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Thanos Datatable

A library of React components for a light React Datatable using materialui.
Run the following command: npm install thanos-datatable
And then install package: import ThanosTable from "thanos-datatable";


Key Value Type (Default) Description
title String ( '' ) Title of table
defaultPage Integer ( 0 ) Default page to load during initial render
defaultRowsPerPage Integer ( 5 ) Default number of rows per page
pageOptions Array ( [5, 10, 25] ) Page options dropdown
stickyHeader Boolean ( false ) Make header sticky
stickyFooter Boolean ( false ) Make footer sticky
stickyColumn Boolean ( false ) If true, leftmost column that is not an action will be stickied
showEmptyRows Boolean ( false ) Show or hide empty rows on last page
totalRow Boolean ( true ) Show or hide total row at the footer
maxTableHeight Integer ( No default value ) Max height of the table
actionCellWidth Integer ( 50 ) Width of action column. This looks better when thin like 50
headerCellStyle Style Object Style header cells to your wish. Default style given below
rowCellStyle Style Object Style row cells to your wish. Default style given below
footerCellStyle Style Object Style footer cells to your wish. Default style given below
tableStyle Style Object Apply CSS to main table element. Default CSS given below
showColumns Array ( [] ) Check below for example

headerCellStyle Default Value

{ fontWeight: 'bold', backgroundColor: '#fff' }

rowCellStyle Default Value

{ backgroundColor: '#fff' }

footerCellStyle Default Value

{ backgroundColor: '#fff' }

tableStyle Default Value

{ minWidth: 750, borderCollapse: 'collapse', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', tableLayout: 'auto' }

showColumns Example

Default value is null or [] which means all columns are visible. Usage Example:

['action1', 'action2', 'name', 'calories', 'fat', 'carbs', 'protein', 'button', 'img', 'weight', 'carbs3', 'protein3']


Key Value Type (Default) Description
key String ( No default value ) Mandatory. Should be unique.
title String ( No default value ) Title of column.
defaultSort 'asc' or 'desc' (No default..) Default column to sort.
minColWidth Integer ( No default value ) Minimum width of column
totalRow Boolean ( false ) Make total row visible at the footer.
totalRowCellName String ( No default value ) Name total row cell with a string instead of summation.
customElement Any React Element ( No defa..) 'row' is available as parameter. See example below.
customSort String / Number ( No defaul..) 'row' is available as parameter. See example below.
columnCellStyle Style Object ( No default..) 'row' is available as parameter. See example below.
actionElement Style Object ( No default..) 'row' is available as parameter. See example below.
footerStylePriority Object ( No default value ) 'row' is available as parameter. See example below.

customElement Example 1

customElement: function(row) { 
  return <div>{(row.fat + row.carbs + row.protein).toFixed(2)}</div>; 

customElement Example 2

customElement: function(row) {
    <Button variant="contained" size="small" fullWidth={true} >

customSort Example

customSort: function(row) { 
  return (row.fat + row.carbs + row.protein); 

columnCellStyle Example

columnCellStyle: function(row) {
  if(row.fat + row.carbs + row.protein > 50) 
    return { backgroundColor: '#006B1E', color: '#FFF' };
    return { backgroundColor: '#B00020', color: '#FFF' };;

actionElement Example

actionElement has row as parameter. Also, it accepts an object with icon, toolTip, disabled, color and onClick values. onClick has row and event parameter available for you.

actionElement: function(row) {
    icon: <AddIcon />,
    toolTip: 'Add Item',
    disabled: false,
    color: 'primary',
    onClick: function(row, event) {
      alert("Added " +;

Some Info about columns ...

  • key is mandatory. Each key should be unique.
  • key should match row keys for normal row values, and can be anything unique for custom values.
  • title is not mandatory. It is used to name column headers, so it is recommended.
  • If there are multiple defaultSort, last one takes preference.
  • In customSort: Return numerical value if you want column sorted numerically.
  • In customSort: Return string if you want column sorted alphabetically.
  • totalRowCellName and totalRow cant be displayed together. If both values are given totalRowCellName takes preference.
  • totalRow of customElement is also computed by the same equation returned in customElement.
  • columnCellStyle has higher priority than rowCellStyle.
  • columnCellStyle can be made to have lower/higher priority than footerCellStyle using footerStylePriority. Default is higher.
  • If actionElement exist, then the column is treated as an action. Also customElement and title wont work.

Example Code

import React from "react"; 
import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; 
import AddIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Add';
import RemoveIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Remove';
import ThanosTable from "thanos-datatable";

function App() {

  function createData(name, calories, fat, carbs, protein, calories2, fat2, carbs2, protein2, calories3, fat3, carbs3, protein3) {
    return { name, calories, fat, carbs, protein, calories2, fat2, carbs2, protein2, calories3, fat3, carbs3, protein3 };
  const rows = [ 
    createData('Cupcake', 305, 3.7, 67, 4.3, 305, 3.7, 67, 4.3, 305, 3.7, 67, 4.3),
    createData('Donut', 452, 25.0, 51, 4.9, 452, 25.0, 51, 4.9, 452, 25.0, 51, 4.9),
    createData('Eclair', 262, 16.0, 24, 6.0, 262, 16.0, 24, 6.0, 262, 16.0, 24, 6.0),
    createData('Frozen yoghurt', 159, 6.0, 24, 4.0, 159, 6.0, 24, 4.0, 159, 6.0, 24, 4.0),
    createData('Gingerbread', 356, 16.0, 49, 3.9, 356, 16.0, 49, 3.9, 356, 16.0, 49, 3.9),
    createData('Honeycomb', 408, 3.2, 87, 6.5, 408, 3.2, 87, 6.5, 408, 3.2, 87, 6.5),
    createData('Ice cream sandwich', 237, 9.0, 37, 4.3, 237, 9.0, 37, 4.3, 237, 9.0, 37, 4.3),
    createData('Jelly Bean', 375, 0.0, 94, 0.0, 375, 0.0, 94, 0.0, 375, 0.0, 94, 0.0),
    createData('KitKat', 518, 26.0, 65, 7.0, 518, 26.0, 65, 7.0, 518, 26.0, 65, 7.0),
    createData('Lollipop', 392, 0.2, 98, 0.0, 392, 0.2, 98, 0.0, 392, 0.2, 98, 0.0),
    createData('Marshmallow', 318, 0, 81, 2.0, 318, 0, 81, 2.0, 318, 0, 81, 2.0),
    createData('Nougat', 360, 19.0, 9, 37.0, 360, 19.0, 9, 37.0, 360, 19.0, 9, 37.0),
    createData('Oreo', 437, 18.0, 63, 4.0, 437, 18.0, 63, 4.0, 437, 18.0, 63, 4.0),

  const columns = [
    { key: 'action1', 
      title: 'Action 1',
      actionElement: function(row) {
          icon: <AddIcon />,
          toolTip: 'Add Item',
          disabled: false,
          color: 'primary',
          onClick: function(row, event) {
            alert("Added " +;
      columnCellStyle: function(row) {
        return { backgroundColor: '#03DAC5', color: '#000' };
      footerStylePriority: true
    { key: 'action2', 
      title: 'Action 2',
      actionElement: function(row) {
          icon: <RemoveIcon />,
          toolTip: 'Remove Item',
          disabled: false,
          color: 'secondary',
          onClick: function(row, event) {
            alert("Removed " +;
      columnCellStyle: function(row) {
        return { backgroundColor: '#03DAC5', color: '#000' };
      footerStylePriority: true
    { key: 'name', 
      title: 'Dessert (100g serving)', 
      totalRow: true,
      totalRowCellName: 'Total', 
      minColWidth: 300,
      columnCellStyle: function(row) {
          return { backgroundColor: '#03DAC5', color: '#000' };
      footerStylePriority: true
    { key: 'calories', title: 'Calories', defaultSort: 'asc', totalRow: true },
    { key: 'fat', title: 'Fat', totalRow: true },
    { key: 'carbs', title: 'Carbs', totalRow: true },
    { key: 'protein', title: 'Protein', totalRow: true },
    { key: 'button',  
      title: 'Button',
      customElement: function(row) {
          <Button variant="contained" size="small" fullWidth={true} >
      columnCellStyle: function(row) { 
        return { backgroundColor: '#F6F6F6', color: '#000' };
      footerStylePriority: true
    { key: 'img', 
      title: 'Image',
      customElement: function(row) {
          <img alt='bannera' src={''} style={{ width: 50, borderRadius: '10%' }} />
    { key: 'weight', 
      title: 'Weight', 
      totalRow: true,
      customElement: function(row) { 
        return <div>{(row.fat + row.carbs + row.protein).toFixed(2)}</div>; 
      customSort: function(row) { 
        return (row.fat + row.carbs + row.protein); 
      columnCellStyle: function(row) {
        if(row.fat + row.carbs + row.protein > 50) 
          return { backgroundColor: '#006B1E', color: '#FFF' };
          return { backgroundColor: '#B00020', color: '#FFF' };;
      footerStylePriority: false 
    { key: 'calories2', title: 'Calories 2', totalRow: true },
    { key: 'fat2', title: 'Fat 2', totalRow: true },
    { key: 'carbs2', title: 'Carbs 2', totalRow: true },
    { key: 'protein2', title: 'Protein 2', totalRow: true },
    { key: 'calories3', title: 'Calories 3', totalRow: true },
    { key: 'fat3', title: 'Fat 3', totalRow: true },
    { key: 'carbs3', title: 'Carbs 3', totalRow: true },
    { key: 'protein3', title: 'Protein 3', totalRow: true },
  const options = {
    title: 'Thanos Table', 
    defaultPage: 0, 
    defaultRowsPerPage: 5, 
    pageOptions: [5, 10, 25, 50], 
    stickyHeader: true, 
    stickyFooter: true, 
    stickyColumn: true, 
    showEmptyRows: false, 
    totalRow: true, 
    maxTableHeight: 640, 
    actionCellWidth: 60, 
    headerCellStyle: { fontWeight: '600', backgroundColor: '#FFF', color: '#000', textAlign: 'center' },  
    rowCellStyle: {  backgroundColor: '#F6F6F6' },
    footerCellStyle: { backgroundColor: '#3F51B5', color: '#FFF' }, 
    tableStyle: { minWidth: 760 }, 
    showColumns: []   
    // showColumns full list: ['action1', 'action2', 'name', 'calories', 'fat', 'carbs', 'protein', 'button', 'img',
    // 'weight', 'calories2', 'fat2', 'carbs2', 'protein2', 'calories3', 'fat3', 'carbs3', 'protein3'] 

      <ThanosTable rows={rows} columns={columns} options={options} />

export default App;


This is a datatable using Material-UI






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