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Questionnaire SexualStyle

Wolfgang Maehr edited this page Aug 7, 2012 · 1 revision

IMPORTANT: WORK IN PROGRESS This is work in progress for Karen, this note will be removed once done

Please set the missing fields in the questions below

The Sexual Style section of the questionnaire explores sexual preferences and compatibility.

Note: All these questions shall follow the Four Answer Format.

Sexual Style

Fantasy 1

We are in the movies watching a thriller. Sitting next to you, I begin to stroke your inner thigh. Since everyone is glued to the screen, I begin to do some exploring with my hand….

Yes, and I let out a small moan No, we are watching a movie for crying out loud!

  • ID: 1
  • Topic: sexualstyle
  • Question:
  • Type: 4-Answer
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Fantasy 2

I begin massaging you through the pants and unzipping your pants

No, stop that! Eyes glued to the screen but with a little naughty grin

  • ID: 2
  • Topic: sexualstyle
  • Question:
  • Type: 4-Answer
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Have you ever had an orgasm?

Yes No I don’t know how it feels

  • ID: 3
  • Topic: sexualstyle
  • Question:
  • Type: 4-Answer
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If your partner became the top and you became the bottom which meant to be a nice surprise, would you be mad?

Yes No I don’t care really

  • ID: 4
  • Topic: sexualstyle
  • Question:
  • Type: 4-Answer
    • Answer1:
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