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kcfi - Codefresh Installer for Kubernetes



Create configuration directory

kcfi init <product> [-d /path/to/stage-dir]

Edit configuration in config.yaml and deploy to Kubernetes

kcfi deploy [ -c config.yaml ] [ --kube-context <kube-context-name> ] [ --atomic ] [ --debug ] [ helm upgrade parameters ]

Example - Codefresh onprem installation

kcfi init codefresh

It creates codefresh directory with config.yaml and other files

  • Edit codefresh/config.yaml - set global.appUrl and other parameters
  • Set docker registry credentials - obtain sa.json from Codefesh or set your private registry address and credentials
  • Set tls certifcates (optional) - set tls.selfSigned=false put ssl.crt and private.key into certs/ directory
  • For Openshift uncomment include: ["values/openshift.yaml"] in config.yaml

Deploy Codefresh

kcfi deploy -c codefresh/config.yaml [ --kube-context <kube-context-name> ] [ --atomic ] [ --debug ] [ helm upgrade parameters ]

Separate database infrastructure chart

By default Codefresh installation includes persistent services (mongo, postgres, redis, rabbitmq). You can optionally install them as separate chart by setting dbinfra.enabled=true in config.yaml :

  enabled: true
 #storageClass: nfs-with-backup

You can also specify storageClass and other chart values.
This is preferable option for installation on Openshift

Registering external docker nodes

Edit codefresh-stage-dir/addons/external-nodes/config.yaml to set node addresses

  kind: helmChart
    type: helm
      chart: external-nodes
      release: cf-external-nodes

  namespace: codefresh

  - name: default-nodes
    extends: system/default
    cluster: codefresh
    protocol: http
    #alternateLoggerConf: external-nodes
    - address: ""
      name: node-1
      port: 4243
    - address: ""
      name: node-2
      port: 4243

Deploy nodes configuration by

kcfi deploy -c codefresh/addons/external-nodes/config.yaml

Openshift Routes

Set host value in codefresh-stage-dir/addons/openshift-routes/config.yaml and deploy:

kcfi deploy -c codefresh/addons/openshift-routes/config.yaml --disable-openapi-validation

Example - cf-k8s-agent installation

  1. Run kcfi init k8s-agent. A staging directory will be created named k8s-agent with config.yaml and other files.
  2. Edit k8s-agent/config.yaml.
  3. Run /kcfi deploy -c k8s-agent/config.yaml -n your_namespace standing on proper kube context.

Uploading images to private registry in air-gapped environment

(without access to public docker hub and codefresh-enterprise registry)

Push whole release with images list defined in config file or by --image-list parameter:
   kcfi images push [--images-list <images-list-file>] [-c|--config /path/to/config.yaml] [options]

Push single image
  kcfi images push [-c|--config /path/to/config.yaml] [options] repo/image:tag [repo/image:tag] ...

  kcfi images [flags]

  images, image, private-registry, docker

      --codefresh-registry-secret string   file with Codefresh registry secret (sa.json)
  -c, --config string                      config file
  -h, --help                               help for images
      --images-list string                 file with list of images to push
      --password string                    registry password
      --registry string                    registry address
      --user string                        registry username

Additional docs

see in docs folder