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Zoran Simic edited this page Jul 13, 2021 · 1 revision

Release history

2.5.4 (2021-05-24)

  • Package pex with oldest supported python

2.5.2 (2021-05-21)

  • Downgraded pex and click, test packaging with both oldest and newest supported version

2.5.0 (2021-05-21)

  • Dropped support for python2
  • Corrected edge case when detecting development mode run

2.4.7 (2021-05-05)

  • Bumped deps, using latest pex

2.4.6 (2021-04-08)

  • Bumped deps, using latest pex
  • Better diagnostics

2.4.4 (2021-03-30)

  • Keep older versions for a minimum of 1 hour
  • Using pex 2.1.36
  • Added bootstrap tests, bumped runez

2.4.2 (2021-03-23)

  • Prefer pyenv-installed pythons, when configured/available
  • Using pex 2.1.34

2.3.2 (2021-02-11)

  • Keep virtualenv.pyz for 1 day in cache
  • Create venvs with a bootstrapped virtualenv when module venv is not available
  • Using latest pex 2.1.30

2.2.11 (2021-01-20)

  • Added progress spinner
  • Remove PYTHONPATH from env vars if present, use pip install --isolated
  • Generalized package contents inspection
  • Respect VIRTUALENV_PIP env var if present
  • Look into .dist-info only for entry points

2.2.4 (2021-01-07)

  • Using latest pex 2.1.24
  • Perform potential git clone while holding the installation lock
  • Added config path output to base sub-command
  • Allow to install from folder as well (in addition to git url)
  • Special case for ansible
  • Moved repo to github/codrsquad

2.2.3 (2020-11-17)

  • Allow installation from git repo url
  • Respect --no-compile for all package implementations
  • Removed package --no-sanity-check CLI flag
  • base command can now show path of meta folder and audit.log
  • Use bundled virtualenv only when running from a venv (not from a pex)
  • Error out early if an unusable python is requested, explicitly accept invoker to represent python pickley was packaged with

2.1.9 (2020-11-06)

  • Added facultative setting, allowing to optionally install packages (if not there already)
  • Removed python2 support for packaging via pex
  • Removed default sanity check, use pickley package --sanity-check=--version to enable it explicitly
  • Use logging level INFO by default for pickley package
  • Always use virtualenv instead of the builtin venv module
  • Upgraded to pex 2.1.20 when running with python3
  • Simplified to using seconds for install_timeout and version_check_delay
  • Much lighter pex package (500K, down from 5MB)
  • Better bootstrap, multiple fall-back ways to query pypi
  • Automatically "heal" installed venvs (when underlying python is moved for example)
  • Moved to Github Actions instead of Travis

2.0.14 (2020-10-15)

  • Workaround for
  • compileall packaged venvs by default (can be turned off via --no-compile)
  • Disable OSX ARM explicitly for now
  • Respect --python CLI flag in package command
  • Prevent OSX framework python from polluting created venvs
  • Show why sanity check failed in package command
  • Publish with python 3.8
  • Properly compare versions when auto-determining desired version
  • Corrected determination of invoker python on Linux
  • Corrected bootstrap case when py3 becomes available after initial install
  • Default to using /usr/bin/python3 when possible (was sticking to system python before)
  • Default to using self-upgrading wrapper instead of symlinks
  • Refactored, simplified code
    • Not using temporary build venvs anymore, dropped support for relocating venvs
    • 3x faster now when installing average sized projects
    • Added commands: base, config, diagnostics, upgrade
    • Removed commands: copy, move, settings

1.9.19 (2020-02-18)

  • Log more debug info on pip wheel run
  • Corrected venv creation with py3
  • Default to absolute venvs (non-relocatable), as relocatable venvs are tricky to keep working