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Pull Request Policy

Gagandeep Singh edited this page Feb 1, 2020 · 1 revision

The following should be done for any new Pull Request(PR) made to this repository,

  1. The PR should be labelled with appropriate labels, can be done only by those who have write access.
  2. Provide reviews - Make sure that the PR doesn't break any existing tests, coding style.
  3. Wait period - Wait for the author to respond to the reviews. If they don't respond for continuously two weeks then close that PR and create an issue if the PR was good and wasn't fixing any existing open issue.
  4. If the PR is passing tests and there are no pending reviews then merge the PR, again only for those who have write access.

When to create a new PR?

A contributor can only create a new PR for an open issue, not closed ones. However, if an issue is having more than one open PRs, then the best one is kept opened and the rest are closed in its favour. The following are the criteria for determining the best PR,

  • Activity - If the author of the PR is active in maintaining the PR then it will be kept above other PRs.
  • Test Status - If the tests are passing for a PR then that PR will be considered better.
  • Coding Style - If the coding style is along the lines of the current master, then that PR will have higher chances of being kept opened.
  • Recency - The more recent the PR is, the better it is.

The above policy will be updated only on Sundays.

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