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Comprende - List Comprehensions for JavaScript

Comprende is a JavaScript library for building compiled, parameterized list comprehensions.


  • Iterate over arrays or numeric ranges.
  • Supports both string-based comprehensions and chained comprehension expressions.
  • Expressions are compiled into functions and memoized on first use.
  • Expressions can and should be parameterized to improve performance and security.

Get Started


Incorrect use of Comprende on the server-side can lead to SQL Injection-like attacks. Always use the params object for parameterized queries.

You will also get better performance using params because it allows an expression to be compiled only once, instead of once per parameter.

Don't do this:

comprende(list1).from('i').where('i.a == ' + value).exec(); //BAD

Do this instead:

comprende(list1, { value: 1 }).from('i').where('i.a == params.value').exec(); //GOOD

The comprende Global Function

Use Comprende via the comprende() global function.

comprende([array list])
comprende(string expression, [array list])
comprende(string expression, [object params])
comprende(string expression, [array list], [object params])
comprende([object params])

array list

Uses the passed array as the source of the comprehension. If the comprehension includes an of clause, the array argument is optional.

object params

Makes the object's properties available within expressions via the params object.

string expression

The expression to be comprehended.

String Comprehensions

comprende('from i of [0..10] where i % 2 === 0 select i orderBy i').exec();

from itemIdentifier

Specifies the local variable name of the currently iterated item.

of range

Specifies the source list for the comprehension.

where expression

Specifies the filter criteria for the comprehension.

orderBy expression

Specifies the sort order for the comprehension's results.

orderByDesc expression

Specifies the reversed sort order for the comprehension's results.

select expression

Specifies the resultant value of each item returned by the comprehension (AKA map).

Chained Comprehensions

comprende().from('i').of('[0..10]').where('i % 2 === 0').select('i').orderBy('i').exec()

.from(string itemIdentifier)

Specifies the local variable name of the currently iterated item.

.of(string rangeExpression | array list)

Specifies the source list for the comprehension.

.where(string expression | function func | object filterObject)

Specifies the filter criteria for the comprehension.

.orderBy(string expression)

Specifies the sort order for the comprehension's results.

.orderByDesc(string expression)

Specifies the reversed sort order for the comprehension's results.

.select(string expression | function func | array fieldList)

Specifies the resultant value of each item returned by the comprehension (AKA map).

Executing the Comprehension

Chain from, of, where, orderBy, and select methods together, then execute the comprehension with one of the following methods:

exec() aka all()

Returns the results of the comprehension.

each(func, [context])

Executes func on each of the comprehension results. The optional argument context will be the this for the mapping function.

func should have the signature: (element, index, list).


Returns the first item of the comprehension. If n is provided, an array of up to n items will be returned.

map(func, [context])

Returns the comprehension results transformed by func. The optional argument context will be the this for the mapping function.

func should have the signature: (element, index, list).

Range Comprehensions

Range Syntax

[start..end, (step)]

Range Examples

comprende('from i of [0..10] where i % 2 === 0 select i').exec(); //[0,2,4,6,8,10]
comprende('from i of [0..10,2] select i').exec(); //[0,2,4,6,8,10]


Comprende can run in the browser or in Node.

Comprende requires Underscore.js.


Comprende is distributed under the MIT license as tweetware. If you like it, please tweet about it.


Comprende was written by Jason Stehle.


Comprende was influenced by and borrows from Linq, Python, CoffeeScript, and SQL.