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AirBnB Clone Part 3

For this lab, interns will be creating a clone of AirBnB - a modern booking platform for local bed and breakfasts. This competitor application will be geared towards celebrities only, in the hopes of attracting the highest revenue customers to the platform. Celebrities should be able to sign up, list any of their personal residences, and let other celebrities book trips to stay in their houses.

The focus of this lab will be on constructing a complete authentication suite that offers the ability for users to confirm the email addresses they signed up with and reset their password if they need to.

Things to Know

This lab will help SITE interns master:

  • Integrating an external service like Twilio Sendgrid into a Node/Express application
  • Sending password reset emails to users who forgot their password
  • Using cryptography to generate and store password-reset tokens in the database
  • How to confirm users have valid email accounts
  • Managing query parameters in client-side and server-side urls


For this application, you'll need to complete the following stages:

  • Stage 1 - Project Setup
    • Clone the frontend repo
    • Clone the backend starter repo
    • Install the dependencies for both repos
    • Explore the repos
  • Stage 2 - Initialize database with SQL files
    • Run the sql scripts to create the necessary database and tables, as well as seed the database with starter data
    • Explore the backend repo code and examine the created tables with psql.
    • Create a .env file from the .env-template file. Modify any appropriate environment variables there. Open up the config.js file and modify any variables there as well.
  • Stage 3 - Integrate Twilio Sendgrid
    • We'll be using this service to send emails to users.
    • Head to the Twilio SendGrid page
      • Click the Try For Free button and enter in email and password.
      • Handle the Captcha and agree to their terms. Then can go ahead and fill out some personal information.
      • Next, click on the email api section. We'll be using their Web API.
      • Select the Node.js client, give the new api key a name, and create it.
      • Keep this page open, as we'll need it for later
    • Update env vars and config
      • Store that api key in the Express API's .env file under the name SENDGRID_API_KEY. Add an EMAIL_SERVICE_STATUS env var as well.
      • Add the api key env var to the config.js file. Also include an EMAIL_SERVICE_ACTIVE config variable that is false when IS_TESTING is true, otherwise is true when EMAIL_SERVICE_STATUS is equal to "active".
      • Export both of them
    • Install the nodemailer and nodemailer-sendgrid packages with npm.
    • Create a new directory called services
      • Add three files to it - index.js, email.js, email.test.js
      • Create the scaffolding code for an EmailService class and export it.
      • Write a test that ensures that an instance of the EmailService class has the isActive and transport properties attached to it.
      • Modify the EmailService constructor:
        • It should accept a config object with the SENDGRID_API_KEY and EMAIL_SERVICE_ACTIVE config vars.
        • It should create a nodemailer transport using nodemailer-sendgrid and the SENDGRID_API_KEY, then attach it to the instance
        • It should attach the EMAIL_SERVICE_ACTIVE variable to the isActive property on the instance.
        • Get the tests to pass
      • Export a properly configured instance of that service in the index.js file.
  • Stage 4 - Testing the EmailService
    • Add a tests to the email service and a describe block
      • Is inactive when testing - make sure that whenever we're testing that an instance of the email service has the isActive property set to false
      • Test sendEmail
        • Add two tests to this describe block
        • Returns 202 status code when all goes well - ensures that when provided the proper email params, the sendEmail method returns an object with the status property set to 202, the email sent, and an error property set to null.
        • Returns 400 status code when email is missing to field - ensures that when the to field is missing, the sendEmail method returns an object with the status property set to 400, the email sent, and an error property set a valid description of the error.
    • Create a sendEmail method on the EmailService
      • It should accept an object containing the from, to, subject and html properties, which are then passed to the transport's sendMail method to send the the email.
      • If the EmailService is not active, it should NOT send the email and instead log that a fake email is being sent. It should return the right response depending on the email parameters supplied.
    • Make sure all the tests are passing.
  • Stage 5 - Storing Password Reset Tokens with the User Model
    • Create the necessary database modifications
      • Modify the kavholm.sql file
        • Add the pw_reset_token column as text
        • Add the pw_reset_token_exp as a timestamp
      • Re-initialize the db by running psql -f kavholm.sql
    • Create password reset token utils in utils/tokens.js
      • Import the crypto module
      • Export a generateCryptoToken function that takes in numBytes and uses the crypto module to return a Buffer array of pseudorandom bytes converted to a hexadecimal string
      • Export a generatePasswordResetToken function that returns an object containing a token resulting from calling the generateCryptoToken method with 20 num bytes and an expiration date set to an hour from the moment it was created. Convert the expiration date to an ISO formatted string.
    • Add tests to the user.test.js file
      • Import the tokens utils
      • Create a new describe block - Test password reset
        • Add a User can store password reset token in the db test
          • It should create a user, generate a password reset token for them, and then call the savePasswordResetToken method on the User class to save the users token in the db according to their email.
          • It should then fetch the user from the db and make sure the token and exp date are saved in the db
    • Implement the savePasswordResetToken method on the User class and get all the tests passing.
  • Stage 6 - Password Reset Method and Routes
    • Add more tests to user.test.js
      • User can reset their password when supplying the correct token
        • It should follow the same protocols as the previous test, but then call the resetPassword method on the User class afterwards with the reset token and a new password.
        • It should then check that their password has been changed, and the token and expiration date in the database have been set to null.
        • It should also ensure that the user can login with the new password
      • Error is thrown when bad token is supplied
        • It should follow the same protocols as the previous test
        • Aftewards, it should call the resetPassword method on the User class afterwards with the wrong token and a new password inside a try...catch block and expect it to fail with a 400 error.
    • Implement the resetPassword method on the user class
      • It should hash the new password
      • It should look up the user according to the password reset token and update their password to the new hashed password
      • It should set the token and expiration date to null
      • It should throw a 400 error when no user is found saying the token is expired or invalid
    • Add tests for the /auth/recover and /auth/password-reset routes in the routes/auth.test.js file
      • describe POST /auth/recover
        • User can request password recovery and receive a success message
          • Call the endpoint with any email and expect a 200 response with a message saying the email will be sent out if that account exists.
          • Ensure the EmailService's sendEmail method was called
      • describe POST /password-reset
        • User with valid token can reset password
          • Create a password reset token for a user (consider doing this in testing setup) and save to database
          • Call the endpoint with the token and new password
          • Make sure the sendEmail method on the EmailService was called
          • Expect the users password to be changed
        • User with invalid token gets 400 error
          • Call the endpoint with an invalid and new password
          • Expect a 400 response
    • Implement both routes and get all tests passing.
  • Stage 7 - Testing a Mocked EmailService
    • Add empty methods on the EmailService for sendPasswordResetConfirmationEmail and sendPasswordResetEmail
    • In the email.test.js file
      • Create a mockSuccessResponse and mockFailureResponse to simulate different responses for sendEmail
      • Use jest to create a mockSendEmail function
        • It should pass a callback function to jest.fn().mockImplementation
        • That callback should accept an email object and return the mockFailureResponse if the object is missing the to property. It should return the mockSuccessResponse otherwise.
      • Use jest to mock nodemailer
        • Have it be an object with the createTransport property set to jest.fn().mockImplementation
        • Attach the mockSendEmail function to the createTransport mock
      • Update tests that call the sendEmail method to first create a new instance of the EmailService where it IS active and make sure the tests still pass
      • Add a describe block for Sending password reset emails
        • Test sendPasswordResetEmail sends an email to provided user
          • It should create a new link based on the token passed to it and call the sendEmail method to send an email to that user containing the link
        • Test sendPasswordResetConfirmationEmail sends a confirmation email to provided user
          • It should send an email to the user letting them know their password has been changed.
    • Update config.js and .env files, and the EmailService constructor
      • Add them all to config and export them
      • Update the EmailService constructor to accept those as part of the config object and attach them to the instance
      • Modify all instances of EmailService to use the proper config
    • Add methods to EmailService
      • The constructPasswordResetUrl method should take in a token and contstruct the proper url using the CLIENT_URL and token.
      • The sendPasswordResetEmail should send an email using the link from the constructPasswordResetUrl method, the EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS, and the APPLICATION_NAME
      • The sendPasswordResetConfirmationEmail should send an email using the EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS and APPLICATION_NAME
    • Get all tests passing
  • Stage 8 - Add frontend components
    • Create a Recover component that is rendered for the /recover route in the app.
      • Make sure there is a "forgot your password?" link in the Login component that links here
      • That component should have an input for email and make a POST request to /auth/recover with the email. It should display the message returned by the server when it recieves it.
    • Create a PasswordReset component that is rendered for the /password-reset route in the app
      • It should use react-router-dom's useLocation hook to get information about the current url
      • It should pass the search params to a new URLSearchParams and get the token in the url
      • It should have a custom hook called usePasswordReset form that accepts the token found in the url
        • That hook should manage two inputs - password and confirmPassword
        • The hook should submit the new password to the /auth/password-reset endpoint along with the token
      • It should render the response from the server, and redirect the user to the login page when their password has been successfully reset.
    • Add two new methods to the ApiClient class to handle making HTTP requests to both endpoints
  • Stage 9 - Add Info to SendGrid and Test App
    • Head to SendGrid and verify a sender address by entering in your information
    • Follow the protocols SendGrid asks for and replace the EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS address with the one SendGrid verifies
    • Test that password reset functionality works as expected

Stretch Goals

  • Implement account verification
    • Add the account_verified and account_verification_token columns to the database
    • Create a generateVerificationToken method in the utils/tokens.js file
      • Use it to generate a token for acccount verification
    • When users sign up successfully, make sure to use the email service send them a confirmation email with a valid verification token and link
    • Define a verify endpoint that extracts the users token from the route query parameters and passes it to a verifyUserAccount method on the User model
    • Define a resendVerification endpoint that resends a verify account email
    • Create a VerifyAccount component
      • Create a useVerifyAccount custom hook that extracts the token from query parameters and calls the appropriate endpoint when the user clicks a button to confirm


Exemplar solution for SITE Airbnb Lab - Part 3






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