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cf Code Fellows Seattle, Javascript 401d10

Advanced Software Development


Welcome to Code 401 Javascript! This is a class that builds on your fundamental Javascript programming knowledge to make you a proficient full-stack Javascript developer, and to prepare you for getting a job in today's Javascript job market!


In this class we are going to cover a lot of advanced web development topics. The first 10 weeks of this course will be dedicated to learning back-end development using Node.js. In this section of the course you will learn to create authenticated RESTful APIs with persistent storage. In the second 10 weeks of this course we will be focusing on learing advanced front-end development. In this section of the course you will learn to create client side web apps using AngularJS, that interact with RESTful APIs to authenticate users and persist data.

Course Layout

This course is organized into 38 lecture/lab units that have been spread across 20 weeks. Each week will have either 2 or 3 lecture/lab units. The class schedule is Monday-Thursday 6:30pm-9:30pm, and Sundays from 9am-5pm. Coworking time is scheduled to be Monday and Wednesday nights from 6:30pm-9:30pm on all weeks with 2 lecture/lab units.

Lecture Code

Each day of class there will be a new directory created named after the class number, and the topics covered that day, e.g. class-02-modular-patterns. After each lecture the code demos from lecture will be placed in a lecture directory, in the class-number-topic directory. Other resources from the days lecture will be added into appropriately named directorys in the class-number-topic directory.


All readings, homework, labs, and quizzes will be published on the class canavs the day they are assigned. All coding assignment instructions and materials will be organized into git repositories on the courses GitHub organization


seattle-javascript-401d10: Class Lecture Code






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