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Next Boiler Plate

Next.JS + Typescript + Next Auth + Tailwind + Shadcnui + Prisma + Supabase + Playwright + Storybook + React Query + Swagger + Next Intl

⚡️ Unleash the power of Next Auth, Tailwind CSS, and Shadcnui to create stunning web experiences.

This comprehensive boilerplate provides a solid foundation for building modern web applications with the latest technologies. It features seamless user authentication, rapid styling with Tailwind CSS, data validation with Zod, toast and response management with axios-config, routes protection and validations with safeEndPoint(), CRUD generation shortcut, efficient database interaction with Prisma, and user interface enhancements with Shadcnui

🔥 Key Features:

  • 🛡 Next Auth for Seamless Authentication: Seamlessly manage user authentication, including login, registration, password resets, and email verification.

  • 🎨 Tailwind CSS for Blazing Speed and Consistency + Theming support : Leverage Tailwind CSS's utility-first approach + global theme stylesheets for rapid and consistent styling across all devices.

  • ✔️ Data Validation with Zod: Ensure data integrity and prevent errors with Zod, a powerful JSON schema validator.

  • 📢 Toast and Response Management with Axios-config: Easily display alerts and manage responses with axios-config.

  • 🚧 Routes Protection and Validations with safeEndPoint() hoc: Protect your routes and enforce data validations with the safeEndPoint() hoc.

  • ⚙️ CRUD Generation Shortcut with npm run crud: Quickly generate GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE API routes and server action, based on Prisma schema.

  • 💾 Database Management with Prisma: Efficiently interact with your Postgres database with Prisma, an open-source ORM.

  • 🌟 User Interface Enhancements with Shadcnui: Enhance the user experience with Shadcnui, a react component library for building user interfaces.

  • 📚 Comprehensive Documentation with Swagger: Easily navigate and understand the API endpoints with Swagger documentation, ensuring a smooth integration process for developers.

  • 🧩 Interactive UI Components with Storybook: Utilize Storybook to build and test UI components in isolation, enhancing the development workflow and ensuring consistency across your application.

  • 🌍 Internationalization with Next Intl: Simplify the process of internationalizing your application with Next Intl, providing built-in support for translations, date, and number formatting.

Getting started

Install packages

npm i

Start the local db

npm run db:start

Start the project

npm run dev

Display the db

npm run db:studio

Toast and response

By default ky-config display alerts. Unless you send isToastDisabled:"false" in header request

Routes Protection , and validations 100% TS support with Zod validation


Strongly typed and zod protected API routes

Add public routes to `middleware.ts

Api routes :

Just wrap your handler with the safeEndPoint() hoc,

The signature is the following :

export const PATCH = safeEndPoint(
  async (_req: NextRequest, route, body) => {
    const updatedProduct = await updateProduct({
      id: Number(,
    return NextResponse.json(updatedProduct);
    auth: true, // Is this end point public or private ?
    uriParams: PatchProductModelUriParams, // URI Params zod model
    bodyParams: PatchProductModelBody, // Body params zod model,

It Handles auth error and validations error

Strongly typed server actions

export const updateProduct = safeAction(async ({ id, }): Promise<Product> => {
  return db.product.update({
    where: { id },
}, UpdateProductModelArgs);// Pass here the zod schema for the server action

It handles validations for body and query params with typing

It Handles auth error and validations error

## Session

To make sure you have access to the session, use withSession

## Crud

`npm run crud`

will create GET,POST,PATCH,DELETE, a prisma schema, a zod prisma schema.

## Swagger documentation

All Prisma and Zod models are automatically added to Swagger and can be used as JS Doc above the endpoint. Here is an example from `route.ts`:

 * @swagger
 * /api/product:
 *   get:
 *     description: Get all products
 *     responses:
 *       200:
 *         description: Returns a list of products
 *         content:
 *           application/json:
 *             schema:
 *               type: array
 *               items:
 *                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductModel'
 *       400:
 *         description: Bad request if the product data is invalid
export const GET = safeEndPoint(async (req: NextRequest) => {
  const product = await db.product.findMany({});
  return NextResponse.json(product || { error: true, message: "Not found" }, {
    status: StatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST,
}, {auth : true });

In this example, the Product schema from Prisma and Zod is used in the Swagger documentation for the GET endpoint of the /api/product route. This provides a clear and accurate description of the data structure expected in the response.


Storybook is a tool for developing UI components in isolation. It makes building stunning UIs organized and efficient.

To run Storybook, use the following command:

npm run storybook

This command starts Storybook locally and outputs the address. Depending on your system configuration, it will automatically open the address in your default browser.

End to end testing with Playwright

Playwright is a Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit with a single API. It enables cross-browser web automation that is ever-green, capable, reliable, and fast.

To run Playwright tests, use the following command:

npm run test:e2e

Unit and Integration testing with testing-library

npm run test:unit


npm run test:integration

Theming in this project is managed using Tailwind CSS, which is a utility-first CSS framework. The theme configuration is primarily handled through the tailwind.config.js file where you can define your color palette, font sizes, spacing, and other related settings.

Theme Configuration Files

The theme-related styles are organized into several CSS files:

  • theme-colors.css: Defines the color schemes used across the application.
  • theme-globals.css: Sets up global styles that apply to all parts of the application.
  • theme-components.css: Contains specific styles for components to ensure consistent design.

Using Tailwind in Components

You can apply the Tailwind classes directly in your React components to control their styling. For example, to use the primary color and apply some padding, you might write:


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