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Entity Framework mapping and LINQ to EF that use StackOverflow database

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Entity Framework mapping and LINQ to EF that use StackOverflow database

Minimum setup

Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer

Sample database

We use StackOverflow public database as a sample database file which is big, so please download it directly from

Useful query

About this list:

  • foreign key fields are formatted as links to their parent table
  • italic table names are found in both the Data Dump on as well as in the SEDE

Posts / PostsWithDeleted You find in Posts all non-deleted posts. PostsWithDeleted includes rows with deleted posts while sharing the same columns with Posts but for deleted posts only a few fields populated which are marked with a 1 below.

Id1 PostTypeId1 (listed in the PostTypes table) 1 = Question 2 = Answer 3 = Orphaned tag wiki 4 = Tag wiki excerpt 5 = Tag wiki 6 = Moderator nomination 7 = "Wiki placeholder" (seems to only be the election description) 8 = Privilege wiki

AcceptedAnswerId (only present if PostTypeId = 1)

ParentId1 (only present if PostTypeId = 2) CreationDate1 DeletionDate1 (only non-null for the SEDE PostsWithDeleted table. Deleted posts are not present on Posts. Column not present on data dump.) Score1 ViewCount (nullable) Body (as rendered HTML, not Markdown) OwnerUserId (only present if user has not been deleted; always -1 for tag wiki entries, i.e. the community user owns them) OwnerDisplayName (nullable) LastEditorUserId (nullable) LastEditorDisplayName (nullable) LastEditDate (e.g. 2009-03-05T22:28:34.823) - the date and time of the most recent edit to the post (nullable) LastActivityDate (e.g. 2009-03-11T12:51:01.480) - datetime of the post's most recent activity Title (nullable) Tags1 (nullable) AnswerCount (nullable) CommentCount (nullable) FavoriteCount (nullable) ClosedDate1 (present only if the post is closed) CommunityOwnedDate (present only if post is community wiki'd) Users Id Reputation CreationDate DisplayName LastAccessDate (Datetime user last loaded a page; updated every 30 min at most) WebsiteUrl Location AboutMe Views (Number of times the profile is viewed) UpVotes (How many upvotes the user has cast) DownVotes ProfileImageUrl EmailHash (now always blank) AccountId (User's Stack Exchange Network profile ID) Comments Id PostId Score Text (Comment body) CreationDate UserDisplayName UserId (Optional. Absent if user has been deleted) Badges Id UserId Name (Name of the badge) Date (e.g. 2008-09-15T08:55:03.923) Class 1 = Gold 2 = Silver 3 = Bronze

TagBased = True if badge is for a tag, otherwise it is a named badge

CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes Id IsUniversal MarkdownMini (markdown of the close reason) CreationDate CreationModeratorId ApprovalDate ApprovalModeratorId DeactivationDate DeactivationModeratorId PendingFlags Despite the name, this table in fact contains close-related flags and votes.

Id FlagTypeId (listed in the FlagTypes table) 13 = canned flag for closure 14 = vote to close 15 = vote to reopen


CreationDate CloseReasonTypeId (listed in the CloseReasonTypes table) CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId, if CloseReasonTypeId = 102 (off-topic) (listed in the CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes table) DuplicateOfQuestionId, if CloseReasonTypeId is 1 or 101 (old duplicate or current duplicate) BelongsOnBaseHostAddress, for votes to close and migrate PostFeedback Collects up and down votes from anonymous visitor and/or unregistered users. See here

Id PostId IsAnonymous VoteTypeId (listed in the VoteTypes table) 2 = UpMod 3 = DownMod


PostHistory Id PostHistoryTypeId (listed in the PostHistoryTypes table) 1 = Initial Title - initial title (questions only) 2 = Initial Body - initial post raw body text 3 = Initial Tags - initial list of tags (questions only) 4 = Edit Title - modified title (questions only) 5 = Edit Body - modified post body (raw markdown) 6 = Edit Tags - modified list of tags (questions only) 7 = Rollback Title - reverted title (questions only) 8 = Rollback Body - reverted body (raw markdown) 9 = Rollback Tags - reverted list of tags (questions only) 10 = Post Closed - post voted to be closed 11 = Post Reopened - post voted to be reopened 12 = Post Deleted - post voted to be removed 13 = Post Undeleted - post voted to be restored 14 = Post Locked - post locked by moderator 15 = Post Unlocked - post unlocked by moderator 16 = Community Owned - post now community owned 17 = Post Migrated - post migrated - now replaced by 35/36 (away/here) 18 = Question Merged - question merged with deleted question 19 = Question Protected - question was protected by a moderator. 20 = Question Unprotected - question was unprotected by a moderator. 21 = Post Disassociated - OwnerUserId removed from post by admin 22 = Question Unmerged - answers/votes restored to previously merged question 24 = Suggested Edit Applied 25 = Post Tweeted 31 = Comment discussion moved to chat 33 = Post notice added - comment contains foreign key to PostNotices 34 = Post notice removed - comment contains foreign key to PostNotices 35 = Post migrated away - replaces id 17 36 = Post migrated here - replaces id 17 37 = Post merge source 38 = Post merge destination 50 = Bumped by Community User 52 = Question became hot network question 53 = Question removed from hot network questions by a moderator

Additionally, in older dumps (all guesses, all seem no longer present in the wild): 23 = Unknown dev related event 26 = Vote nullification by dev (ERM?) 27 = Post unmigrated/hidden moderator migration? 28 = Unknown suggestion event 29 = Unknown moderator event (possibly de-wikification?) 30 = Unknown event (too rare to guess)


RevisionGUID: At times more than one type of history record can be recorded by a single action. All of these will be grouped using the same RevisionGUID CreationDate (e.g. 2009-03-05T22:28:34.823) UserId UserDisplayName: populated if a user has been removed and no longer referenced by user Id Comment: This field will contain the comment made by the user who edited a post.

If PostHistoryTypeId = 10, this field contains the CloseReasonId of the close reason (listed in CloseReasonTypes): Old close reasons: 1 = Exact Duplicate 2 = Off-topic 3 = Subjective and argumentative 4 = Not a real question 7 = Too localized 10 = General reference 20 = Noise or pointless (Meta sites only) Current close reasons: 101 = Duplicate 102 = Off-topic 103 = Unclear what you're asking 104 = Too broad 105 = Primarily opinion-based

If PostHistoryTypeId in (33,34) this field contains the PostNoticeId of the PostNotice

Text: A raw version of the new value for a given revision

  • If PostHistoryTypeId in (10,11,12,13,14,15,19,20,35) this column will contain a JSON encoded string with all users who have voted for the PostHistoryTypeId
  • If it is a duplicate close vote, the JSON string will contain an array of original questions as OriginalQuestionIds
  • If PostHistoryTypeId = 17 this column will contain migration details of either from or to

PostLinks Id primary key CreationDate when the link was created PostId id of source post RelatedPostId id of target/related post LinkTypeId type of link 1 = Linked (PostId contains a link to RelatedPostId) 3 = Duplicate (PostId is a duplicate of RelatedPostId) PostNotices Id PostId PostNoticeTypeId 1 = Citation needed 2 = Current event 3 = Insufficient explanation 10 = Current answers are outdated 11 = Draw attention 12 = Improve details 13 = Authoritative reference needed 14 = Canonical answer required 15 = Reward existing answer 20 = Content dispute 21 = Offtopic comments 22 = Historical significance 23 = Wiki Answer CreationDate DeletionDate ExpiryDate Body (when present contains the custom text shown with the notice) OwnerUserId DeletionUserId PostNoticeTypes Id ClassId 1 = Historical lock 2 = Bounty 4 = Moderator notice Name Body (contains the default notice text) IsHidden Predefined PostNoticeDurationId -1 = No duration specified 1 = 7 days (bounty) PostTags PostId TagId ReviewRejectionReasons Canned rejection reasons for suggested edits. See Show all review rejection reasons

Id Name Description PostTypeId (for reasons that apply to Wiki (5) or Excerpt (6) post types only, otherwise null) ReviewTaskResults Id ReviewTaskId ReviewTaskResultTypeId (listed in ReviewTaskResultTypes) 1 = Not Sure 2 = Approve (suggested edits) 3 = Reject (suggested edits) 4 = Delete (low quality) 5 = Edit (first posts, late answers, low quality) 6 = Close (close, low quality) 7 = Looks OK (low quality) 8 = Do Not Close (close) 9 = Recommend Deletion (low quality answer) 10 = Recommend Close (low quality question) 11 = I'm Done (first posts) 12 = Reopen (reopen) 13 = Leave Closed (reopen) 14 = Edit and Reopen (reopen) 15 = Excellent (community evaluation) 16 = Satisfactory (community evaluation) 17 = Needs Improvement (community evaluation) 18 = No Action Needed (first posts, late answers)


RejectionReasonId (for suggested edits; listed in ReviewRejectionReasons) Comment ReviewTasks Id ReviewTaskTypeId (listed in ReviewTaskTypes) 1 = Suggested Edit 2 = Close Votes 3 = Low Quality Posts 4 = First Post 5 = Late Answer 6 = Reopen Vote 7 = Community Evaluation 8 = Link Validation 9 = Flagged Posts 10 = Triage 11 = Helper


DeletionDate ReviewTaskStateId (listed in ReviewTaskStates) 1 = Active 2 = Completed 3 = Invalidated


SuggestedEditId (for suggested edits, which have their own numbering for historical reasons) CompletedByReviewTaskId id associated to the ReviewTaskResult that stores the outcome of a completed review. SuggestedEdits If both approval and rejection date are null then this edit is still in review (and its corresponding entry in ReviewTasks will have an active state as well).

Id PostId CreationDate ApprovalDate - NULL if not approved (yet). RejectionDate - NULL if not rejected (yet). OwnerUserId Comment Text Title Tags RevisionGUID SuggestedEditVotes Id SuggestedEditId UserId VoteTypeId (listed in the VoteTypes table) 2 = Approve (technically UpMod) 3 = Reject (technically DownMod) CreationDate TargetUserId TargetRepChange Tags Id TagName Count ExcerptPostId (nullable) Id of Post that holds the excerpt text of the tag WikiPostId (nullable) Id of Post that holds the wiki text of the tag TagSynonyms Id SourceTagName TargetTagName CreationDate OwnerUserId AutoRenameCount LastAutoRename Score ApprovedByUserId ApprovalDate Votes Id PostId VoteTypeId (listed in the VoteTypes table) 1 = AcceptedByOriginator 2 = UpMod (AKA upvote) 3 = DownMod (AKA downvote) 4 = Offensive 5 = Favorite (UserId will also be populated) 6 = Close (effective 2013-06-25: Close votes are only stored in table: PostHistory) 7 = Reopen 8 = BountyStart (UserId and BountyAmount will also be populated) 9 = BountyClose (BountyAmount will also be populated) 10 = Deletion 11 = Undeletion 12 = Spam 15 = ModeratorReview 16 = ApproveEditSuggestion UserId (present only if VoteTypeId in (5,8); -1 if user is deleted) CreationDate Date only (2018-07-31 00:00:00 time data is purposefully removed to protect user privacy) BountyAmount (present only if VoteTypeId in (8,9)) xxxTypes Not listed here:

  • xxxTypes tables which list (Id, Name) pairs for Posts.PostTypeId, Votes.VoteTypeId, etc. See Show all types for an up-to-date list of all types.

All Tables/Columns/Type Find the exact T-SQL datatype and length/precision of each specific column in this query:

List all Fields in all Tables on SEDE

TIMESTAMPS All timestamps are UTC, default format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss (stored with milliseconds).

Example of conversion current time to PST (including DST) using At Time Zone:

SELECT GetDate() At Time Zone 'UTC' At Time Zone 'Pacific Standard Time' To list time zones: SELECT * FROM sys.time_zone_info


Entity Framework mapping and LINQ to EF that use StackOverflow database






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