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Themeable message dialog for React & Fluent UI.

Platform Compatibility

iOS Android Web


Message dialog

Info dialog

Warning dialog

Error dialog


Module requires styled-components and some theme variable initalizations before it can be used, and to be rendered as an app parent.

Required theme variables:

  • colors.text - Title text color used when generic message dialog is displayed
  • colors.primary - Title text color used when info message dialog is displayed
  • colors.warning - Title text color used when warning message dialog is displayed
  • colors.error - Title text color used when error message dialog is displayed
  • fonts.xLarge - Title text font style

For colors to be combined with Fluent UI theme, it can be initialized and redered at the same place where ThemeProvider from @fluentui/react:

import { ThemeProvider as StyledThemeProvider } from 'styled-components';
import { ThemeProvider as FluentUiThemeProvider, createTheme } from '@fluentui/react';
import { App } from './app';

const fluentUiTheme = createTheme({
    palette: ...

const styledTheme = {
    colors: {
        primary: fluentUiTheme.palette.someColor1,
        text: fluentUiTheme.palette.someColor2,
        warning: fluentUiTheme.palette.someColor3,
        error: fluentUiTheme.palette.someColor4,
    fonts: {
        xLarge: fluentUiTheme.fonts.xLarge,

export const AppThemeWrapper = () => (
    <StyledThemeProvider theme={styledTheme}>
        <FluentUiThemeProvider theme={fluentUiTheme}>
            <App />


Before dialog can be displayed, it needs to be rendered within App as a descendant of theme providers:

import { MessageDialog } from '';

export const App = () => (
        <MessageDialog />
        ...other app components

When MessageDialog component is rendered, it can be displayed from anywhere within the app:

import {
} from '';

export const MyComponent = () => {
    const [, { open, close }] = useMessageDialogActions();
    const showDialog = () => open({
        title: 'Message dialog title',
        message: 'Message dialog message.',
        type: MESSAGE_DIALOG_TYPE.none, // or | MESSAGE_DIALOG_TYPE.warning | MESSAGE_DIALOG_TYPE.error
        actions: [ // optional action buttons
                id: 'primaryAction',
                handler: close,
                text: 'Primary Action',
                isPrimary: true
                id: 'secondaryAction',
                handler: ...,
                text: 'Secondary Action'
        onOpen: () => {
            // optinal callback when dialog is open
        onClose: () => {
            // optinal callback when dialog is closed
    return (
            <Button onPress={showDialog}>Show Dialog</Button>


symbol description
MessageDialog message dialog component
useMessageDialogActions hook used to control message dialog visibility
MESSAGE_DIALOG_TYPE constant used for rendering styled message dialog


Returns an array with open and close close actions on the second index:

const [, { open, close }] = useMessageDialogActions();

open(... open action parameters);

Open action parameters

parameter description
title optional message dialog title (default: empty string)
message message dialog message
type optional message dialog type (default: MESSAGE_DIALOG_TYPE.none)
actions optional message dialog actions, array with objects of shape [{ id: 'unique string action id', handler: () => { /* invoked when button is clicked*/ }, text: 'Action button label', isPrimary: <boolean> }, ...]
onOpen optinal callback when dialog is open
onClose optinal callback when dialog is closed


Themeable message dialog for React & Fluent UI.



