, address(this));

168    address(this),

579    address(this).excessivelySafeCall(

717    (bool success,) ={value: address(this).balance}(_calldata);

737    (bool success,) ={value: address(this).balance}(_calldata);

787    ILayerZeroEndpoint(lzEndpointAddress).send{value: address(this).balance}(

938    if (msg.sender != address(this)) revert LayerZeroUnauthorizedEndpoint();

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgentExecutor.sol

92    _recipient.safeTransferETH(address(this).balance);

126   _recipient.safeTransferETH(address(this).balance);

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

175    uint256 currBalance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));

178    IPortStrategy(msg.sender).withdraw(address(this), _token, _amount);

181    require(ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)) - currBalance == _amount, "Port Strategy Withdraw Failed");

193    uint256 currBalance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));

210    IPortStrategy(_strategy).withdraw(address(this), _token, amountToWithdraw);

214    ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)) - currBalance == amountToWithdraw, "Port Strategy Withdraw Failed"

436    uint256 currBalance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));

526    _localAddress.safeTransferFrom(_depositor, address(this), _hTokenAmount);

532    _underlyingAddress.safeTransferFrom(_depositor, address(this), _deposit);

file:  src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

112    require(_localPortAddress != address(0), "Port Address cannot be zero address");

120    bridgeAgentExecutorAddress = DeployRootBridgeAgentExecutor.deploy(address(this));

148    address(this),

424    (bool success,) = address(this).excessivelySafeCall(

695    address(this).balance

754    (bool success,) ={value: address(this).balance}(_calldata);

779    (bool success,) ={value: address(this).balance}(_calldata);

940    ILayerZeroEndpoint(lzEndpointAddress).send{value: address(this).balance}(

1182   getBranchBridgeAgentPath[_branchChainId] = abi.encodePacked(_newBranchBridgeAgent, address(this));

1205   if (msg.sender != address(this)) revert LayerZeroUnauthorizedEndpoint();

1233   if (msg.sender != IPort(localPortAddress).getBridgeAgentManager(address(this))) {

file:   src/RootPort.sol

301    _hToken.safeTransferFrom(_from, address(this), _amount);

362    newAccount = new VirtualAccount{salt: keccak256(abi.encode(_user))}(_user, address(this));

file:  src/VirtualAccount.sol

62     ERC721(_token).transferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, _tokenId);

file:  src/factories/ERC20hTokenRootFactory.sol

83     address(this),

[G-15] abi.encode() is less efficient than abi.encodePacked()

In terms of efficiency, abi.encodePacked() is generally considered to be more gas-efficient than abi.encode(), because it skips the step of adding function signatures and other metadata to the encoded data. However, this comes at the cost of reduced safety, as abi.encodePacked() does not perform any type checking or padding of data.

Before using of encodePacked gas value per one abi.encode: 405030 After using of encodePacked instead of encode gas value per one abi.encodePacked: 353713

Tools used remix

File: src/ArbitrumCoreBranchRouter.sol

53:          bytes memory params = abi.encode(

112:         bytes memory data = abi.encode(newBridgeAgent, _rootBridgeAgent);

File: src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

471:         bytes memory params = abi.encode(_settlementNonce, msg.sender, _params, _gParams[1]);

File: src/CoreBranchRouter.sol

48:          bytes memory params = abi.encode(msg.sender, _globalAddress, _dstChainId, [_gParams[1], _gParams[2]]);

72:          bytes memory params = abi.encode(_underlyingAddress, newToken,, newToken.symbol(), decimals);

178:         bytes memory params = abi.encode(_globalAddress, newToken);

226:         bytes memory params = abi.encode(newBridgeAgent, _rootBridgeAgent);

File: src/CoreRootRouter.sol

126:         bytes memory params = abi.encode(

168:         bytes memory params = abi.encode(_branchBridgeAgentFactory);

193:         bytes memory params = abi.encode(_branchBridgeAgent);

220:         bytes memory params = abi.encode(_underlyingToken, _minimumReservesRatio);

251:         bytes memory params = abi.encode(_portStrategy, _underlyingToken, _dailyManagementLimit, _isUpdateDailyLimit);

281:         bytes memory params = abi.encode(_coreBranchRouter, _coreBranchBridgeAgent);

424:         bytes memory params = abi.encode(

File: src/RootPort.sol

362:         newAccount = new VirtualAccount{salt: keccak256(abi.encode(_user))}(_user, address(this));

[G‑16] Multiple accesses of a mapping/array should use a local variable cache

The instances below point to the second+ access of a value inside a mapping/array, within a function. Caching a mapping’s value in a local storage or calldata variable when the value is accessed multiple times, saves ~42 gas per access, due to not having to recalculate the keys keccak256 hash (Gkeccak256 - 30 gas) and that calculation’s associated stack operations. Caching an array’s struct avoids recalculating the array offsets into memory/calldata.

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

604    if (executionState[nonce] != STATUS_READY) 

624    if (executionState[nonce] != STATUS_READY) 

646    if (executionState[nonce] != STATUS_READY) 

671    if (executionState[nonce] != STATUS_READY) 

675    if (executionState[nonce] == STATUS_READY) executionState[nonce] = STATUS_RETRIEVE;

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol
734    executionState[_settlementNonce] = STATUS_DONE;

744    executionState[_settlementNonce] = STATUS_RETRIEVE;

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

436   Deposit storage deposit = getDeposit[_depositNonce];

456   delete getDeposit[_depositNonce];

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

124    require(!isBridgeAgentFactory[_bridgeAgentFactory], "Contract already initialized");

130    isBridgeAgentFactory[_bridgeAgentFactory] = true;

339    if (isBridgeAgentFactory[_newBridgeAgentFactory]) revert AlreadyAddedBridgeAgentFactory();

341    isBridgeAgentFactory[_newBridgeAgentFactory] = true;

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

487   if (block.timestamp - lastManaged[msg.sender][_token] >= 1 days)

490   lastManaged[msg.sender][_token] = (block.timestamp / 1 days) * 1 days;

file:   src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

1207    if (_endpoint != getBranchBridgeAgent[localChainId]) {

1212    if (getBranchBridgeAgent[_srcChain] != address(uint160(bytes20(_srcAddress[PARAMS_ADDRESS_SIZE:])))) {

file:  src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

301   Settlement storage settlement = getSettlement[_settlementNonce];

343   delete getSettlement[_settlementNonce];

file:  src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

449   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

472   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

495   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

518   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

544   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

582   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

622   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

704   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

708   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {

709   if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {


383   if (isBridgeAgent[_bridgeAgent]) revert AlreadyAddedBridgeAgent();

387   isBridgeAgent[_bridgeAgent] = true;

file: src/RootPort.sol

422   if (isBridgeAgentFactory[_bridgeAgentFactory]) revert AlreadyAddedBridgeAgentFactory();

425   isBridgeAgentFactory[_bridgeAgentFactory] = true;

file:  src/RootPort.sol
374   isRouterApproved[_userAccount][_router] = !isRouterApproved[_userAccount][_router];

file:   src/RootPort.sol

485    if (isGlobalAddress[_ecoTokenGlobalAddress]) revert AlreadyAddedEcosystemToken();

499    isGlobalAddress[_ecoTokenGlobalAddress] = true;

[G-17] Empty blocks should be removed or emit something

The code should be refactored such that they no longer exist, or the block should do something useful, such as emitting an event or reverting. If the contract is meant to be extended, the contract should be abstract and the function signatures be added without any default implementation. If the block is an empty if-statement block to avoid doing subsequent checks in the else-if/else conditions, the else-if/else conditions should be nested under the negation of the if-statement, because they involve different classes of checks, which may lead to the introduction of errors when the code is later modified (if(x){}else if(y){...}else{...} => if(!x){if(y){...}else{...}}).

Before removing of receive function gas value: 220636 After removing of receive function gas value: 214695

Tools used remix

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

149     receive() external payable {}

file:  src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

128    receive() external payable {}

file: src/VirtualAccount.sol

44    receive() external payable {}

[G-18] Uncheck arithmetics operations that can’t underflow/overflow

Solidity version 0.8+ comes with implicit overflow and underflow checks on unsigned integers. When an overflow or an underflow isn’t possible (as an example, when a comparison is made before the arithmetic operation), some gas can be saved by using an unchecked block

Replace this:


 uint256 value = yield(a, b, c - totalFee(c), address(this));

with this:

 unchecked {uint256 value = yield(a, b, c - totalFee(c), address(this));}

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

169    getPortStrategyTokenDebt[msg.sender][_token] -= _amount;

172    getStrategyTokenDebt[_token] -= _amount;

file:  src/token/ERC20hTokenRoot.sol

70     getTokenBalance[chainId] -= amount;

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

157    getPortStrategyTokenDebt[msg.sender][_token] += _amount;

file:  src/token/ERC20hTokenRoot.sol

58    getTokenBalance[chainId] += amount;

file:   src/BranchPort.sol

205     getPortStrategyTokenDebt[_strategy][_token] = portStrategyTokenDebt - amountToWithdraw;

207     getStrategyTokenDebt[_token] = strategyTokenDebt - amountToWithdraw;

493     strategyDailyLimitRemaining[msg.sender][_token] = dailyLimit - _amount; 

522     uint256 _hTokenAmount = _amount - _deposit;

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

515    uint256 currentIterationOffset = PARAMS_START + i;

821    depositNonce = _depositNonce + 1;

875    depositNonce = _depositNonce + 1;

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgentExecutor.sol

111    uint256 settlementEndOffset = PARAMS_START_SIGNED + PARAMS_TKN_START + assetsOffset;

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

155    getStrategyTokenDebt[_token] = _strategyTokenDebt + _amount;

[G-19] Access mappings directly rather than using accessor functions

Saves having to do two JUMP instructions, along with stack setup.

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

157   return getDeposit[_depositNonce];

file:  src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

136    return getSettlement[_settlementNonce];

file:  src/RootPort.sol

196    return getLocalTokenFromGlobal[globalAddress][_dstChainId];

207    return getUnderlyingTokenFromLocal[localAddress][_srcChainId];

212    return getLocalTokenFromGlobal[_globalAddress][_srcChainId] != address(0);

217    return getGlobalTokenFromLocal[_localAddress][_srcChainId] != address(0);

231    return getLocalTokenFromUnderlying[_underlyingToken][_srcChainId] != address(0);

[G‑20] Avoid contract existence checks by using low level calls

Prior to 0.8.10, the compiler inserted extra code, including EXTCODESIZE (100 gas), to check for contract existence for external function calls. In more recent solidity versions, the compiler will not insert these checks if the external call has a return value. Similar behavior can be achieved in earlier versions by using low-level calls, since low level calls never check for contract existence.

file:   src/ArbitrumBranchPort.sol
60     address _globalToken = IRootPort(_rootPortAddress).getLocalTokenFromUnderlying(_underlyingAddress, localChainId);

69     IRootPort(_rootPortAddress).mintToLocalBranch(_recipient, _globalToken, _deposit);

87     IRootPort(_rootPortAddress).getUnderlyingTokenFromLocal(_globalAddress, localChainId);

92     IRootPort(_rootPortAddress).burnFromLocalBranch(_depositor, _globalAddress, _amount);

file:  src/ArbitrumCoreBranchRouter.sol

58    ERC20(_underlyingAddress).decimals()

118   IBridgeAgent(localBridgeAgentAddress).callOutSystem(payable(_refundee), payload, _gParams)

file:  src/BaseBranchRouter.sol

63    localPortAddress = IBridgeAgent(_localBridgeAgentAddress).localPortAddress();

64    bridgeAgentExecutorAddress = IBridgeAgent(_localBridgeAgentAddress).bridgeAgentExecutorAddress();

75    return IBridgeAgent(localBridgeAgentAddress).getDepositEntry(_depositNonce);

113   IBridgeAgent(localBridgeAgentAddress).callOutAndBridgeMultiple{value: msg.value}(

168   ERC20(_hToken).approve(_localPortAddress, _amount - _deposit);

175   ERC20(_token).approve(_localPortAddress, _deposit);

file:   src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

568     IPort(localPortAddress).bridgeInMultiple(_recipient, _hTokens, _tokens, _amounts, _deposits);

824     IPort(localPortAddress).bridgeOut(msg.sender, _hToken, _token, _amount, _deposit);

908     IPort(localPortAddress).bridgeIn(_recipient, _hToken, _amount - _deposit);
913     IPort(localPortAddress).withdraw(_recipient, _token, _deposit);

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

175    uint256 currBalance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));

178    IPortStrategy(msg.sender).withdraw(address(this), _token, _amount);

193    uint256 currBalance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));

210    IPortStrategy(_strategy).withdraw(address(this), _token, amountToWithdraw);

436    uint256 currBalance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));

503    ERC20hTokenBranch(_localAddress).mint(_recipient, _amount);

527    ERC20hTokenBranch(_localAddress).burn(_hTokenAmount);

file:  src/CoreBranchRouter.sol

64    uint8 decimals = ERC20(_underlyingAddress).decimals();

68    ERC20(_underlyingAddress).name(), ERC20(_underlyingAddress).symbol(), decimals, true

143   IPort(localPortAddress).setCoreBranchRouter(coreBranchRouter, coreBranchBridgeAgent);

file:  src/MulticallRootRouter.sol

113     bridgeAgentExecutorAddress = IBridgeAgent(_bridgeAgentAddress).bridgeAgentExecutorAddress();

139     IVirtualAccount(userAccount).call(calls);

248     IVirtualAccount(userAccount).call(calls);

255     IVirtualAccount(userAccount).userAddress(),

328     IVirtualAccount(userAccount).call(calls);

337     IVirtualAccount(userAccount).call(calls);

416     IVirtualAccount(userAccount).call(calls);

425     IVirtualAccount(userAccount).call(calls);

452     IVirtualAccount(userAccount).call(calls);

file:  src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

574    IPort(localPortAddress).toggleVirtualAccountApproved(userAccount, localRouterAddress);

592    IPort(localPortAddress).toggleVirtualAccountApproved(userAccount, localRouterAddress);

614    IPort(localPortAddress).toggleVirtualAccountApproved(userAccount, localRouterAddress);

837    IBranchBridgeAgent(callee).lzReceive(0, "", 0, _payload);

929    IBranchBridgeAgent(callee).lzReceive(0, "", 0, payload);

981    address localAddress = IPort(localPortAddress).getLocalTokenFromGlobal(_globalAddress, _dstChainId);

984    address underlyingAddress = IPort(localPortAddress).getUnderlyingTokenFromLocal(localAddress, _dstChainId);

1072   hTokens[i] = IPort(localPortAddress).getLocalTokenFromGlobal(_globalAddresses[i], _dstChainId);

1073   tokens[i] = IPort(localPortAddress).getUnderlyingTokenFromLocal(hTokens[i], _dstChainId);

file:  src/factories/ArbitrumBranchBridgeAgentFactory.sol

65     IPort(localPortAddress).addBridgeAgent(newCoreBridgeAgent);

file:   src/factories/BranchBridgeAgentFactory.sol

101     IPort(localPortAddress).addBridgeAgent(newCoreBridgeAgent);

139     IPort(localPortAddress).addBridgeAgent(newBridgeAgent);

file:   src/factories/RootBridgeAgentFactory.sol

58     IRootPort(rootPortAddress).addBridgeAgent(msg.sender, newBridgeAgent);

[G-21] Amounts should be checked for 0 before calling a transfer

It is generally a good practice to check for zero values before making any transfers in smart contract functions. This can help to avoid unnecessary external calls and save gas costs.

Checking for zero values is especially important when transferring tokens or ether, as sending these assets to an address with a zero value will result in the loss of those assets.

In Solidity, you can check whether a value is zero by using the == operator. Here’s an example of how you can check for a zero value before making a transfer:

function transfer(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) public {
    require(amount > 0, "Amount must be greater than zero");
In the above example, we check to make sure that the amount parameter is greater than zero before making the transfer to the recipient address. If the amount is zero or negative, the function will revert and the transfer will not be made.
File:  src/erc-4626/ERC4626.sol
76    address(asset).safeTransfer(receiver, assets);
96    address(asset).safeTransfer(receiver, assets);

file:  src/ArbitrumBranchPort.sol

94   _underlyingAddress.safeTransfer(_recipient, _amount);

file:  src/BaseBranchRouter.sol

95    _transferAndApproveToken(_dParams.hToken, _dParams.token, _dParams.amount, _dParams.deposit);

110   _transferAndApproveMultipleTokens(_dParams.hTokens, _dParams.tokens, _dParams.amounts, _dParams.deposits);

file:   src/BranchPort.sol

160     _token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount);

233    _underlyingAddress.safeTransfer(_recipient, _deposit);

file:   src/RootPort.sol

301    _hToken.safeTransferFrom(_from, address(this), _amount);

311    _hToken.safeTransfer(_to, _amount);

file:  src/VirtualAccount.sol

52    msg.sender.safeTransferETH(_amount);

57   _token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount);

[G-22] Internal functions that are not called by the contract should be removed to save deployment gas

Internal functions in Solidity are only intended to be invoked within the contract or by other internal functions. If an internal function is not called anywhere within the contract, it serves no purpose and contributes unnecessary overhead during deployment. Removing such functions can lead to substantial gas savings.


File: src/ArbitrumBranchBridgeAgent.sol

99      function _performCall(address payable, bytes memory _calldata, GasParams calldata) internal override {

112     function _performFallbackCall(address payable, uint32 _settlementNonce) internal override {

125     function _requiresEndpoint(address _endpoint, bytes calldata) internal view override {

File: src/ArbitrumBranchPort.sol

107:     function _bridgeIn(address _recipient, address _localAddress, uint256 _amount) internal override {

119      function _bridgeOut(
         address _depositor,
         address _localAddress,
         address _underlyingAddress,
         uint256 _amount,
         uint256 _deposit
     ) internal override {

File: src/MulticallRootRouterLibZip.sol

37:      function _decode(bytes calldata data) internal pure override returns (bytes memory) {

[G-23] The result of a function call should be cached rather than re-calling the function

External calls are expensive. Consider caching the following:

Cache they result of IPort(rootPortAddress) external function to save gas

file:   src/CoreRootRouter.sol

461     if (IPort(rootPortAddress).isGlobalAddress(_underlyingAddress)) revert TokenAlreadyAdded();
462     if (IPort(rootPortAddress).isLocalToken(_underlyingAddress, _srcChainId)) revert TokenAlreadyAdded();
463     if (IPort(rootPortAddress).isUnderlyingToken(_underlyingAddress, _srcChainId)) revert TokenAlreadyAdded();

file:   src/MulticallRootRouter.sol

137       function execute(bytes calldata encodedData, uint16) external payable override lock requiresExecutor {
        // Parse funcId
        bytes1 funcId = encodedData[0];

        /// FUNC ID: 1 (multicallNoOutput)
        if (funcId == 0x01) {
            // Decode Params
            (IMulticall.Call[] memory callData) = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (IMulticall.Call[]));

            // Perform Calls
            _multicall(callData);   // @audit: _multicall function 

            /// FUNC ID: 2 (multicallSingleOutput)
        } else if (funcId == 0x02) {
            // Decode Params
                IMulticall.Call[] memory callData,
                OutputParams memory outputParams,
                uint16 dstChainId,
                GasParams memory gasParams
            ) = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (IMulticall.Call[], OutputParams, uint16, GasParams));

            // Perform Calls
            _multicall(callData);    // @audit: _multicall function 

            // Bridge Out assets

            /// FUNC ID: 3 (multicallMultipleOutput)
        } else if (funcId == 0x03) {
            // Decode Params
                IMulticall.Call[] memory callData,
                OutputMultipleParams memory outputParams,
                uint16 dstChainId,
                GasParams memory gasParams
            ) = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (IMulticall.Call[], OutputMultipleParams, uint16, GasParams));

            // Perform Calls
            _multicall(callData);    // @audit: _multicall function 

            // Bridge Out assets
            /// UNRECOGNIZED FUNC ID
        } else {
            revert UnrecognizedFunctionId();

file:   src/MulticallRootRouter.sol

312        function executeSignedDepositSingle(bytes calldata encodedData, DepositParams calldata, address userAccount, uint16)
        // Parse funcId
        bytes1 funcId = encodedData[0];

        /// FUNC ID: 1 (multicallNoOutput)
        if (funcId == 0x01) {
            // Decode Params
            Call[] memory calls = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (Call[]));

            // Make requested calls

            /// FUNC ID: 2 (multicallSingleOutput)
        } else if (funcId == 0x02) {
            // Decode Params
            (Call[] memory calls, OutputParams memory outputParams, uint16 dstChainId, GasParams memory gasParams) =
                abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (Call[], OutputParams, uint16, GasParams));

            // Make requested calls

            // Withdraw assets from Virtual Account
            IVirtualAccount(userAccount).withdrawERC20(outputParams.outputToken, outputParams.amountOut);

            // Bridge Out assets
                IVirtualAccount(userAccount).userAddress(),    // @audit: userAddress function 

            /// FUNC ID: 3 (multicallMultipleOutput)
        } else if (funcId == 0x03) {
            // Decode Params
                Call[] memory calls,
                OutputMultipleParams memory outputParams,
                uint16 dstChainId,
                GasParams memory gasParams
            ) = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (Call[], OutputMultipleParams, uint16, GasParams));

            // Make requested calls

            // Withdraw assets from Virtual Account
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < outputParams.outputTokens.length;) {
                IVirtualAccount(userAccount).withdrawERC20(outputParams.outputTokens[i], outputParams.amountsOut[i]);

                unchecked {

            // Bridge Out assets
                IVirtualAccount(userAccount).userAddress(),    // @audit: userAddress function 
            /// UNRECOGNIZED FUNC ID
        } else {
            revert UnrecognizedFunctionId();

file:     src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

423        function lzReceive(uint16 _srcChainId, bytes calldata _srcAddress, uint64, bytes calldata _payload) public {
        (bool success,) = address(this).excessivelySafeCall(
            abi.encodeWithSelector(this.lzReceiveNonBlocking.selector, msg.sender, _srcChainId, _srcAddress, _payload)

        if (!success) if (msg.sender == getBranchBridgeAgent[localChainId]) revert ExecutionFailure();

    /// @inheritdoc IRootBridgeAgent
    function lzReceiveNonBlocking(
        address _endpoint,
        uint16 _srcChainId,
        bytes calldata _srcAddress,
        bytes calldata _payload
    ) public override requiresEndpoint(_endpoint, _srcChainId, _srcAddress) {
        // Deposit Nonce
        uint32 nonce;

        // DEPOSIT FLAG: 0 (System request / response)
        if (_payload[0] == 0x00) {
            // Parse deposit nonce
            nonce = uint32(bytes4(_payload[PARAMS_START:PARAMS_TKN_START]));

            // Check if tx has already been executed
            if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {
                revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

            // Avoid stack too deep
            uint16 srcChainId = _srcChainId;

            // Try to execute remote request
            // Flag 0 - RootBridgeAgentExecutor(bridgeAgentExecutorAddress).executeSystemRequest(_localRouterAddress, _payload, _srcChainId)
                    RootBridgeAgentExecutor.executeSystemRequest.selector, localRouterAddress, _payload, srcChainId

            // DEPOSIT FLAG: 1 (Call without Deposit)
        } else if (_payload[0] == 0x01) {
            // Parse Deposit Nonce
            nonce = uint32(bytes4(_payload[PARAMS_START:PARAMS_TKN_START]));

            // Check if tx has already been executed
            if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {
                revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

            // Avoid stack too deep
            uint16 srcChainId = _srcChainId;

            // Try to execute remote request
            // Flag 1 - RootBridgeAgentExecutor(bridgeAgentExecutorAddress).executeNoDeposit(localRouterAddress, payload, _srcChainId)
                    RootBridgeAgentExecutor.executeNoDeposit.selector, localRouterAddress, _payload, srcChainId

            // DEPOSIT FLAG: 2 (Call with Deposit)
        } else if (_payload[0] == 0x02) {
            //Parse Deposit Nonce
            nonce = uint32(bytes4(_payload[PARAMS_START:PARAMS_TKN_START]));

            //Check if tx has already been executed
            if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {
                revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

            // Avoid stack too deep
            uint16 srcChainId = _srcChainId;

            // Try to execute remote request
            // Flag 2 - RootBridgeAgentExecutor(bridgeAgentExecutorAddress).executeWithDeposit(localRouterAddress, _payload, _srcChainId)
                    RootBridgeAgentExecutor.executeWithDeposit.selector, localRouterAddress, _payload, srcChainId

            // DEPOSIT FLAG: 3 (Call with multiple asset Deposit)
        } else if (_payload[0] == 0x03) {
            // Parse deposit nonce
            nonce = uint32(bytes4(_payload[2:6]));

            // Check if tx has already been executed
            if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {
                revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

            // Avoid stack too deep
            uint16 srcChainId = _srcChainId;

            // Try to execute remote request
            // Flag 3 - RootBridgeAgentExecutor(bridgeAgentExecutorAddress).executeWithDepositMultiple(localRouterAddress, _payload, _srcChainId)

            // DEPOSIT FLAG: 4 (Call without Deposit + msg.sender)
        } else if (_payload[0] == 0x04) {
            // Parse deposit nonce
            nonce = uint32(bytes4(_payload[PARAMS_START_SIGNED:PARAMS_TKN_START_SIGNED]));

            //Check if tx has already been executed
            if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {
                revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

            // Get User Virtual Account
            VirtualAccount userAccount = IPort(localPortAddress).fetchVirtualAccount(    // @audit: fetchVirtualAccount function 

            // Toggle Router Virtual Account use for tx execution
            IPort(localPortAddress).toggleVirtualAccountApproved(userAccount, localRouterAddress);   // @audit: toggleVirtualAccountApproved function 

            // Avoid stack too deep
            uint16 srcChainId = _srcChainId;

            // Try to execute remote request
            // Flag 4 - RootBridgeAgentExecutor(bridgeAgentExecutorAddress).executeSignedNoDeposit(address(userAccount), localRouterAddress, data, _srcChainId

            // Toggle Router Virtual Account use for tx execution
            IPort(localPortAddress).toggleVirtualAccountApproved(userAccount, localRouterAddress);    // @audit: toggleVirtualAccountApproved function 

            //DEPOSIT FLAG: 5 (Call with Deposit + msg.sender)
        } else if (_payload[0] & 0x7F == 0x05) {
            // Parse deposit nonce
            nonce = uint32(bytes4(_payload[PARAMS_START_SIGNED:PARAMS_TKN_START_SIGNED]));

            //Check if tx has already been executed
            if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {
                revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

            // Get User Virtual Account
            VirtualAccount userAccount = IPort(localPortAddress).fetchVirtualAccount(    // @audit: fetchVirtualAccount function 

            // Toggle Router Virtual Account use for tx execution
            IPort(localPortAddress).toggleVirtualAccountApproved(userAccount, localRouterAddress);     // @audit: toggleVirtualAccountApproved function 

            // Avoid stack too deep
            uint16 srcChainId = _srcChainId;

            // Try to execute remote request
            // Flag 5 - RootBridgeAgentExecutor(bridgeAgentExecutorAddress).executeSignedWithDeposit(address(userAccount), localRouterAddress, data, _srcChainId)
                _payload[0] == 0x85,

            // Toggle Router Virtual Account use for tx execution
            IPort(localPortAddress).toggleVirtualAccountApproved(userAccount, localRouterAddress);      // @audit: toggleVirtualAccountApproved function 

            // DEPOSIT FLAG: 6 (Call with multiple asset Deposit + msg.sender)
        } else if (_payload[0] & 0x7F == 0x06) {
            // Parse deposit nonce
            nonce = uint32(bytes4(_payload[PARAMS_START_SIGNED + PARAMS_START:PARAMS_START_SIGNED + PARAMS_TKN_START]));

            // Check if tx has already been executed
            if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] != STATUS_READY) {
                revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();

            // Get User Virtual Account
            VirtualAccount userAccount = IPort(localPortAddress).fetchVirtualAccount(     // @audit: fetchVirtualAccount function 

            // Toggle Router Virtual Account use for tx execution
            IPort(localPortAddress).toggleVirtualAccountApproved(userAccount, localRouterAddress);       // @audit: toggleVirtualAccountApproved function 

            // Avoid stack too deep
            uint16 srcChainId = _srcChainId;

            // Try to execute remote request
            // Flag 6 - RootBridgeAgentExecutor(bridgeAgentExecutorAddress).executeSignedWithDepositMultiple(address(userAccount), localRouterAddress, data, _srcChainId)
                _payload[0] == 0x86,

            // Toggle Router Virtual Account use for tx execution
            IPort(localPortAddress).toggleVirtualAccountApproved(userAccount, localRouterAddress);     // @audit: toggleVirtualAccountApproved function 

            /// DEPOSIT FLAG: 7 (retrySettlement)
        } else if (_payload[0] & 0x7F == 0x07) {
            // Prepare Variables for decoding
            address owner;
            bytes memory params;
            GasParams memory gParams;

            // Decode Input
            (nonce, owner, params, gParams) = abi.decode(_payload[PARAMS_START:], (uint32, address, bytes, GasParams));

            // Get storage reference
            Settlement storage settlementReference = getSettlement[nonce];

            // Check if Settlement hasn't been redeemed.
            if (settlementReference.owner == address(0)) revert SettlementRetryUnavailable();

            // Check settlement owner
            if (owner != settlementReference.owner) {
                if (owner != address(IPort(localPortAddress).getUserAccount(settlementReference.owner))) {
                    revert NotSettlementOwner();

            //Update Settlement Staus
            settlementReference.status = STATUS_SUCCESS;

            //Retry settlement call with new params and gas
                _payload[0] == 0x87,

            /// DEPOSIT FLAG: 8 (retrieveDeposit)
        } else if (_payload[0] == 0x08) {
            //Parse deposit nonce
            nonce = uint32(bytes4(_payload[PARAMS_START_SIGNED:PARAMS_TKN_START_SIGNED]));

            //Check if deposit is in retrieve mode
            if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] == STATUS_DONE) {
                revert AlreadyExecutedTransaction();
            } else {
                //Set settlement to retrieve mode, if not already set.
                if (executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] == STATUS_READY) {
                    executionState[_srcChainId][nonce] = STATUS_RETRIEVE;
                //Trigger fallback/Retry failed fallback
                    payable(address(uint160(bytes20(_payload[PARAMS_START:PARAMS_START_SIGNED])))), nonce, _srcChainId

            //DEPOSIT FLAG: 9 (Fallback)
        } else if (_payload[0] == 0x09) {
            // Parse nonce
            nonce = uint32(bytes4(_payload[PARAMS_START:PARAMS_TKN_START]));

            // Reopen Settlement for redemption
            getSettlement[nonce].status = STATUS_FAILED;

            // Emit LogFallback
            emit LogFallback(nonce, _srcChainId);

            // return to prevent unnecessary emits/logic

            // Unrecognized Function Selector
        } else {
            revert UnknownFlag();

        emit LogExecute(nonce, _srcChainId);

[G-24] Using storage instead of memory for structs/arrays saves gas

When fetching data from a storage location, assigning the data to a memory variable causes all fields of the struct/array to be read from storage, which incurs a Gcoldsload (2100 gas) for each field of the struct/array. If the fields are read from the new memory variable, they incur an additional MLOAD rather than a cheap stack read. Instead of declearing the variable with the memory keyword, declaring the variable with the storage keyword and caching any fields that need to be re-read in stack variables, will be much cheaper, only incuring the Gcoldsload for the fields actually read. The only time it makes sense to read the whole struct/array into a memory variable, is if the full struct/array is being returned by the function, is being passed to a function that requires memory, or if the array/struct is being read from another memory array/struct.

File: src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

507:         address[] memory _hTokens = new address[](numOfAssets);

508:         address[] memory _tokens = new address[](numOfAssets);

509:         uint256[] memory _amounts = new uint256[](numOfAssets);

510:         uint256[] memory _deposits = new uint256[](numOfAssets);

827:         address[] memory addressArray = new address[](1);

828:         uint256[] memory uintArray = new uint256[](1);

File: src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

1007:        address[] memory addressArray = new address[](1);

1008:        uint256[] memory uintArray = new uint256[](1);

1067:        address[] memory hTokens = new address[](_globalAddresses.length);

1068:        address[] memory tokens = new address[](_globalAddresses.length);

File: src/RootBridgeAgentExecutor.sol

276:         address[] memory hTokens = new address[](numOfAssets);

277:         address[] memory tokens = new address[](numOfAssets);

278:         uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](numOfAssets);

279:         uint256[] memory deposits = new uint256[](numOfAssets);

[G-25] x += y costs more gas than x = x + y for state variables

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

169    getPortStrategyTokenDebt[msg.sender][_token] -= _amount;

172    getStrategyTokenDebt[_token] -= _amount;

file:  src/token/ERC20hTokenRoot.sol

70     getTokenBalance[chainId] -= amount;

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

157    getPortStrategyTokenDebt[msg.sender][_token] += _amount;

file:  src/token/ERC20hTokenRoot.sol

58    getTokenBalance[chainId] += amount;

[G‑26] Counting down in for statements is more gas efficient

Counting down is more gas efficient than counting up because neither we are making zero variable to non-zero variable and also we will get gas refund in the last transaction when making non-zero to zero variable.

by changing this logic you can save 12171 gas per one for loop

Tools used Remix

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

257    for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {

305    for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {

file:  src/VirtualAccount.sol

70     for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {

90     for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

513    for (uint256 i = 0; i < numOfAssets;) {

447    for (uint256 i = 0; i < deposit.tokens.length;) {

file:   src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

399     for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {
318     for (uint256 i = 0; i < settlement.hTokens.length;) {

1070    for (uint256 i = 0; i < hTokens.length;) {

file:   src/MulticallRootRouter.sol

278    for (uint256 i = 0; i < outputParams.outputTokens.length;) {

367    for (uint256 i = 0; i < outputParams.outputTokens.length;) {

455    for (uint256 i = 0; i < outputParams.outputTokens.length;) {

557    for (uint256 i = 0; i < outputTokens.length;) {

file:   src/BaseBranchRouter.sol

192     for (uint256 i = 0; i < _hTokens.length;) {

Test they code


contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();
    function testGas() public {
contract Contract0 {
    uint256 num = 3;
    function AddNum() public {
        uint256 _num = num;
        for(uint i=0;i<=9;i++){
            _num = _num +1;
        num = _num;
contract Contract1 {
    uint256 num = 3;
    function AddNum() public {
        uint256 _num = num;
        for(uint i=9;i>=0;i--){
            _num = _num +1;
        num = _num;

[G‑27] Use assembly to write address storage values

file:  src/BaseBranchRouter.sol

62    localBridgeAgentAddress = _localBridgeAgentAddress;

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

129     coreBranchRouterAddress = _coreBranchRouter;

334     coreBranchRouterAddress = _newCoreRouter;

419     coreBranchRouterAddress = _coreBranchRouter;

file:  src/CoreRootRouter.sol

88    hTokenFactoryAddress = _hTokenFactory;

file:  src/factories/ERC20hTokenBranchFactory.sol

74    localCoreRouterAddress = _coreRouter;

file:  src/factories/ERC20hTokenRootFactory.sol

51    coreRootRouterAddress = _coreRouter;

[G‑28] Use do while loops instead of for loops

A do while loop will cost less gas since the condition is not being checked for the first iteration.

file:   src/BaseBranchRouter.sol

192    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _hTokens.length;) {
            _transferAndApproveToken(_hTokens[i], _tokens[i], _amounts[i], _deposits[i]);

            unchecked {

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

447    for (uint256 i = 0; i < deposit.tokens.length;) {
            _clearToken(msg.sender, deposit.hTokens[i], deposit.tokens[i], deposit.amounts[i], deposit.deposits[i]);

            unchecked {


257   for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {
            // Check if hTokens are being bridged in
            if (_amounts[i] - _deposits[i] > 0) {
                unchecked {
                    _bridgeIn(_recipient, _localAddresses[i], _amounts[i] - _deposits[i]);

            // Check if underlying tokens are being cleared
            if (_deposits[i] > 0) {
                withdraw(_recipient, _underlyingAddresses[i], _deposits[i]);

            unchecked {

305   for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {
            _bridgeOut(_depositor, _localAddresses[i], _underlyingAddresses[i], _amounts[i], _deposits[i]);

            unchecked {

file:   src/MulticallRootRouter.sol
278     for (uint256 i = 0; i < outputParams.outputTokens.length;) {
                IVirtualAccount(userAccount).withdrawERC20(outputParams.outputTokens[i], outputParams.amountsOut[i]);

                unchecked {

367     for (uint256 i = 0; i < outputParams.outputTokens.length;) {
                IVirtualAccount(userAccount).withdrawERC20(outputParams.outputTokens[i], outputParams.amountsOut[i]);

                unchecked {

455    for (uint256 i = 0; i < outputParams.outputTokens.length;) {
                IVirtualAccount(userAccount).withdrawERC20(outputParams.outputTokens[i], outputParams.amountsOut[i]);

                unchecked {

557    for (uint256 i = 0; i < outputTokens.length;) {
            // Approve Root Port to spend output hTokens.
            outputTokens[i].safeApprove(_bridgeAgentAddress, amountsOut[i]);
            unchecked {

file:  src/VirtualAccount.sol

70     for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {
            bool success;
            Call calldata _call = calls[i];

            if (isContract( (success, returnData[i]) =;

            if (!success) revert CallFailed();

            unchecked {

[G-29] Use assembly to make more efficient back-to-back calls

In the instance below, two external calls, both of which take two function parameters, are performed. We can potentially avoid memory expansion costs by using assembly to utilize scratch space + free memory pointer memory offsets for the function calls. We will use the same memory space for both function calls.

Note: In order to do this optimization safely we will cache the free memory pointer value and restore it once we are done with our function calls.

Use assembly for IBridgeAgent back to back call

file:    src/BaseBranchRouter.sol

63        localPortAddress = IBridgeAgent(_localBridgeAgentAddress).localPortAddress();
64        bridgeAgentExecutorAddress = IBridgeAgent(_localBridgeAgentAddress).bridgeAgentExecutorAddress();

Use assembly for IPort(_localPortAddress) back to back call

file:    src/CoreBranchRouter.sol

249     if (IPort(_localPortAddress).isBridgeAgentFactory(_newBridgeAgentFactoryAddress)) {
            // If so, disable it.
        } else {
            // If not, add it.

Use assembly for ERC20(_globalAddress) and IPort(rootPortAddress) back to back call

file:   src/CoreRootRouter.sol

426     ERC20(_globalAddress).name(),

461     if (IPort(rootPortAddress).isGlobalAddress(_underlyingAddress)) revert TokenAlreadyAdded();
        if (IPort(rootPortAddress).isLocalToken(_underlyingAddress, _srcChainId)) revert TokenAlreadyAdded();
        if (IPort(rootPortAddress).isUnderlyingToken(_underlyingAddress, _srcChainId)) revert TokenAlreadyAdded();

[G-30] Expensive operation inside a for loop

file:  src/BaseBranchRouter.sol

192    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _hTokens.length;) {
            _transferAndApproveToken(_hTokens[i], _tokens[i], _amounts[i], _deposits[i]);

            unchecked {

file:  src/interfaces/IBranchBridgeAgent.sol

447   for (uint256 i = 0; i < deposit.tokens.length;) {
            _clearToken(msg.sender, deposit.hTokens[i], deposit.tokens[i], deposit.amounts[i], deposit.deposits[i]);

            unchecked {

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

257    for (uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {
            // Check if hTokens are being bridged in
            if (_amounts[i] - _deposits[i] > 0) {
                unchecked {
                    _bridgeIn(_recipient, _localAddresses[i], _amounts[i] - _deposits[i]);

            // Check if underlying tokens are being cleared
            if (_deposits[i] > 0) {
                withdraw(_recipient, _underlyingAddresses[i], _deposits[i]);

            unchecked {

[G-31] Change public function visibility to external

Since the following public functions are not called from within the contract, their visibility can be made external for gas optimization.

File: src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

578      function lzReceive(uint16, bytes calldata _srcAddress, uint64, bytes calldata _payload) public override {

587      function lzReceiveNonBlocking(address _endpoint, bytes calldata _srcAddress, bytes calldata _payload)
          requiresEndpoint(_endpoint, _srcAddress)

File: src/RootBridgeAgent.solChange public function visibility to external

423      function lzReceive(uint16 _srcChainId, bytes calldata _srcAddress, uint64, bytes calldata _payload) public {

434       function lzReceiveNonBlocking(
             address _endpoint,
             uint16 _srcChainId,
             bytes calldata _srcAddress,
             bytes calldata _payload
         ) public override requiresEndpoint(_endpoint, _srcChainId, _srcAddress) {

File: src/VirtualAccount.sol

85       function payableCall(PayableCall[] calldata calls) public payable returns (bytes[] memory returnData) {

File: src/token/ERC20hTokenBranch.sol

35       function burn(uint256 amount) public override onlyOwner {

[G-32] Create DepositMultipleInput and GasParams variable immutable variable to avoid redundant external calls

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

306      function callOutSignedAndBridgeMultiple(
        address payable _refundee,
        bytes calldata _params,
        DepositMultipleInput memory _dParams,
        GasParams calldata _gParams,
        bool _hasFallbackToggled
    ) external payable override lock {

343    function retryDeposit(
        bool _isSigned,
        uint32 _depositNonce,
        bytes calldata _params,
        GasParams calldata _gParams,
        bool _hasFallbackToggled
    ) external payable override lock {

Create ERC20hToken variable immutable to avoid redundant external calls

file:  src/CoreBranchRouter.sol

175    ERC20hToken newToken = ITokenFactory(hTokenFactoryAddress).createToken(_name, _symbol, _decimals, false);

Create SettlementMultipleInput, GasParams and Settlement variables immutable to avoid redundant external calls

file:   src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

202     function callOutAndBridgeMultiple(
        address payable _refundee,
        address _recipient,
        uint16 _dstChainId,
        bytes calldata _params,
        SettlementMultipleInput calldata _sParams,
        GasParams calldata _gParams,
        bool _hasFallbackToggled
    ) external payable override lock requiresRouter {

301  Settlement storage settlement = getSettlement[_settlementNonce];

[G-33] Use assembly in place of abi.decode to extract calldata values more efficiently

Instead of using abi.decode, we can use assembly to decode our desired calldata values directly. This will allow us to avoid decoding calldata values that we will not use.

file:  src/ArbitrumCoreBranchRouter.sol

134    ) = abi.decode(_data[1:], (address, address, address, address, address, GasParams));

147    (address bridgeAgentFactoryAddress) = abi.decode(_data[1:], (address));

153    (address branchBridgeAgent) = abi.decode(_data[1:], (address));

158    (address underlyingToken, uint256 minimumReservesRatio) = abi.decode(_data[1:], (address, uint256));

164    abi.decode(_data[1:], (address, address, uint256, bool));

file:  src/CoreBranchRouter.sol

96     ) = abi.decode(_params[1:], (address, string, string, uint8, address, GasParams));

108    ) = abi.decode(_params[1:], (address, address, address, address, address, GasParams));

116    (address bridgeAgentFactoryAddress) = abi.decode(_params[1:], (address));

122    (address branchBridgeAgent) = abi.decode(_params[1:], (address));

128    (address underlyingToken, uint256 minimumReservesRatio) = abi.decode(_params[1:], (address, uint256));

135    abi.decode(_params[1:], (address, address, uint256, bool));

141    (address coreBranchRouter, address coreBranchBridgeAgent) = abi.decode(_params[1:], (address, address));

file:  src/CoreRootRouter.sol

309   = abi.decode(_encodedData[1:], (address, address, string, string, uint8));

315   (address globalAddress, address localAddress) = abi.decode(_encodedData[1:], (address, address));

321   (address newBranchBridgeAgent, address rootBridgeAgent) = abi.decode(_encodedData[1:], (address, address));

339   abi.decode(_encodedData[1:], (address, address, uint16, GasParams[2]));

file:   src/MulticallRootRouter.sol
144    (IMulticall.Call[] memory callData) = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (IMulticall.Call[]));

157    ) = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (IMulticall.Call[], OutputParams, uint16, GasParams));

181    ) = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (IMulticall.Call[], OutputMultipleParams, uint16, GasParams));

236    Call[] memory calls = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (Call[]));

245    abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (Call[], OutputParams, uint16, GasParams));

272    ) = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (Call[], OutputMultipleParams, uint16, GasParams));

325    Call[] memory calls = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (Call[]));

334    abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (Call[], OutputParams, uint16, GasParams));

361    ) = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (Call[], OutputMultipleParams, uint16, GasParams));

413    Call[] memory calls = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (Call[]));

422    abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (Call[], OutputParams, uint16, GasParams));

449    ) = abi.decode(_decode(encodedData[1:]), (Call[], OutputMultipleParams, uint16, GasParams));

file:  src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

664    (nonce, owner, params, gParams) = abi.decode(_payload[PARAMS_START:], (uint32, address, bytes, GasParams));

[G-34] Use assembly to validate msg.sender

We can use assembly to efficiently validate msg.sender for the didPay and uniswapV3SwapCallback functions with the least amount of opcodes necessary. Additionally, we can use xor() instead of iszero(eq()), saving 3 gas. We can also potentially save gas on the unhappy path by using scratch space to store the error selector, potentially avoiding memory expansion costs.

file:  src/ArbitrumBranchBridgeAgent.sol

126    if (msg.sender != address(this)) revert LayerZeroUnauthorizedEndpoint();

file:  src/BaseBranchRouter.sol

207   if (msg.sender != bridgeAgentExecutorAddress) revert UnrecognizedBridgeAgentExecutor();

file:  src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

247   if (msg.sender != settlementReference.owner) {

248   if (msg.sender != address(IPort(localPortAddress).getUserAccount(settlementReference.owner))) {

285   if (msg.sender != settlementOwner) {

286   if (msg.sender != address(IPort(localPortAddress).getUserAccount(settlementOwner))) {

311   if (msg.sender != settlementOwner) {

312   if (msg.sender != address(IPort(localPortAddress).getUserAccount(settlementOwner))) {

1199  if (msg.sender != localRouterAddress) revert UnrecognizedRouter();

1205  if (msg.sender != address(this)) revert LayerZeroUnauthorizedEndpoint();

1221  if (msg.sender != bridgeAgentExecutorAddress) revert UnrecognizedExecutor();

1227  if (msg.sender != localPortAddress) revert UnrecognizedPort();

1233  if (msg.sender != IPort(localPortAddress).getBridgeAgentManager(address(this))) {

file:   src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

354    if (deposit.owner != msg.sender) revert NotDepositOwner();

424    if (getDeposit[_depositNonce].owner != msg.sender) revert NotDepositOwner();

938    if (msg.sender != address(this)) revert LayerZeroUnauthorizedEndpoint();

948    if (msg.sender != localRouterAddress) revert UnrecognizedRouter();

954    if (msg.sender != bridgeAgentExecutorAddress) revert UnrecognizedBridgeAgentExecutor();

file:   src/CoreRootRouter.sol

112    if (msg.sender != IPort(rootPortAddress).getBridgeAgentManager(_rootBridgeAgent)) {

278    require(msg.sender == rootPortAddress, "Only root port can call");

512    if (msg.sender != bridgeAgentExecutorAddress) revert UnrecognizedBridgeAgentExecutor();

file:  src/MulticallRootRouter.sol

605   if (msg.sender != bridgeAgentExecutorAddress) revert UnrecognizedBridgeAgentExecutor();

file: src/RootPort.sol

570   if (msg.sender != coreRootRouterAddress) revert UnrecognizedCoreRootRouter();

576   if (msg.sender != localBranchPortAddress) revert UnrecognizedLocalBranchPort();

file:   src/VirtualAccount.sol

162     if (msg.sender != userAddress) {

[G-35] Cache external calls outside of loop to avoid re-calling function on each iteration

Performing STATICCALLs that do not depend on variables incremented in loops should always try to be avoided within the loop. In the following instances, we are able to cache the external calls outside of the loop to save a STATICCALL (100 gas) per loop iteration.

file:  src/MulticallRootRouter.sol

278    for (uint256 i = 0; i < outputParams.outputTokens.length;) {
                IVirtualAccount(userAccount).withdrawERC20(outputParams.outputTokens[i], outputParams.amountsOut[i]);

                unchecked {

367    for (uint256 i = 0; i < outputParams.outputTokens.length;) {
                IVirtualAccount(userAccount).withdrawERC20(outputParams.outputTokens[i], outputParams.amountsOut[i]);

                unchecked {

455    for (uint256 i = 0; i < outputParams.outputTokens.length;) {
                IVirtualAccount(userAccount).withdrawERC20(outputParams.outputTokens[i], outputParams.amountsOut[i]);

                unchecked {

[G-36] A modifier used only once and not being inherited should be inlined to save gas

file:  src/BranchPort.sol

553    modifier requiresBridgeAgentFactory() {
        if (!isBridgeAgentFactory[msg.sender]) revert UnrecognizedBridgeAgentFactory();

559    modifier requiresPortStrategy(address _token) {
        if (!isStrategyToken[_token]) revert UnrecognizedStrategyToken();
        if (!isPortStrategy[msg.sender][_token]) revert UnrecognizedPortStrategy();

file:  src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

1226   modifier requiresPort() {
        if (msg.sender != localPortAddress) revert UnrecognizedPort();

1232   modifier requiresManager() {
        if (msg.sender != IPort(localPortAddress).getBridgeAgentManager(address(this))) {
            revert UnrecognizedBridgeAgentManager();

file:  src/RootPort.sol

557   modifier requiresBridgeAgentFactory() {
        if (!isBridgeAgentFactory[msg.sender]) revert UnrecognizedBridgeAgentFactory();

file:  src/factories/ERC20hTokenBranchFactory.sol

112    modifier requiresCoreRouter() {
        if (msg.sender != localCoreRouterAddress) revert UnrecognizedCoreRouter();

file:  src/factories/ERC20hTokenRootFactory.sol

96    modifier requiresCoreRouterOrPort() {
        if (msg.sender != coreRootRouterAddress) {
            if (msg.sender != rootPortAddress) {
                revert UnrecognizedCoreRouterOrPort();

file:  src/BranchBridgeAgent.sol

930    modifier requiresEndpoint(address _endpoint, bytes calldata _srcAddress) {
        _requiresEndpoint(_endpoint, _srcAddress);

947    modifier requiresRouter() {
        if (msg.sender != localRouterAddress) revert UnrecognizedRouter();

[G-37] Not using the named return variable when a function returns, wastes deployment gas only in view function

Tools used remix

berfore vast of gas: 115075 after of removing of they name vast of gas: 115048

file:  src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

145    ) external view returns (uint256 _fee) {

file:  src/interfaces/IRootBridgeAgent.sol

104   function settlementNonce() external view returns (uint32 nonce);

154   ) external view returns (uint256 _fee);

[G-38] Using fixed bytes is cheaper than using string

As a rule of thumb, use bytes for arbitrary-length raw byte data and string for arbitrary-length string (UTF-8) data. If you can limit the length to a certain number of bytes, always use one of bytes1 to bytes32 because they are much cheaper.

file: /src/factories/ERC20hTokenBranchFactory.sol

26    string public chainName;

29    string public chainSymbol;

file: /src/CoreRootRouter.sol

308            (address underlyingAddress, address localAddress, string memory name, string memory symbol, uint8 decimals)

455        string memory _name,

456        string memory _symbol,

file: /src/RootPort.sol

441        string memory _wrappedGasTokenName,

442        string memory _wrappedGasTokenSymbol,

[G-39] Use assembly to check for address(0)

Save 6 gas per instance.

file: /src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

818        if (callee == address(0)) revert UnrecognizedBridgeAgent();

910        if (callee == address(0)) revert UnrecognizedBridgeAgent();

file: /src/ArbitrumBranchPort.sol

63        if (_globalToken == address(0)) revert UnknownGlobalToken();

90        if (_underlyingAddress == address(0)) revert UnknownUnderlyingToken();

file: /src/CoreRootRouter.sol

120        if (IBridgeAgent(_rootBridgeAgent).getBranchBridgeAgent(_dstChainId) != address(0)) revert InvalidChainId();

file: /src/RootPort.sol

245        if (_globalAddress == address(0)) revert InvalidGlobalAddress();

246        if (_localAddress == address(0)) revert InvalidLocalAddress();

247        if (_underlyingAddress == address(0)) revert InvalidUnderlyingAddress();

[G-40] State Variable can be packed into fewer storage slots

If variables occupying the same slot are both written the same function or by the constructor, avoids a separate Gsset (20000 gas). Reads of the variables are also cheaper.

file: /src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

40    uint16 public immutable localChainId;

    /// @notice Bridge Agent Factory Address.
43    address public immutable factoryAddress;

    /// @notice Local Core Root Router Address
46    address public immutable localRouterAddress;

    /// @notice Local Port Address where funds deposited from this chain are stored.
49    address public immutable localPortAddress;

    /// @notice Local Layer Zero Endpoint Address for cross-chain communication.
52    address public immutable lzEndpointAddress;

    /// @notice Address of Root Bridge Agent Executor.
55    address public immutable bridgeAgentExecutorAddress;

                        BRANCH BRIDGE AGENTS STATE

    /// @notice Chain -> Branch Bridge Agent Address. For N chains, each Root Bridge Agent Address has M =< N Branch Bridge Agent Address.
62    mapping(uint256 chainId => address branchBridgeAgent) public getBranchBridgeAgent;

    /// @notice Message Path for each connected Branch Bridge Agent as bytes for Layzer Zero interaction = localAddress + destinationAddress abi.encodePacked()
65    mapping(uint256 chainId => bytes branchBridgeAgentPath) public getBranchBridgeAgentPath;

    /// @notice If true, bridge agent manager has allowed for a new given branch bridge agent to be synced/added.
68    mapping(uint256 chainId => bool allowed) public isBranchBridgeAgentAllowed;

                            SETTLEMENTS STATE

    /// @notice Deposit nonce used for identifying transaction.
75    uint32 public settlementNonce;

[G-41] Caching global variables is more expensive than using the actual variable (use msg.sender or block.timestamp instead of caching it)

file: /src/RootBridgeAgent.sol

115        factoryAddress = msg.sender;

[G-42] Using ERC721A instead of ERC721 for more gas-efficient

ERC721A is a proposed extension to the ERC721 standard that aims to improve gas efficiency and reduce the cost of deploying and using non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain. 

Reference 1:

Reference 2 :

file: /src/VirtualAccount.sol

62        ERC721(_token).transferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, _tokenId);

file: /src/interfaces/IVirtualAccount.sol

4     import {IERC721Receiver} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol";

[G-43] Don't apply the same value to state variables

Assigning the same value to a state variable repeatedly can cause unnecessary gas costs, because each assignment operation incurs a gas cost. Additionally, if the value being assigned is the same as the current value of the state variable, the assignment operation does not actually change anything, which can waste gas.

file: /src/interfaces/BridgeAgentConstants.sol
13    uint8 internal constant STATUS_READY = 0;

15    uint8 internal constant STATUS_DONE = 1;

21    uint8 internal constant STATUS_FAILED = 1;

23    uint8 internal constant STATUS_SUCCESS = 0;

27    uint256 internal constant PARAMS_START = 1;