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Nisha's Address-Book

Technologies used: ES6, React, Dexie.js (for IndexedDB),HTML/CSS for address book

Click here to run the build of my code in github:

Note: Build of my code is in react-gh-pages branch, source code is in master branch.
*If you want to run it on your local machine then download my master branch, go inside the folder and run the following command on the terminal/cmd:
To begin the development, run npm start. To create a production bundle, use npm run build.

Following are the steps I followed to create an environment for the app on my local machine and host the app on github:

  1. Installed the environment for react on my local machine
  2. Installed node.js, npm, dexie.js, prop-types library, create-react-app
  3. Created a repository on Github named react-gh-pages
  4. Created a new react app on computer by this command:
    $ create-react-app react-gh-pages
  5. Installed gh-pages as a dependency
    $ cd react-gh-pages
    $ npm install gh-pages --save-dev
    Added some properties to package.json
    //... "homepage": ""
    Added in scripts: "scripts": { //... "predeploy": "npm run build", "deploy": "gh-pages -d build" }
  6. Created a git repository in the app folder
    $ git init
  7. Added github repository as a remote in local github repository
    $ git remote add origin
    In case of fatal error use: git remote rm origin
  8. Generated a build and deployed on github
    $ npm run deploy
    {Tip: To solve error obtained in deployment, I used
    rm -rf node_modules/gh-pages/.cache to empty the cache.
    rm -rf node_modules/gh-pages/.cache fixes it but if you deploy to 2 different branches you will run into this problem again. I searched, and people suggest using this: "predeployLive": "npm run build", "deployLive": "npm run cleanup && gh-pages -d build -b deploy -e build", "cleanup": "rm -rf node_modules/gh-pages/.cache" }
  9. Commit code to master branch and push your commit to github
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Create commit"
    $ git push origin master
  10. To deploy on github run:
    $ git run deploy


Technologies used: ES6, React, Dexie.js (for IndexedDB) for address book







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