We're a community of independent code learners who help each other on Slack, schedule hangouts to learn with each other, contribute to a periodic anonymous crowdsourced newsletter where anyone can share a personal project or leave a shout out, and post on Facebook. We come from all over the world; there are members living in the United States, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Russia, Australia, Canada, India, and more. We accept donations and are 100% transparent on Open Collective.
Learning with each other helps us learn faster. We strive to create a safe space for anyone interested in code to talk about the learning process. The project is free and open-sourced on Github, and this app is 100% community/volunteer-built.
Join us on Slack! You can get your invite by clicking on the Slack invite button and join the community by verifying your invitation through your e-mail!
Much of the work on this platform has shifted to the next version of CodeBuddies (aka CBv3), built in React + Django API instead of Meteor.
The two new repositories:
- https://github.com/codebuddies/backend - Python / Django / Django Rest Framework (hosted on DigitalOcean)
- https://github.com/codebuddies/frontend - React (hosted on Netlify)
PLEASE go to contributing.md and refer to the contribution steps listed there! There are also helpful resources there, in case you get stuck. To add yourself as a contributor, please see the How do I add myself as a contributor? section.
Please check out docs.codebuddies.org for the full documentation.
Credit: Ada Chiu.
Our community spends a lot of time helping each other on our public Slack (P.S. You can get an invite here if you want to join), but it's hard to schedule screensharing/voice hangout study times via Slack, and it's also hard to know who else is online and available for joining a Hangout to work on something together. The platform we're building solves those issues.
You can help keep this project alive by becoming a Sponsor!
You can also support us with a monthly donation by becoming a Backer!
Thank you to @distalx, @alfougy, and @mozzadrella for supporting us on our Open Collective!
Thank you to DigitalOcean for sponsoring our hosting, MongoDB Atlas for sponsoring our database hosting, and StickerMule for sponsoring $50 in credits!
Note: if you think you should be on this list, please fill out this form.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!