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📃 About

The following repository hosts the source codes for AlgoWorld Swapper. Free and open-source swapper that allows for trustless transfers of assets on Algorand blockchain and extensibility.

⚠️ NOTE: algoworld-contracts used by the swapper are not formally audited by accredited third parties. However, contracts are a basis for certain functionality on the platform and were created in collaboration with Solution Architect from Algorand (credits @cusma).


  • Node >= 14.x
  • yarn >= 1.12.15
  • vercel cli >= 24.2.4
  • pre-commit >= 2.19.0

pre-commit configuration

Run the following command from the root of the repo to setup hooks:

pre-commit install # for all hooks
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg # for commitlint checks

🚀 Overview

AlgoWorld Swapper currently offers usage of several smart signatures used for single and multi ASA transfers.


There are two different types of smart signatures available:

  • ASA to ASA swap | 🎴↔️🎴:
    Allows performing a swap of any single ASA of specified amount to any other single ASA of specified amount.

  • ASAs to ALGO swap | 🎴🎴🎴↔️💰:
    Allows performing a swap of multiple ASAs of specified amount to ALGO of specified amount.

Detailed documentation is work in progress ⚠️

⚙️ Development guide

To start the project locally:

  1. Create virtual environment for python functions:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
  1. Install all dependencies
pip install -r api/swappers/requirements.txt
  1. Run the client locally:
vercel dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Running vercel dev for the first time will prompt you to setup and link with your existing/new vercel project. You can create a dummy project and link it to be able to run the development locally.

Env variables

For running locally create a file called .env.local and fill it with the following default parameters (or replace with your own values):

Variable Name Required? Description
AW_WEB_STORAGE_API_KEY yes obtain your own api key on .
NEXT_PUBLIC_CHAIN_TYPE yes set to mainnet or testnet to indicate which chain to use by default.
NEXT_PUBLIC_GA_MEASUREMENT_ID no a tag value for Google Analytics tracking. For local dev purposes you can skip it completely.
NEXT_PUBLIC_SENTRY_DSN no a tag value for Sentry error tracking. For local dev purposes you can skip it completely.

Directory Structure

  • public — Static assets such as robots.txt, images, and favicon.
  • src — Application source code, including pages, components, styles.
  • api — Serverless vercel functions, contract compilation is using python and pyteal and ipfs storage is done with node.
  • .pre-commit-config.yaml — pre commit coniguration for formatting python serverless functions.


The section describes different modes of running the swapper for local dev purposes.

Client and functions

  • vercel dev - executes both backend and frontend.

Frontend only

Below is for frontend client only (excluding Vercel serveless functions).

  • yarn dev — Starts the application in development mode at http://localhost:3000.
  • yarn build — Creates an optimized production build of your application.
  • yarn start — Starts the application in production mode.
  • yarn type-check — Validate code using TypeScript compiler.
  • yarn lint — Runs ESLint for all files in the src directory.
  • yarn format — Runs Prettier for all files in the src directory.
  • yarn commit — Run commitizen. Alternative to git commit.

Path Mapping

TypeScript are pre-configured with custom path mappings. To import components or files, use the @ prefix.

import { Button } from '@/components/Button';

// To import images or other files from the public folder
import avatar from '@/public/avatar.png';

🧪 Testing


📜 License

This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the file for more information.

⭐️ Stargazers

Special thanks to everyone who forked or starred the repository ❤️

Stargazers repo roster for @AlgoWorldNFT/algoworld-swapper

Forkers repo roster for @AlgoWorldNFT/algoworld-swapper


⚡️ Free and trustless ASA swapper, powered by Algorand







No packages published


  • TypeScript 94.5%
  • Python 3.2%
  • JavaScript 2.3%