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web.config settings

codeulike edited this page Oct 23, 2017 · 2 revisions

web.config settings

Description of CrissCross's web.config settings in more detail:

Vital settings

These need to be set for CrissCross to run:


  • set this to the url of the root folder of your SSRS reports folders. It will usually be something like http://your-ssrs-server/reportserver . The ReportViewer component uses this to connect to the SSRS server



  • CrissCross can either run the reports as the logged in user, or run as a fixed user. Turning off Impersonation and using a Fixed User is easier to get started with, but turning Impersonation on makes CrissCross more useful. Note that Impersonation works best when CrissCross is running on the SSRS server itself. See the Impersonation Mode documentation for more details.


  • If ImpersonationLoggedOnUser is false, these settings must be set to a valid domain/username/password for running SSRS reports. For best results, set the web app's Application Pool (in IIS) to run under the same account.

Also, further down in the web config: <identity impersonate="true/false"/>

  • This must be set to the same true/false value as ImpersonateLoggedOnUser

Other settings


  • CrissCross queries information from the SSRS Report Log (see connection strings, below). If you'd rather not do that, set this value to false. If false, features like report history for users and lists of most commonly used reports are not available.

In <ConnectionStrings> :


  • Set this to point at your SSRS database (the database that holds SSRS settings). It will usually be a database called ReportServer on the SSRS server. CrissCross uses this to fetch info about previous report runs from the report log - hence only the datareader role in necessary for the SQL user.


  • If you want to call the app something other than CrissCross (e.g. Acme Reports or something) then set this.


  • The homepage has a section called 'Featured Reports' that shows key reports (as defined in ExtraConfig.xml). If you want to change the title of this section (e.g. to 'Daily reports' or something) then change this


  • Controls whether the 'Everyone's Most Used' reports section appears on the homepage, which lists the top 5 most used reports accross all users. Note that crisscross.UseReportHistory also needs to be on for this to work.


  • for debugging - if true, the Report page displays a debug log at the bottom of the page where the client-side javascript will write log messages


  • The default of "2008" will work for most versions of SSRS/SQL, including SSRS/SQL 2014 and later. If targeting SSRS 2005 change this to "2005" - the SSRS execution log is a slightly different format for SSRS 2005


  • If set to true, and a database of the correct format is created (see Resources/CreateDatabase_CrissCrossHistory.sql script) then CrissCross will write details of each CrissCross report run to this database. A connection string must also be set, see below


  • When reading default dates for date parameters and when reading parameters for previous runs from the SSRS history, CrissCross needs to convert dates from the string format that SSRS stores them in. This will typically be the culture settings of the ReportServer database.


  • CrissCross reads (optional) extra report configuration from the 'ExtraConfig' file. This setting defines where the ExtraConfig file is.

In <ConnectionStrings> :


  • If crisscross.StoreCrissCrossHistory is true and you have set up the database (see Resources/CreateDatabase_CrissCrossHistory.sql script) then this connection string should give a writeable connection to the CrissCrossHistory database
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