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Formula is a clojure library for html forms


To test formula out, add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

[formula "1.0.3"]

###Formula's Forms

Formula is built using hiccup and clojure. It is designed to make form easy to build, and validate. The forms have reusability by taking error messages and displaying with the fields (see designed flow, below). A basic form would look like this

(fform [:post "/signup"]
       [[:text :username {:placeholder "Enter Username"}]
        [:password :password {:class "pass"}]]

This is post request to the url "/signup". The first field is a text field for username, with an optional placeholder attribute. The second field is a password field for the password, with an optional class. There is also an optional argument which will display any errors for a particular field. An example of error-message-map would be

(def error-message-map {:username "pick another username"})

The above error message map will display an error of "pick another username" in a div with the username.


Forms can take any number of attributes or none at all. The function for calling forms is fform it takes a method and action, a vector of fields, and an optional error message map. If the error messages are present, they will be display inside a div with the specific field.

###Validation Formula has a built in validation library, but you can use whatever validation library you want. Formula only requires that the errors be returned as a map with the field name and the message e.g.

{:password "password should be at least 8 characters"
 :age "age can't be empty"
 :username "username must be unique"
 :gender "gender is not an acceptable term"
 :school "school must be present"
 :nickname "nickname can't be blank"}

If you were to use Formula's built in validation the rules would look like this

(def user-m {:username "joe" :password "abcdef" :confirmation "abcdef"
            :gender "male" :age nil :nickname "" :friends 30})
(validate [[:password :present {:length {:min 8}}]
           [:age {:length {:min 3 :max 10}}]
           [:username :present {:unique #(= % "joe")}]
           [:gender {:inclusion ["nada"]}]
           [:school :present]
           [:nickname {:exclusion ["admin"]}]] 

The validate function takes a vector of rules for a specific field. The field is the first thing in the vector. After the field there are rules that should be checked against the given value. Formula's validation is designed to stop after the first error message, so other rules won't get executed if an error is present. After the vector, the map being validated should be included. The last argument is optional, it is a map of custom error message which will replace the defaults.

The custom error message should something like this

{:password {:present "password must be present"
            :length "The %s has to be hard to guess"}
 :school {:present "School is cool"}}

This replace the default error messages for password (present and length) and school (present). You can even enter %s to get access to the field being validated. So in the example above %s would be password.

Designed Flow

Formula uses the same form to display fields, and display errors. The flow is designed to go as follows

  • Form is displayed to user

  • User submits the form

  • Params map goes into validation

  • If there are errors in the form, it goes back into the form for display

  • This process continues until no errors are present

*Below is a rough diagram of this process

Flow icon

Available Options


When designing forms you have various options when it comes to the display.

  • wrap

  • wrap-error

  • error-tag

  • wrap-both

  • wrap-all

  • csrf

  • More details on the above coming soon.


As of right now formula's validation supports

  • present

  • allow-nil

  • allow-blank

  • confirm

  • exclusion

  • inclusion

  • formats

  • length

  • unique

  • numbers (formula's version of numericality)

  • More details on above validation coming soon.


Basic web development tasks should be easy to accomplish. Things like form display and validation should only take a few minutes to implement, leaving more time for hard problems.


  • Make a list of all validation and field options available.


Formula is a clojure library for html forms






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