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Cody's Linux Rice (Artix / Arch / Void)


  • Artix: Yes, I use this rice on my Artix desktop daily
  • Arch: Kinda, after some minor tweaks it should be fine on Arch.
  • Void: No, I used to use void on desktop and laptop but not anymore. The config is outdated.


  • A minimal but useable desktop environment for my personal use.
  • Supports live theme changing.
Key Value
Os Artix
Init system OpenRC
Display server X11
Display init xs (
Window manager i3-gaps
Shell (bin/sh) Dash
Shell (Login) Fish
Terminal St (
Launcher Dmenu (
Status bar Shapebar (
Prompt Starship (
Text editor NeoVim
Compositor Picom
AUR helper Paru
Keymap Physical: QMK (
Notable Utils Scrot, Slock, Feh, Fzf, Ag, Bat, Eza, Dust, Btop, Paclog
Themes Nord, Gruvbox, Hawkrad, Tokyo Night, Space, Dark

Example Image

Nord Theme Example

Usefull Shortcuts

  • C: Control, S:Shift, M:Mod.
  • M = Mod (windowskey).


  • M-f = close window
  • M-b = open terminal
  • M-j = open browser
  • M-h = open dmenu
  • M-Space = toggle popup terminal
  • M-a = focus left window
  • M-o = focus right window
  • M-u = focus up window
  • M-e = focus down window
  • M-S-a = move left window
  • M-S-o = move right window
  • M-S-u = move up window
  • M-S-e = move down window
  • M-k = split horizontally from now on
  • M-p = split vertically from now on
  • M-r = toggle into resize mode
  • a = (resize mode) decrease width
  • o = (resize mode) increase width
  • u = (resize mode) decrease height
  • e = (resize mode) increase height
  • M-n = toggle fullscreen for selected window
  • M-S-f = toggle floating mode for selected window
  • M-z = increase gap size
  • M-S-z = decrease gap size
  • M-x = set gap size to default
  • M-S-x = set gap size to 0
  • M-(q,g,m,l,w,y) = switch to workspace n
  • M-S(q,g,m,l,w,y) = move window to workspace n
  • M-S-d = reload config file
  • M-S-s = restart i3, keep windows open
  • M-S-t = close i3, xserver


  • Mouse to select text(if you want)
  • C-u = scroll up
  • C-e = scroll down
  • C-S-Pgup = increase font size
  • C-S-Pgdn = decrease font size
  • C-S-c = copy
  • C-S-v = paste
  • C-v = Select mode (Vim-like)
    • a,u,e,o = Move around
    • arrows = Move around
    • s = Toggle select mode
    • t = Toggle block mode
    • Escape = Quit select mode
    • Return = Quit select mode and keep selection
    • /, ? = Search forward, backwards
    • n, N = Next, previous search result


Install Rice:

  1. Assuming you have internet access now and you only have artix installed.
  2. Login as a normal user.
  3. Install git (or include it in pacstrap): sudo pacman -S git
  4. Make a dir for all git projects: mkdir ~/git
  5. Goto the new dir: cd ~/git
  6. Pull this repo(assuming you read this on another device): git clone
  7. cd ~/git/linux-rice/artix
  8. Give exec rights: chmod +x
  9. Run it ./
  10. It does stuff(installing and copying config files).
  11. You now have the programs, my configs, repos installed, system updated etc.
  12. startx to start the x server.

Configure wifi (wpa, optional):

  1. View your network interfaces sudo ip link show
  2. Pick your interface, called _interface from now.
  3. List all networks by running sudo iw dev interface scan | grep -i ssid
  4. Pick one called _ssid from now.
  5. You know the password for the network, called _key from now.
  6. Backup example conf: cp /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-std.conf
  7. Populate the conf with our data. wpa_passphrase _ssid _key >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
  8. For some reason had to do killall wpa_applicant;
  9. wpa_supplicant -B -i<interface_name> -c<path/to/configuration/file> -Dwext
  10. dhcpcd _interface
  11. Should work now, pacman -Syu and ping somewebsite should work.
  12. If not, i also had to repeat some steps. If it prompts that it has this file in /usr/.... after step 10, just remove it with rm filename. and repeat step 10.

Confige wifi (connmanctl, optional):

  1. connmanctl
  2. enable wifi
  3. scan wifi
  4. agent on
  5. connect wifi_...

Some tid bits

  • mount boot partition to /mnt/boot, but install grub with grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=grub
  • If you use grub and it boots to an grub terminal instead of the menu, boot from usb again, arch-chroot into your system, install grub with --removable flag.
  • when chrooted in, install pacman -S iwd dhcpcd as they are only present at the install iso and not in your fresh system.
  • Install sudo pacman -S sudo
  • Make a normal user useradd -m username and set password passwd username
  • Add user as sudoer su -c visudo, scroll down till you see root ALL=(ALL) ALL, add under that line username ALL=(ALL) ALL

More Examples

Gruvbox Theme Example Hawkrad Theme Example