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Code Guidelines

  1. Class Naming Conventions:

    • Class names should begin with a capital letter, following CamelCase convention. For example: DatabaseHandler.
  2. Private Class Members:

    • Private class members should be named with an underscore suffix. For instance, int m_counter.
  3. Variable Naming:

    • Use meaningful and descriptive names for variables.
    • Follow camelCase convention for variable names.
    • Avoid single-letter names or abbreviations unless they are widely recognized.
    • Global variables should be avoided whenever possible. If needed, prefix them with "g_" for clarity.
  4. Function Naming:

    • Use verbs or verb phrases to describe functions' actions.
    • Follow camelCase convention for function names and function arguments

    • Use comments to explain complex algorithms, non-trivial decisions, or any code that might be unclear.
    • Comments should be clear, concise, and written in English.
    • Avoid redundant comments that merely restate the code.
  6. Indentation and Formatting:

    • Use formatting from .clang-format(in VS code ctrl + shift + i)
  7. Error Handling:

    • Always handle errors gracefully. Use exceptions where appropriate.
    • Use descriptive error messages for better debugging and maintenance.
  8. Memory Management:

    • Prefer smart pointers (e.g., std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr) over raw pointers whenever possible.
    • Use RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) principle for resource management.
  9. Const-Correctness:

    • Utilize const keyword appropriately to indicate immutability where applicable.
    • Prefer const references over pass-by-value for function parameters when the parameter won't be modified.
  10. Code Reusability and Modularity:

    • Write modular and reusable code.
    • Break down complex functionalities into smaller, more manageable functions or classes.
  11. Standard Library Usage:

    • Utilize features provided by the C++ Standard Library whenever possible rather than reinventing the wheel.
  12. Naming Conventions for Constants:

    • Constants should be all uppercase with underscores separating words. For example: const int MAX_SIZE = 100;.
  13. File Organization:

    • Each class declaration and its implementation should reside in separate header (.h) and source (.cpp) files, respectively.
    • Group related header files in a separate directory (e.g., include).
  14. Version Control:

    • Utilize version control systems (e.g., Git) effectively.
    • Commit regularly with meaningful commit messages.
    • Please squash your commits before you push it to remote repository
  15. Testing:

    • Write comprehensive unit tests to validate the correctness of the code.
    • Test edge cases and unexpected inputs.


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