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Welcome to getting started with CDK TypeScript!

This is an introductory project intended to help new users get up and running with the aws-cdk without the need to download or configure a local environment. It's a blank project to be easily built ontop of.

Getting Started

The easiest and simplest way to get started is by clicking the "Gitpod" button below which will open the workspace in an online ide. note: it may take up to 5min for the container to start up so please be patient. Gitpod is an online vscode ide which allows you to play around and code as if running on your machine, but without all the hassle of installing some of the dependencies needed by this repo on your local machine. The only downside to this approach is the in ability to access configurations on your local machine like shell settings and aws credentials for deploying.

Open in Gitpod

If you'd like to run this locally, another option is to install the remote contianer extension and then clone this repo and open in vscode. Or, even easier just click this badge Open in Visual Studio Code and choose the Clone repo in container volume option.

This has the same affect as gitpod, where it will open the project in a docker container, but this time it will be configured with your local vscode's settings as well as mount your aws credentials into the container so you can deploy.

If you'd like run this fully locally, please see the installation steps below.

Once up and running you should see a preconfigured online (or local docker) vscode editor. Complete with some useful extensions + settings and it will already be running the pnpm dia:watch command which generates a .png of the architecture as you save. It is recommended to open the diagram.png file as well as the lib/cdk-ts-starter-stack.ts file next to each other side-by-side to visualize changes in real-time.


This repo has a few dependencies before getting started. Namely:

  • nodejs - v16 or higher
  • pnpm - v6 or higher (npm v8 should also work, but pnpm is preferred)

Once those are installed locally you can:

  • clone the repo git clone
  • install the node deps pnpm i
  • run all the commands listed above (I recommend pnpm dia:watch as well as opening the lib/stack.ts and diagram.png files side by side to watch your changes as you save your files.

Happy coding! 👋

CDK Versionings

NOTE: This project uses the CDK V2 all that means is that it comes with all the stable modules preinstalled instead of needing to manually install them. For instance:


import * as ec2 from "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2";
import * as autoscaling from "@aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling";
// You would have to manually run
// `pnpm add @aws-cdk/aws-ec2`
// `pnpm add @aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling`
// to add both deps


import * as ec2 from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2";
import * as autoscaling from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-autoscaling";
// Since 'aws-cdk-lib' is installed,
// both libs are installed and versions are in sync

To read more on the V2 differences see here

Learning Resources

Useful commands

  • pnpm dia generate a png image of the architecture
  • pnpm dia:watch watch the filesystem for changes and automatically generate images as you save changes
  • pnpm cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template
  • pnpm cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • pnpm cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • pnpm cdk bootstrap configure the aws-cdk in your account/region
  • pnpm build compile typescript to js
  • pnpm watch watch for changes and compile
  • pnpm test perform the jest unit tests


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