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V-CAF: vanity-crypto-address-factory

Go License Code style


Why this repo

I saw quite a lot beautiful address in the web3, which let me thought, it might be a common needs for everyone. So I decide to write a helper for anyone to find the crypto address meaningful.

What's a vanity address? A vanity address is an address which part of it is chosen by yourself, making it look less random.

Examples: 0xc0ffee254729296a45a3885639AC7E10F8888888, or 0x999999cf1046e68e36E1aA2E0E07105eDDD1f08E. the previous one is ending with 8888888, the last one ie starting with 999999. You can also define any pattern for yourself.

The mechanism behinds the code is really simple. it is similiar as collison attach. The code will keep generating address UNTIL there is one matching the regex pattern. So, if your patter is complicated, it might take couple of days for the code to find out your dream address.

Hope you like this tool and it helps you.


As you can check the code by youself, everything is computed only in your localbox. Nothing ever leaves your machine, or even your command line tool. Everything vanishes when you close your runtime window.


Any address generated with Vanity-ETH is compatible with the crypto type you choose, which means you can use it for an ICO, an airdrop, or just to withdraw your funds from an exchange.

Normally the wallet (no matter MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, Mist, Arweave or whatever) will provide a way as "import your wallet with private key". And you can start from there

I'm a developer, what I can help

Ok, I think two things will be really helpful for this tool

  1. add more supported crypto type. As you see, it only support ethereum and arweave. Welcome to submit PR for any new crypto. For any newcrypto adding, plz create a separated folder and code it following the pattern
  2. add opencl GPU accelaration. This code is majorly on cpu now, whch means SLOW. And unfortunately, I'm not farmiliar with GPU coding. If any expert can help on, it will be awesome to accelerate everyone's treasure-huntings

Build from source

go mod tidy
go build
go run vcaf.go -c "arweave" "^6.*8$"


vcaf -h
wave 0.2.0 (8e7c6876)
Usage: vca [--workers WORKERS] [--number NUMBER] [--output OUTPUT] PATTERN

Positional arguments:
  PATTERN                Regex pattern to match the wallet address

  --workers WORKERS, -w WORKERS
                         Number of workers to spawn [default: 4]
  --number NUMBER, -n NUMBER
                         Number of wallets to generate [default: 1]
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                         Output directory [default: ./keyfiles]
  --help, -h             display this help and exit
  --version              display version and exit


vcaf -c "ethereum" ".*8$"
Pattern: /.*8$/
Outputs: keyfiles
Workers: 1
Wallets: 1
[WORKER1] address: 0xA1aD3315c2fcbf1d5BCa590a4F28A30406E71760 | match: false]
[WORKER1] address: 0x9b5cDc04FE34C0BECd04f5C048a9FD8ac3aa8005 | match: false]
[WORKER1] address: 0x9B2d82f720E442946907938917FF5efa26295ff6 | match: false]
[WORKER1] address: 0xd549A4910756526CfF3bcb1B8EEcb91e1784152b | match: false]
[WORKER1] address: 0xeB4Ac11100Cf5c895144bA6E7c16F0DE6cb2C6af | match: false]
[WORKER1] address: 0xC94A7f5470E3bE4919F882cD3Ae0F7D76ce4A8E8 | match: true]
[MATCH] address: 0xC94A7f5470E3bE4919F882cD3Ae0F7D76ce4A8E8
[EMIT] keyfile: keyfiles\ethereum-keyfile-0xC94A7f5470E3bE4919F882cD3Ae0F7D76ce4A8E8.json

What I get so far

I ran vcaf -c "ethereum" "^0x666.*8888$"

and I got

0x666885a437BaF927cE2424E7f353e5c264818888 what a fancy address!

Thanks to

  1. for the arweave code
  2. chatgpt, which helps write the ethereum code. Awesome AI!
  3. Stable Diffusion, which helps me to generate the banner image


If you like the tool, you can send your tips over to 0x90822EE56ffBC14F3216846D967459aF268ed80C 💛💛💛. ERC20 token is accepted.


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