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Further testing of light inheritance in EntityTest
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Check that entities which derive from light (directly or through multiple
levels) all have isLight() set correctly, but torch_brazier is not considered a
light (it is a func_static with a light attached).
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Matthew Mott committed Jan 30, 2021
1 parent 2625f29 commit 61dd80d
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Showing 3 changed files with 172 additions and 1 deletion.
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion test/Entity.cpp
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ TEST_F(EntityTest, LookupEntityClass)

TEST_F(EntityTest, LightClassRecognisedAsLight)
TEST_F(EntityTest, LightEntitiesRecognisedAsLights)
// The 'light' class should be recognised as an actual light
auto lightCls = GlobalEntityClassManager().findClass("light");
Expand All @@ -28,6 +28,19 @@ TEST_F(EntityTest, LightClassRecognisedAsLight)
auto notLightCls = GlobalEntityClassManager().findClass("dr:entity_using_modeldef");

// Anything deriving from the light class should also be a light
auto derived1 = GlobalEntityClassManager().findClass("atdm:light_base");

// Second level derivations too
auto derived2 = GlobalEntityClassManager().findClass("light_extinguishable");

// torch_brazier is not a light itself, but has a light attached, so it
// should not have isLight() == true
auto brazier = GlobalEntityClassManager().findClass("atdm:torch_brazier");

102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions test/resources/tdm/def/lights.def
Expand Up @@ -9,3 +9,105 @@ entityDef light
"editor_displayFolder" "Lights/Sources"
"spawnclass" "idLight"

entityDef atdm:light_base
"inherit" "light"
"editor_light" "1"
"editor_usage" "Base class for all TDM lights, extinguishable or not."
"editor_displayFolder" "Lights/Light Sources"

// For AI context driven decision making
"shouldBeOn" "0"

"noshadows" "0"
"nospecular" "0"
"nodiffuse" "0"

entitydef light_extinguishable
"inherit" "atdm:light_base"
"editor_displayFolder" "Lights/Base Entities, DoNotUse"
"clipmodel_contents" "131072" // CONTENTS_RESPONSE

"mins" "-6 -6 -6"
"maxs" "6 6 6"

"scriptobject" "light_ext"

"editor_usage" "Extinguishable light flame that is not randomly moving. Note this is to be attached to the top of a separate torch entity, because its bounds are used to determine the bounds of the torch flame, not the whole torch."
"editor_model model_lit" "Set to the model name the light should display when lit (usually a flame particle)."
"editor_model model_extinguished" "Set to the model name the light should display when just extinguished (usually a steam particle)."
"editor_bool extinguished" "Set to 1 or 0 based on whether the light starts out extinguished or lit. Default is lit (0)."
"editor_snd snd_lit" "Sound the light plays while lit (e.g., roaring torch sound)."
"editor_snd snd_extinguished" "Sound the light plays when just extinguished."
"editor_var ext_hide_delay" "Seconds to wait before hiding the model after light is extinguished. This should be long enough to insure that the extinguish particle and sound play to completion. Default is 10 seconds."

"extinguished" "0"
"ext_hide_delay" "6"
"lightType" "AIUSE_LIGHTTYPE_TORCH" // grayman #2603

// stim/response:

"sr_class_1" "R"
"sr_type_1" "STIM_WATER"
"sr_state_1" "1"
"sr_script_STIM_WATER" "response_extinguish"

"sr_class_2" "R"
"sr_type_2" "STIM_GAS"
"sr_state_2" "1"
"sr_script_STIM_GAS" "response_extinguish"

"sr_class_3" "R"
"sr_type_3" "STIM_FIRE"
"sr_state_3" "1"
"sr_script_STIM_FIRE" "response_ignite"

"sr_class_4" "S"
"sr_type_4" "STIM_FIRE"
"sr_state_4" "1"
"sr_radius_4" "10"
"sr_magnitude_4" "1"
"sr_falloffexponent_4" "0"
// fire stim only every half second
"sr_time_interval_4" "518"

// This stim can be turned on to have AI notice the light is off
"sr_class_5" "S"
"sr_type_5" "STIM_VISUAL"
"sr_state_5" "1"
"sr_radius_5" "500"
"sr_time_interval_5" "977" // every second or so

// SteveL #4201 Tweaking blast-extinguish effects
"canBeBlownOut" "0"
"editor_bool canBeBlownOut" "Whether the light gets blown out by blasts, e.g. a fire arrow explosion."
"editor_setKeyValue canBeBlownOut" "0"

entitydef light_torchflame_small
"inherit" "light_extinguishable"

"mins" "-6 -6 -6"
"maxs" "6 6 24"

"editor_displayFolder" "Lights/Light Sources/Torch Flames"
"editor_usage" "A small, dimmer torch flame. Light pulses but is static. For moving light, add 'inherit' 'light_extinguishable_moving' to entity. "

"model_lit" "torchflame_new01_small.prt"
"model_extinguished" "tdm_smoke_torchout.prt"

"snd_lit" "fire_torch_small"
"snd_extinguished" "machine_steam01"

"falloff" "0"
"texture" "lights/biground_torchflicker"

"_color" "0.9 0.6 0.40"
"light_radius" "240 240 240" //larger than other similar flames to be consistent with older maps

56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions test/resources/tdm/def/lights_static.def
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
entityDef atdm:static_light_lit_base
"inherit" "func_static"
"editor_usage" "Base class for static lit light fixtures. Don't use."
"editor_displayFolder" "Lights/Base Entities, DoNotUse"
// use the tdm_light_holder script object to allow LightsOn(), LightsOff() and LightsToggle():
"scriptobject" "tdm_light_holder"
"extinguished" "0"

entityDef atdm:torch_wall_base
"inherit" "atdm:static_light_lit_base"
"model" "models/darkmod/lights/extinguishable/sq_torch.lwo"
"editor_usage" "Base class for lit wall-mounted static torches. Do not use."
"editor_displayFolder" "Lights/Base Entities, DoNotUse"

"extinguished" "0"
"noshadows_lit" "1" // turn off shadow when lit
"noshadows" "1" // lit, so has no shadows

// attach the light, so the torch can be re-lit by fire stims
"def_attach" "light_torchflame_small"
"pos_attach" "flame" // At the attach point called "flame"...
"attach_pos_name_1" "flame" // ... which is defined here.
"name_attach" "flame" // Give it a name to pass along spawnargs
"attach_pos_origin_1" "11 0 15" // Offset the flame

"skin" "torch_lit"
"skin_lit" "torch_lit"
"skin_unlit" "torch_unlit"

entityDef atdm:torch_brazier
"inherit" "atdm:torch_wall_base"
"editor_usage" "floor mounted, lit brazier"
"editor_displayFolder" "Lights/Model Lights, Static/Fires"

"model" "models/darkmod/lights/extinguishable/brazier.lwo"

// attach the light, so the torch can be re-lit by fire stims
"noshadows_lit" "1" // turn off shadow when lit
"noshadows" "0" // unlit, so has shadows

"attach_pos_origin_1" "0 0 10" // Offset the flame

"def_attach" "light_cageflame_small"

// "skin" "torch_lit"
// "skin_lit" "torch_lit"
// "skin_unlit" "torch_unlit"

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