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forked from sjl421/tornwrap

awesome tornado plugins and decorators


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tornwrap Build Status

FOSSA Status

Collection of commonly used methods and decorators. Feedback and PRs welcome!

pip install tornwrap

Project Contents

  • @ratelimited
    • limit usage for guests and authenticated users
  • @validated
    • using valideer to validate and adapt body and/or url args
  • future @cached
    • cache requests, ex page builds
  • future @gist
    • retrieve contents of a gist and return it to the handler
  • future @markdown
    • generate html pages from a Github repo containing markdown


Requires redis

from tornwrap import ratelimited

class Handler(RequestHandler):
    def initialize(self, redis):
        self.redis = redis # required

    @ratelimited(guest=(1000, 3600), user=(10000, 1800))
    def get(self):
        # users get 10k requests every 30 min
        # guests get 1k every 1h
        self.write("Hello, world!")

    def was_rate_limited(self, tokens, remaining, ttl):
        # this is the default action
        raise HTTPError(403, reason="You have been rate limited.")


Uses valideer

from tornwrap import validated

class Handler(RequestHandler):
    def get(self, arguments):
        # can validate url arguments
        self.finish("Hello, %s!" % arguments['name'])

    def post(self, body):
        # can validate body (json or urlencoded)
        self.finish("Hello, %s!" % body['name'])

@cached (future feature)

Cache the results of the http request.

from tornwrap import cached

class Handler(RequestHandler):
    def get(self, arg):
        # maybe a long api request
        return results # will call `self.finish(results)` for you

    def set_cache(self, key, data):
        self.memecached.set(key, data)

    def get_cache(self, key):
        return self.memecached.get(key)

Will create methods for async methods to get and set too. We all <3 async!

@gist (future feature)

Fetch a Github gist content and return it to the handler method. Useful for chaning home page on the fly.

from tornwrap import gist

class Handler(RequestHandler):
    @gist("stevepeak/5592167", refresh=False)
    def get(self, gist):
        self.render("template.html", gist=gist)

refresh can be: True: fetch on every request, False: fetch right away, cache forever, :seconds till expires then refetch For those using Heroku, keep in mind dynos reset every 24 hours-ish.

@markdown (future feature)

Merge torndown project


FOSSA Status


awesome tornado plugins and decorators



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  • Python 99.3%
  • Other 0.7%