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codebrowser/web-client Build Status

Web client for Code Browser (HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript + Node.js + Grunt) —

Staging environment deployed on:

To develop this project, you will need to have node.js and npm installed on your development environment.

Install Dependencies

Install Grunt's command line interface globally if necessary with npm install -g grunt-cli. You will also need PhantomJS and CasperJS to run browser tests. Install PhantomJS with npm install -g phantomjs. Download CasperJS (1.1-beta3) and look for the installation instructions from here. Download development dependencies by running npm install -d.

Run Tests

Run tests with grunt test. Run integration tests with grunt integration-test.


Build from source with grunt build.


To build from source automatically when files are changed run grunt watch.

Start Server

Start server with node web.js. The app will deploy to http://localhost:8080/.


The app is built upon the Backbone MVC app structure. To add functionality, start by creating necessary models — if any. Then proceed by creating required routes and views for the functionality. The views consist of Handlebars templates that create the rendered HTML structure for a given view. The app uses subviews within views extensively to keep the view logics clean as possible.

├── Gruntfile.js                # Grunt settings
├── Procfile
├── config                      # App configurations
├── error.template
├── jshint.json
├── package.json
├── src
│   ├── app.js                  # App
│   ├── collections             # Backbone collections
│   ├── controllers             # Controllers
│   ├── helpers                 # Handlebars view helpers among others
│   ├── models                  # Backbone models among others
│   ├── routers                 # Backbone routers
│   ├── templates               # Handlebars templates
│   └── views                   # Backbone views
├── static
│   ├── assets
│   ├── development             # Development app (uses clear builds)
│   └── index.html              # Deployed app (uses minified builds)
├── test
│   ├── casperjs                # CasperJS BDD browser tests
│   ├── config                  # Test configurations
│   └── spec                    # Jasmine BDD unit tests
└── web.js                      # Node.js server


The project started as a student summer project at the University of Helsinki CS Dept.. The original authors of the web-client component were

The component has since then been extended in a Software Engineering Lab project by

Instructors for both the summer project and the Software Engineering Lab project were

  • Matti Luukkainen (mluukkai)
  • Arto Vihavainen
