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.. currentmodule:: logbook

Logbook makes it very easy to get started with logging. Just import the logger class, create yourself a logger and you are set:

>>> from logbook import Logger
>>> log = Logger('My Awesome Logger')
>>> log.warn('This is too cool for stdlib')
[2010-07-23 16:34] WARNING: My Awesome Logger: This is too cool for stdlib

A logger is a so-called :class:`~logbook.base.RecordDispatcher`, which is commonly referred to as a "logging channel". The name you give such a channel is up to you and need not be unique.

The basic interface is similar to what you may already know from the standard library's :mod:`logging` module.

There are several logging levels, available as methods on the logger. The levels -- and their suggested meaning -- are:

  • critical -- for errors that lead to termination
  • error -- for errors that occur, but are handled
  • warning -- for exceptional circumstances that might not be errors
  • notice -- for non-error messages you usually want to see
  • info -- for messages you usually don't want to see
  • debug -- for debug messages

Each of these levels is available as method on the :class:`Logger`. Additionally the warning level is aliased as :meth:`~Logger.warn`.

Alternatively, there is the :meth:`~Logger.log` method that takes the logging level (string or integer) as an argument.


Each call to a logging method creates a log record which is then passed to handlers, which decide how to store or present the logging info. There are a multitude of available handlers, and of course you can also create your own:

On top of those there are a couple of handlers for special use cases:

Registering Handlers

So how are handlers registered? If you are used to the standard Python logging system, it works a little bit differently here. Handlers can be registered for a thread or for a whole process or individually for a logger. However, it is strongly recommended not to add handlers to loggers unless there is a very good use case for that.

If you want errors to go to syslog, you can set up logging like this:

from logbook import SyslogHandler

error_handler = SyslogHandler('logbook example', level='ERROR')
with error_handler.applicationbound():
    # whatever is executed here and an error is logged to the
    # error handler

This will send all errors to the syslog but warnings and lower record levels still to stderr. This is because the handler is not bubbling by default which means that if a record is handled by the handler, it will not bubble up to a higher handler. If you want to display all records on stderr, even if they went to the syslog you can enable bubbling by setting bubble to True:

from logbook import SyslogHandler

error_handler = SyslogHandler('logbook example', level='ERROR', bubble=True)
with error_handler.applicationbound():
    # whatever is executed here and an error is logged to the
    # error handler but it will also bubble up to the default
    # stderr handler.

So what if you want to only log errors to the syslog and nothing to stderr? Then you can combine this with a :class:`NullHandler`:

from logbook import SyslogHandler, NullHandler

error_handler = SyslogHandler('logbook example', level='ERROR')
null_handler = NullHandler()

with null_handler.applicationbound():
    with error_handler.applicationbound():
        # errors now go to the error_handler and everything else
        # is swallowed by the null handler so nothing ends up
        # on the default stderr handler

Record Processors

What makes logbook interesting is the ability to automatically process log records. This is handy if you want additional information to be logged for everything you do. A good example use case is recording the IP of the current request in a web application. Or, in a daemon process you might want to log the user and working directory of the process.

A context processor can be injected at two places: you can either bind a processor to a stack like you do with handlers or you can override the override the :meth:`.RecordDispatcher.process_record` method.

Here an example that injects the current working directory into the extra dictionary of a log record:

import os
from logbook import Processor

def inject_cwd(record):
    record.extra['cwd'] = os.getcwd()

with my_handler.applicationbound():
    with Processor(inject_cwd).applicationbound():
        # everything logged here will have the current working
        # directory in the log record.

The alternative is to inject information just for one logger in which case you might want to subclass it:

import os

class MyLogger(logbook.Logger):

    def process_record(self, record):
        logbook.Logger.process_record(self, record)
        record.extra['cwd'] = os.getcwd()

Configuring the Logging Format

All handlers have a useful default log format you don't have to change to use logbook. However if you start injecting custom information into log records, it makes sense to configure the log formatting so that you can see that information.

There are two ways to configure formatting: you can either just change the format string or hook in a custom format function.

All the handlers that come with logbook and that log into a string use the :class:`~logbook.StringFormatter` by default. Their constructors accept a format string which sets the :attr:`logbook.Handler.format_string` attribute. You can override this attribute in which case a new string formatter is set:

>>> from logbook import StderrHandler
>>> handler = StderrHandler()
>>> handler.format_string = '{}: {record.message}'
>>> handler.formatter
<logbook.handlers.StringFormatter object at 0x100641b90>

Alternatively you can also set a custom format function which is invoked with the record and handler as arguments:

>>> def my_formatter(record, handler):
...  return record.message
>>> handler.formatter = my_formatter

The format string used for the default string formatter has one variable called record available which is the log record itself. All attributes can be looked up using the dotted syntax, and items in the extra dict looked up using brackets. Note that if you are accessing an item in the extra dict that does not exist, an empty string is returned.

Here is an example configuration that shows the current working directory from the example in the previous section:

handler = StderrHandler(format_string=
    '{}: {record.message) [{record.extra[cwd]}]')

In the :mod:`~logbook.more` module there is a formatter that uses the Jinja2 template engine to format log records, especially useful for multi-line log formatting such as mails (:class:`~logbook.more.JinjaFormatter`).