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minimal GUI library made by tabman (+enhancements)

Global variables

GUI_TOP - contains current active object


code info
GUI_new( $parent, $xpos, $ypos, $width, $height, $color, $transp, $texture ) create new object, all parameters are optional
GUI_remove( $obj ) remove object and all sub-objects
GUI_getid( $obj ) get object position in parent's children array
GUI_adopt( $obj, $parent ) create parent-child relation between two objects
GUI_focus( $obj ) moves object to the end of drawing queue
GUI_fix_ratio( $obj ) picks up object texture sides so that it would not look squeezed or stretched
GUI_propagate( $obj, $function, $flags, $userdata1, $userdata2 ) propagates specified function across object tree strating from entry point
GUI_add_text( $obj, $prop_name, $text, $relxpos, $relypos, $color, $flags ) adds string to object
GUI_set_texture( $obj, $texture, $flags, $xoffs, $yoffs, $xcount, $ycount ) sets object texture
GUI_update_texture( $obj ) updates object texture values


code info
GUI_check( $obj ) checks if object satisfies conditions for interaction
GUI_evt( $obj ) handles interaction with object
GUI_draw( $obj ) handles drawing and part of interactions

Properties (default value in parentheses)

object properties, i.e obj

code info
.x, .y coordinates of upper left corner ( 0, 0 )
.cx, .cy mouse cursor coordinates in relation to object
.w, .h width, height ( 100, 100 )
.color, .transp color, transparency ( get_color( 128, 128, 128), 255 )
.tex container with texture ( -1 )
.parent contains current object as child ( -1 )
.children array of sub-objects ( not defined )
.children.size sub-objects array size
.str array of string objects ( not defined )
.str.size string objects array size
.flags represents varios object states ( 48 ( 16
.check contains check handler ( GUI_check )
.evt contains interaction handler ( GUI_evt )
.draw contains drawing handler ( GUI_draw )

events that can be always activated

code info
.onevent activates on system event
.permanent always active

events that can be activated only in normal mode

code info
.onpress activates when mouse button is clicked inside
.onrelease activates when mouse button was pressed and then released inside
.onenter activates when mouse cursor enters object
.onleave activates when mouse cursor leaves object
.onhover acvive while mouse button is held inside
.onhold active while mouse cursor is inside
.onscrresize activates when screen is resized

events that can be activated only in edit mode LMB - resize, MMB - focus, RMB - drag

code info
.onresize activates when object is resized through interaction with mouse
.onfocus activates when GUI_focus function is applied to object
.ondrag activates when object is dragged through interaction with mouse

string properties, i.e obj.str[ i ]

code info
.text string text ( "" )
.x, .y coordinates in relation to object ( $obj.w / 2, $obj.h / 2 )
.color stribng color ( WHITE )
.flags holds various string states ( 0 ), i.e obj.tex

code info
.x, .y coordinates in relation to object
.mask color mask ( WHITE )
.xscale, .yscale horizontal and vertical scaling
.xoffs, .yoffs offset within texture ( 0, 0 )
.xcount, .ycount user defined offset size within texture ( get_xsize( obj.tex ), get_ysize( obj.tex ) )
.fxcount, .fycount offset size that will be applied
.flags hold varios texture states ( 0 )
.effect effect that wil be applied to texture upon drawing ( not defined )


object flags

    0b0x000000 - edit mode: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    0b00x00000 - object: 0 - hide, 1 - show
    0b000x0000 - object: 0 - blocked, 1 - active
    0b0000x000 - mouse cursor: 0 - outside, 1 - inside
    0b00000x00 - RMB\
    0b000000x0 - MMB : 0 - held, 1 - released 
    0b0000000x - LMB/

string flags

    0b000x0000 - string: 0 - show, 1 - hide
    0b0000x000 - RIGHT \
    0b00000x00 - LEFT   : built in text
    0b000000x0 - BOTTOM : alignment flags
    0b0000000x - TOP   /

texture flags

    0b000000x0 - texture effect: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    0b0000000x - texture ratio: 0 - do not fix, 1 - fix

GUI_propagate flags

    0b000000x0 - starting object: 0 - do not skip, 1 - skip
    0b0000000x - propagate function: 0 - down the tree, 1 - up the tree


  • tabman (his original post )


minimal gui library for pixilang







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